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sleeve 4 me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by sleeve 4 me

  1. I have to see a ENT specialist UGH!!!! But I have some other appointments I have to take care of first, but I will get to it eventually, this is awful!

  2. OMGOSH OK I Had my FIRST Diet Coke (since August 2010) today and it was soooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!! But I wonder if it's going to affect the scale? We will see...

  3. I will add you to the private message with all the information. We've had people come from Temecula, 29 palms, Palmdale as well.

  4. Hey girlie! We are in So Cal and have monthly meetings...we meet between Rancho Cucamonga, and Riverside...today we met in Corona. Would you like me to add you the meeting invites? or is it too far? Let me know.

  5. Thinking of you wonder woman :) hugs!!!!

  6. OMGOSH GIRL! I can't believe it's finally here!!!!!!!! Yayy!

  7. I just bought my first pair of shorts by waist size only (which terrified me lol) and I got a size 27 100% cotton (no stretch)...thank you sleevie wonder :)

  8. Hey Diva! Let me know when you nor-cal sleevers are meeting in Hayward again...I may just take a road trip up and meet with y'all :)...maybe we could schedule something in central CA, maybe in the Bakersfield area??? in the future as well.

  9. Hey girlie!!!!!!!!! Good to hear from you! Can you believe we will be a year out next month??? omg!!!!! Hey, I have a so cal friend who just recently lost over 10 lbs. at about 17 months post op. So just keep on keeping on! Enjoy the journey, don't stress!!! Hugs!!!!

  10. hahahahahahahahahaha! Girrl I'm just traumatized by the shrugs lol! Now I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeee lol.

  11. Today we salute our brave hero's, the men and women who serve (and their families) so that we can enjoy our freedom this 4th of July :) THANK YOU!

  12. HI Sweets! Just checking in to see how ya doing? HUGS!


  14. I think it's super amazing that you are 190 and a size 6...Your bones and muscle must be heavy that's all! Keep on keeping on girl! YOU ARE DOING SO AWESOME!

  15. Hey girl! Make sure you save your 6's for me lol!!!!!! I really think you are going to end up at 2's or 0's with the amount of weight you still want to lose...And size 6 is what I'm wearing right now, I don't think I will be moving down any time soon :), I'm good!

  16. Today is my 10 month sleeve anniversary :)

  17. Hey girlie! How are you???? Hugs...Sophia

  18. I LOVE your new pic! You look awesome! You go girl!

  19. 148 and feeling great! Gonna have some FUN in the SUN! Have a GREAT weekend everyone! Hey this rhymes lol :)

  20. Hi Stacy! I will send you the info for our next meeting...Sophia

  21. How do I join the so cal group thingy???? I don't think I'm in yet! I clicked the link...lol

  22. awwww thanks luna :)

  23. Just took my daugter to the dentist and was told I need to stop losing now :) I said yes I'm good, I reached my normal BMI goal, they were so happy for me :)


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