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sleeve 4 me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by sleeve 4 me

  1. I HATE TOM UP 1.2 LBS :(

  2. Would someone please tell me WHY they have to make low rise so darn LOW? UGH!!!

  3. He's sooo cute!!!



  6. See you tomorrow :)

  7. My Casey and Lauren made it to the final 10 last night on American Idol yayyyy...but my Clint went home :( ...I'm glad Stefano made the wild card though :)

  8. Hi there! Just checkin in on you :) praying all is well!

  9. I'm just checking on your ticker wonder woman hee hee...

  10. I love your kitty cat :) very pretty

  11. Hope to see you at the SO-CAL hike/get together on Saturday March 5th :)

  12. 6 month sleeve anniversary...158 and I feel great :) it's time to celebrate!!!!

  13. Love your new profile pic! You look Awesome!!!!!

  14. I was checking on you, n just now saw your reply. 179 is AWESOME :). INCREDIBLE! I'm sooo HAPPY for YOU :). OK do u remember those jean leggings I bought from Kohls? I was so happy to get in the 14s, then 12s, well I just skipped the 10's and now I fit in the 8's perfectly yay! GOD IS GOOD! AND I'm 9 lbs. away from being NORMAL weight! I truly can't believe it. Hallelujah! HUGS TO YOU MY SISTER

  15. OK I don't drink my protein shake everyday or enough water...I'm on it!!! :) Thanks!

  16. I have to say I love American Idol better than ever before...Jennifer Lopez and Steve Tyler are AWEOME :)

  17. OK how do you do it? What's your secret? Do you ever cheat? Do you go 100% by the sleeve book? Do you exercise? Do you journal? I'm bad. I ate a whole jelly donut today :( HELP!!!

  18. OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR REAL!!!! :) YOU ARE AWESOME!

  19. 193???? Yayyyyyyy! You totally inspire me :) YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Hey girl! So did you call?????

  21. Girrrrrl YOU ARE SO BLESSED!!!!! I felt TERRIBLE the first 2 weeks! That is wonderful news :)

  22. Where are your Rubidoux pics :) ????? I'm sooooo PROUD OF YOU SLEEVE SISTER!!!!

  23. Hahahaha! Girl I WISH I was 156 lol!! You go girl!!!

  24. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. HOW DO YOU FEEL??? How did it go???

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