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sleeve 4 me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by sleeve 4 me

  1. I may regret asking this, but what does LMAO mean? I've seen it several times...

  2. Just ENJOY yourself and don't stress...you can only eat a little of everything anyway :)...HAVE FUN!

  3. Hey Ms. E...when were you sleeved again??? It seems like you're getting to the mushie stage pretty fast...but I know every surgeon is different :)

  4. Just got the CUTEST red Valentines Day dress to wear on my date with my hubby. I can't wait to wear it!!!

  5. 196 omg! AWESOME!!!!! Honestly though you look like you're 165-170 in person :)-you are going to be the modern day twiggy at goal :)

  6. I love these Lily Slim tickers...too cute :)

  7. You sure do!!! They are all around us :)

  8. They are sooooooo backed up, they can't take anymore patients...

  9. 2nd day and no weigh ;) yayyy! It actually helped keep me in check...I don't want to gain that's for sure!!!

  10. OMG I just learned in options today that Harbor City, Lancaster, West LA Kaisers are not taking anymore patients...girrrrrrl you barely made!!! Whoo hoo for you!

  11. I didn't weigh today yayyyy! I will see that scale next Thursday...I think it's really going to help me :) We'll see

  12. I got scared straight tonight...I need to really focus and use this God given tool to the fullest, and stop playing around :( so I can lose the next 12 lbs


  14. My awesome son purchased the Biggest Loser XBOX Kinect game for me and sorry to say it's kinda boring...maybe cuz I don't know how to really work it yet. Does anyone else have this game? So far, I like Dance Central waaaaay better.

  15. Well at least it won't go up :)

  16. OK so have you stopped weighing everyday??? Tomorrow is my 5 month date, and I'm thinking of not weighing until next THURSDAY OMG!!!! The scale stresses me out with the stalls :(...It will be sooo sad if in another week I'm the same :(

  17. 76 lbs. down is INCREDIBLE girlie! WE ARE GONNA DO THIS, I KNOW IT! And I'm going to STOP weighing everyday :( ...after my weigh in tomorrow LOL!!!

  18. I don't remember having homework in options lol...

  19. I LOVE YOUR HEARTS! Too cute!!!!!

  20. I hope we can get to goal by our 1 year date :)

  21. Girl how you doin????? I saw your 20 lbs. to goal, that is so awesome. I have 22 lbs. to go :). It's so hard to imagine getting there cuz I'm losing SO SLOWLY now :(, BUT I know it will happen. I've only lost 4 lbs. this month (so far) and it's the lowest amount I've lost-my lowest before was 6.8 lbs.

  22. Going hiking tomorrow yayyyyyyy!

  23. Hosted a Dance Central Party tonight! It was soooo FUN!!!!!

  24. Love your new pic :)

  25. I think I've really got to stop weighing everyday...we'll see lol

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