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sleeve 4 me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by sleeve 4 me

  1. Went boogie boarding today and IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! There's a hurricane somewhere and it caused us to have HUGE waves! The water was sooooo clear!!! I'm totally addicted yayyyyyy!

  2. I did it! You totally inspired me to cut my hair! I'm baack :) thanks!

  3. Taking my baby girl school shopping today for some last minute items...I'm really going to have to restrain from shopping for myself...who am I kidding!!!

  4. ER UM why are there ads in actual posts??? It's just weird...sorry!

  5. Hi Breezy! Just checking in on you! 3 lbs. to gooooooal :) yayyyyy!

  6. OMGOSH GIRLIE! I just saw your recent pic! SOOOO PRETTY! And you look sooo skinny too :)

  7. Ohhhh how cute!!!!!! I love cats :) especially when they are babies! My hubby would kill me if I brought home another cat! Two is enough for him lol

  8. Cleaning day for me...cleared about 10 white garbage bags from my son's room (19 yr. old), I just couldn't take it anymore...Thanking God for all the energy!

  9. I spoke at options today :) lots of new sleevers to come!!!

  10. My height was measured yesterday at the panni class and I found out I'm actually 5'5.75" not 5'5.25"...I used to be 5'6 :( darn osteoarthritis

  11. I have my panni class today. I'm so anxious to get all the 411...Happy 11 month sleeveiversary to me :)

  12. Yes she had a tough time :( please keep her in your prayers. Thanks!!!

  13. You are so close to the finish line! I will be waiting for you with my pom poms :) cheering you on :)

  14. Just heard on the news that the state of Oregon is now paying for bariatric surgery...GOOD for them :)

  15. I found a wallet while at the beach today (50 miles away from home) and the person that lost it lives in my city. Coincidence? or Fate? We dropped it off tonight. They were so happy :)

  16. Going boogie boarding today! So excited! Have a great Saturday everyone :)

  17. Just saw Captain America! Can't wait for The Avengers to come out MAY 2012 :)

  18. HI Judy! OMGOSH 5 lbs. to goal! Yayyyy! Hope to see you in August :)

  19. My hubby finally got my wedding dress down from the garage...I'm finally going to try it on tomorrow, fingers crossed :)

  20. Hey sweets! how did the reunion go?? Did you get a cute dress?

  21. I was told today that I need to buy smaller clothes LOL! I just can't wrap my brain around size 4's...I'm not going to buy anymore summer clothes (unless it's a deal I CAN NOT PASS UP of course). We'll see what happens when I start buying winter clothes :).

  22. I had the most TOTALLY AWESOME DAY! I learned to boogie board and I actually caught some waves, it was totally cool!

  23. Live in the NOW! Don't waste today worrying about yesterday or tomorrow, live for today! Worrying about yesterday or tomorrow steals today...

  24. OK SO my hubby says I should learn to boogie board BEFORE I try a surf lesson, he's going to give me lessons on Saturday :) yayyyyy!

  25. Had a drs. appt. today and my dr. said I would benefit from getting a panniculectomy...I'm scurrrrred LOL!

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