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sleeve 4 me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by sleeve 4 me

  1. The Grand Canyon was awesome! So beautiful!!!


  3. Girrl don't hold your breath too long lol...I think it's going to take me forever to lose these last lbs...it's so ok though, I would have gained it all back by now, so I'm good :)...

  4. Off to the Grand Canyon in a few minutes :) yayyyy

  5. Hi Girlie! How are you doin????

  6. You're 153 now yayyyyyyy! I can't wait to join you :) AWESOME!

  7. THANKS for all your help Alex...I think I'm up and running again :)

  8. Hello there! I had a terrible time after surgery. I was weak, couldn't drink and hardly eat. By day 14 I felt normal again. All I can tell you is it does get better with time. The main thing is you try and drink as much water as possible, and move around. Feel better soon :)

  9. Options was awesome! The director heard our testimonials and was so happy...he told his staff he wished he would have recorded it for them! They are changing peoples lives and got to hear it first hand...AMAZING!


  11. I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better-keep me posted

  12. 4.2 lbs. to a NORMAL BMI OMG OMG OMG OMG...It will be a DREAM COME TRUE :)

  13. Hey are you still losing? I was just looking at the pictures from our hike and girl you is skinnnny! I don't think you can afford to lose any more lol! THAT IS SOOOO AWESOME!

  14. Hey we are going to have to celebrate our May birthdays at our next get together :) Yayyyy! (you and Leslie)

  15. OK we are going to have to celebrate your birthday (and Pam's)at our May 7th get together :) yayyyy!

  16. Going back to Options tomorrow :) Pamelaam too yayyy!

  17. Oh noooo! I pray you feel better soon! Let me know how you're appt goes HUGS and PRAYERS

  18. How are you doing girlie???

  19. Love your profile pic :)

  20. P.s. J HUDSON LOOKS PHENOMINAL! Size 6 whoo hooo!

  21. I LOOOOOOVE Weight Watchers! I was thinking the SAME thing. It's the BEST program out there! And I hear a lot has changed for the better. Keep me posted on how you are doing :) I will do the same :) HUGS! Have FUN on VACA :)

  22. I've reached beyond my size goal. I just wanted to be a size 10 and I'm a comfortable size 10 in dresses and a comfortable size 8 in pants (all bottoms). If I NEVER lose another L.B. it's ALLLLLLLL GOOOD! No more stressing out for me LOL- MY GOD I WAS UP TO A SIZE 18W at one point...please remind me of this post if you ever catch me whining, or complaining LOL!

  23. you are almost in the 80's yayyyy!

  24. How was your appointment on Friday???

  25. Checking in on you :)

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