Hi, this is my first time posting......I have been following many threads as I have been deciding whether to pursue the sleeve or not. I am currently 32 years old and 140 pounds overweight, bmi=44, and had been researching for a while and had decided to pursue the sleeve. Well, I did all of preliminaries and was cleared on all except for the psych evaluation.
They denied me for surgery because they said I have an unhealthy connection to food and have eating disorder thoughts....(binge eating). This is all new to me, and you know, I already knew that I had an unhealthy connection to food otherwise I would not be over 300 pounds! I don't believe that I have an eating disorder, but I do emotionally eat. I have been overweight my entire life and actually have had some success (abt. 35 lbs in the past year) with Weight Watchers and I learned a lot in that program about eating healthy, etc. I kinda feel like I am in the perfect place to get the sleeve and continue on this path of bettering myself, and now to be told that I have an eating disorder, huh?
Ok, so if I pay all this money for therapy and get all my food issues fixed, then would I still need the surgery? I expect to have to work with the surgery...so.....I don't know. So, they want me to go thru 3 months of therapy and then redo the eval. So, I'm wandering.......if its legit or if they are just trying to get more money....since they recommend that I see them once a week for 12 weeks. But, I also know that therapist are paid to see what you don't see, so maybe they're right......hmmmm....i just don't know. Kinda bummed...Any thoughts anyone?