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sleeve 4 me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sleeve 4 me

  1. Thank you! How are you doing??? I've been following your journey! You have such motivation!!! :)

    I'm stable (Not likely to change (back that is) or fail; firmly established) LOL! I have to keep reminding myself I didn't gain this weight back overnight and I can't lose it overnight. I'm seriously changing some bad habits and keeping on!

    My 3 year anniversary is August 27th and I have exactly 4.0 lbs. to be back to my normal bmi goal weight...I would love to do it by then! Fingers (and toes) crossed :D

  2. Girl, you've done WAAAAAAY to good to backslide now. Try doing like I do, weigh every single morning, first thing. Some times I'm up a couple of lbs and some times I'm down a couple of lbs, but I want to make sure if it is what I am doing/eating and not just Water weight - I want to get on it immediately. Shedding two or three lbs is not a big deal, six, eight or ten lbs., that is a little more daunting to me!!!!! C'mon, you will be fine, keep in mind how GOOD it feels to slip into a size SIX!!!!! I bet you're like me....never in your wildest dreams, right???!!!!!!! Good luck!

    Backslide hee hee...LOVE IT LOL!!!! But you are RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my 2nd week getting back track! It's harder this week, since I lost soooo quickly last week...I must do this!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. OK y'all I have exactly 5.0 lbs. to lose to get back to my normal bmi goal weight!!!! And 11 if I want to get back to my lowest weight reached...what's funny is my hubby just told me he really likes me as is, and skinny is not good :(...I shared it's not about skinny for me, but healthy and that's where I want to be with the normal bmi weight.

    Anyhoo, I will keep you all posted. Have a fabulous week! Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I have so been thinking of you lately! Sorry about the gain, but glad to see you back! I know, when I had to change my 1-5 pound gained UP... well... sad face. This sight is all about telling the truth though and people need to tell the truth so we all can get the benefit. I love the support this far out, from the peeps that have been through it! I have lost 1 pound... don't know if it will stick, but I am looking a little better... I think the small amount of weight lifting I am doing might be kicking in and shaping things up a bit. I only lift about 15-20 minutes twice a week after dance class. I am getting some muscles in my arms... and my waist is a little bit smaller looking...cant find my measuring tape for the life of me, Ill heave to get another. Anyway, its still a journey, and theres just not enough energy to supply a happy life and feeling miserable about gaining some weight....so I'm just trying to find my way to stay the same or lose if possible, and enjoy life at the same time. Cheers girls!

    Yes it's all about the TRUTH...the truth sets us free, sometimes hard to face :-( but ultimately is best. That's why I came back and am sharing my story, not to be judged but hopefully it will help someone else. We all need encouragement and support. That's why I started this post as well, so others would know the TRUTH about weight gain post wls.

    I am encouraged to see you dancing, lifting weights, and that you keep keeping on, YOU GO GIRL :-), so awesome!


  5. I haven't posted here in forever! I was one of the ones who only lost 50% of the weight that I needed to - well maybe a little more than 50% - originally leaving still about 45 lbs to lose. And then I gained 18 pounds. So when everyone on this board is talking about being at goal and ony gaining 1-3 pounds, needless to say it got a bit depressing and was easier to just not come to the board anymore. Once I hit the +18 lb mark I stayed the same for months and months regardless of what I would eat. But clearly that is not where I wanted to stay. So found something new that is working for me (I think we all need to find our thing that works) and am already down 4 lbs in the past week. So may even start popping in here more often. Now that I see that I am not the only one gaining :-)


    YOU ARE SOOOO RIGHT! We must find what works for each of us! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU! Miss you!

  6. That is awesome! I'm in the same boat as you. I have about 15# to lose right now to get to my original goal weight of 120#. I had actually gained 18# and like you the clothes I had worn at goal weren't fitting so well. It's easy to slip and think it's still ok but its not. There is also part of the old me that gets into this "I'm always gonna be fat" mindset, so you feel like giving in or up/ whichever.

    Like you said this was just a tool. I never forgot that, but the first year or so, it was so much easier to drop the weight. Now that we have moved well beyond the "honeymoon" phase, it can get frustrating when the scale doesn't move as quickly. My schedule doesn't allow for me to visit a gym, but I live on a small farm outside the city and so with Spring here, I hope that more activity gardening, mowing and working outside will give me some of that extra activity I need to facilitate getting those #'s off. It won't give me the cardio that I really need, so I will just have to be extra diligent with my food selection.

    Ahhh.... I wish we didn't have to work so hard at this but we do. That's just our new "norm".

    I wish you all the best! WE CAN DO THIS! We have a great tool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I have been sooooooo bad! Not weighing weekly, not eating right, and just totally going off :(...I even joined Weight Watchers today just to get me back on track and to STAY ACCOUNTABLE to a weekly weigh in (which I will do here as well).

    I'm up 9 lbs from my goal weight of 150 and up 15 lbs from my lowest weight of 144.

    I want to stay between 145-149. I KNOW I CAN DO THIS! I can't wait until next Saturday!

    So with that said 159 today!

    See ya next Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. OK here it is.

    I had to change my vote from 1-5 lbs. to 10-15 lbs. IT IS POSSIBLE TO GAIN PEOPLE! But I knew that...

    No real shocker.You eat bad, you gain, you eat right, you lose or maintain. I know what I need to do, and what I need to STOP doing immediately.

    It's just a reminder that sleevie is just a tool and not a miracle worker. He ALWAYS does his part. Still can't eat that much. But I have been fooling myself and eating junk to get around him :-(. Only cheating myself.

    Anyway, I'm BACK on TRACK, and I GOT THIS! Can't wait until next Saturdays weigh in!

    Have a great week everyone!

  9. OK the group leader walked up to me when I was in line to weigh in and sign up and asked me if I were a life timer LOL!

    I said nope. They didn't ask about wls so I didn't say, I know they frown on that so yeah.

    SO according to their chart I need to lose 4 lbs to get to goal, according to my own personal chart I need to lose 14 lbs. I can do this, I will do this.

    Need to stop some real bad habits and start back to the good ones!

    Best wishes everyone!

  10. 3 years out.....if you don't mind me asking what's the most weight you've lost? Have you kept most of it off?

    My highest weight that I am aware of is 234 lbs.

    Then using the weight watcher system I got to 216 then again using the ww program I was 204 day of surgery August 2010.

    Got down to 144 (a loss of 60 lbs) with sleevie.

    My last weigh in I was 147 and that was last year sometime, so I'm not sure how much I weigh now, I will find out tomorrow eek!

    I did lose 44 lbs. in about 6 months in 2004 using weight watchers...I just could not maintain the weight loss :-(...but their program WORKS!

    Stay tuned...

  11. Hello my peeps!

    It feels like FOOOOOREVER since I've posted here. I haven't weighed in a looooooong time

    :-(...the last time I weighed myself I was 147 which would be a 3 lb. gain from my lowest of 144. I fear I may be at least 155 now, but not sure.

    I'm still wearing 6-8 however some of the 6's feel snug and I FEEL BLOATED :-(...I have not been eating the way I should and not drinking enough Water (water has always been a problem for me).

    I really need to up my exercise back to 5x a week. I have been going to 1 hour Zumba classes Tues, Wed, but I just bought Zumba Fitness Rush for Xbox Kinect and I really LOVE IT! I can do it at home YAY!

    SOOOOO with that said I have decided to join weight watchers TOMORROW...I have always loved their program and want to learn about the new 360. I heard fruit is 0 points now LOL! And I really really really need to be accountable to a weekly weigh in. I know I'm gonna get what the heck is this girl doing here looks... but I gotta do, what I gotta do :)

    I will probably have to change my weight gain vote from 1-5 lbs to more :-( ....but praying I can get back to that level, I CAN DO IT...Stay tuned...

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