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sleeve 4 me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by sleeve 4 me

  1. HI Sweetie! Just checking in on you :)...Saturday is the big day yayyy!

  2. I just saw your ticker! You are doing so awesome!!! :)

  3. I was just checking in on you girlie, and YOU ARE GOING FOR IT aren't you??? YAYYYYYYYY! Keep on keeping on!!!!

  4. Remembering all those who gave their lives for our freedom. Also remembering those who currently serve and their families, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! xxx

  5. OMG me and friend were just talking about that! I just bought the magazine with Olivia on front...maybe because they are young and worked out through out their weight loss???

  6. Pretty AND skinny :)

  7. Love your new pic, I agree with humpty xx

  8. Happy 9 month sleeveiversary to me :) it went by soooo fast!

  9. YES I made goal today! I have a normal BMI now OMG! So surreal! I can't believe!!!!! Anymore weight lost is now icing on the cake :)!!! How are you doing my friend???

  10. Made goal today...looks like I will be going to get my LV on Saturday YAYYYYYY!

  11. Biggest Loser AND American Idol on TONIGHT??? WHYYYYYY???? LOL! Voting for Olivia on BL and Lauren on AI LOL!

  12. I'm stinking proud of you girl!

  13. So close to goal...thinking a louis vuitton purse as my goal reward :)

  14. I'VE LOST THAT BURSTING FEELING!!! Don't you just love the fact that now after you eat you don't have that unbutton or unzip or pass out on the couch feeling???? I feel so stuffed after lunch today after 1 piece of pizza, but yet my clothes aren't bursting at the seems...IT IS SUCH AN AWESOME FEELING!!!!!

  15. Hahahahaha! I like Irene too! She's my 2nd pick :) I hope she makes the final 3 :)

  16. Thanks for the word of encouragement! I'm gonna do this and take it up a notch!!! :)

  17. Awww thanks D!!! I can't believe I'm 1 pound away!!! WOW! But I'm such a slow loser, so it can take a while LOL! But soooo worth the wait :)

  18. OMG YES Olivia and Hannah are in the finals! Yayyyy! I want Olivia to win! She looks AWESOME!

  19. LOVIN your new pics girl! SO INSPIRING!

  20. Me tooooooooo! LOL! I'm losing soooo slowly! But I know it's a comin yayyyyy! Hugs!

  21. I seriously can't believe it! 1 pound!! 1 pound!!!!! I remember saying 80 lbs. at one point of my life! It's sooo hard to believe that I'm here...sniff, sniff.

  22. AHHHHHH I knooooooooow lol! Thanks!

  23. Girrrrl! I just saw your ticker 174! WAY TO GO!!!! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU GIRL!!!!!!!

  24. I saw FAST FIVE today and it was AWESOME! I never saw and of the first four and I have to say this one was a really really good! Now I have to go and rent the others!

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