My GP never opened a door for weight loss for me. I would tell her how hard my weight problem is and she didn't even offer ANY diet plans. My bmi is 31 just obese. She keeps telling me how good I look. Now because I didn't feel her support and not knowing if she respects wls, I have not included her in the people who know prior to surgery. I also am hopping I don't get an infection so she will not have to see me after until I heal. I intend on using the closest urgent care if there is a problem. It would have been nice to talk to her about it, and I would have loved to have a DR like you to open up to and get real life experience first hand. I think you did the right thing to let your patient broach the subject and let her know what her options are. That's why we go to our doctors, to find out what our options are on healing our bodies.Thank you for caring enough to do it.