Because I really don't want to drop below 145, I eat anything. I do try to always have a balanced dinner. Protein (meat), carb (rice or pasta), and veggies. AND my dinner left overs are what I normally take for lunch the next day. Today I was SUPER BAD, and I had a cinnamon pretzel from Sam's for dinner because everyone else was having pizza and I just didn't feel like pizza.
I am terrible for eating breakfast . I typically just have a venti caramel light frap in the morning and eat lunch about 11am (M-F). On the weekend I don't eat lunch until much later. I snack on candy a lot too ...but again so far it's keeping me the weight I want to be, IF for some reason I pass 148 I would STOP that immediately, I NEVER want to gain all that weight back EVER!!!! So I watch it carefully and weigh EVERYDAY!