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sleeve 4 me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by sleeve 4 me

  1. awwww you are soo sweet :) WE ARE GOING TO DO THIS TOGETHER Sleeve sister!!!


  3. I LOVE MY TOM SHOES LOL...SUPER COMFY!!! Feels like I'm wearing slippers. Gonna buy another pair tomorrow :)

  4. We are ALL a work in progress, ever changing, ever growing, it's allllll good... :) HUGS!

  5. Please know We all LOVE YOU girl!!! and are SUPER PROUD OF YOU!!!!!

  6. OH NOOOO! OK I went to give another post a star, I hit the first one just thinking that's what I'm supposed to do and only 1 came up, should I hit the last one????...hey maybe the person that gave you a star did the same thing???, just didn't know how the heck to do this lol

  7. OK Found it, I tried to do it twice but it didn't let me hahahahaha! Never knew about that. I have seen it before though :)

  8. ohhhhhhh I didn't know that, I will check it out and I will add some stars for you :)...YOU GO GIRL!!!

  9. girrrrrrrl I saw something on your 7 month update you said...what does the star thing mean????? hahahahaha! How does one put a star on something??? I was like what happened???? lol

  10. Yyayyyyy girlie! Your almost in the 80s :)

  11. Girlll you are small now! Get rid of those big mama clothes lol!

  12. OK I'm actually buying and wearing 6's (capris) now...I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT! FEELS SO GOOD (sniff, sniff)

  13. OK just checking on you and saw that you are eating again! YAYYY! HOW DOES IT FEEL????

  14. Hey did you lose the 5lbs????

  15. OMGOSH I'm soooo excited for you! FRIDAY is the day! email me when you find out :)

  16. LOVIN the new pic! YOU LOOK SUPER SKINNY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Awwww so sorry to hear about Bubbles :( ....HUGS!

  18. Girrrl EVERYTHING is GONE LOL! I only have 1 item I saved and it's a size 18W dress! and it's HUGE LOL :) YAYYYYY!

  19. Did anyone see Kirstie Alley on DWTS last night??? I felt SOOOO bad for her :(

  20. What up yo? You haven't posted ur daily status, miss u :)

  21. Just checking in on you my friend :)

  22. Some exciting and scarrrry news. Finally reached the 50 loss club (post op). And came within 1 foot of an actual rattle snake during my hike. I heard hissing and the rattle and looked down and there it was curled up, I screamed and RAN!!! A fellow hiker heard me and said to make sure I stayed in the center of the trail...needless to say I won't be going back there anytime soon :( SCCAAARRRRRRY!

  23. Love your new picture!!!! :)

  24. 102 degrees, blue sky, snow cap mountains...Lovin Spring Break :)

  25. O wow! I'm so excited for you! A fitness challenge sounds great! Yeah I'm at 155.8 right now, but like I said I totally would have gained it all back and then some before, so I'm good for whatever loss comes my way right now :). Let me know how your fitness program goes :), maybe I will look into that as well.

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