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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Indymom

  1. Indymom

    White or Dark Chicken?

    Since we're talking chicken, I figured I'd post here - bought a rotisserie chicken from Costco this week. My daughter LOVES the legs so she had those for dinner one night and after I skinned it, I've been cutting up the white meat for chicken salad, diced some and seasoned with taco seasoning for one dinner and just diced up some more and sauteed with a drizzle of buffalo wing sauce and a bit of shredded cheese. YUM! It's really moist and there's a ton of meat on those things so I'll likely be able to eat off it for quite a while yet.
  2. I met with my nutritionist yesterday and am down 25 lbs based upon their scale. I got 2 big thumbs up on my eating, protein and overall progress. I got "official" approval to move on to the next stage of foods and it's not nearly as restrictive as I thought, so I was thrilled to hear that. I feel like a real person again who gets to eat like "normal people"! Now, my first small NSV - I had time to kill after a doc's appointment today so I went to Kohl's to spend my Kohl's Cash and was perusing the women's clothing section. I'm not buying any clothes yet until my current clothes are falling off, but I wanted to see if I'd gone down any sizes. I was pre-surgery in a 24 pants and 3x shirts. I fit into 2 different pairs of size 20 pants and tried on a really cute 1x shirt! I had read about other people dropping sizes quickly and couldn't believe it, but holy crap, I guess it's true! I'm so thrilled and if I can drop another 25 lbs this month I might be in a 16 by the end of the month . . . that would be amazing.
  3. Indymom

    Vacation weight gain...... :(

    I wouldn't sweat a little vacation weight, sounds like you're energized to get it off quickly so no harm done! I'm going on a cruise in February and I'm sure it's going to be tough to stick to plan, so I'm not going to even stress about it.
  4. Indymom


    Way to go! I can't wait to try on some of my old clothes too. You're doing awesome!!
  5. Indymom

    4 lbs away... .SO CLOSE!

    Congrats! You are rocking that bikini . . . well done!
  6. Indymom

    How bad is the hair loss??

    I'm only a month out so I haven't had any hair loss yet, but I'm not too freaked out by the prospect of it happening (if it does). I have a TON of hair so I can probably afford to lose some. I'm not going to take biotin because I hear it promotes hair growth everywhere, and I already spend enough money on waxing at the salon!
  7. Indymom

    protein is hard to swallow

    I'm sure the protein is typically going to feel heavier as it's usually more dense. I agree that a blended soup with some chicken would be good, or chili with finely ground beef or even ground turkey.
  8. Indymom

    Six month stall: broken!

    That's so awesome! Well done, I bet you are feeling very confident. Good luck keeping the workouts exciting, I'm definitely worried about falling into a rut. I can't wait for my doc to release me for full exercise next week so I can decide what I want to do first!!
  9. I was an emotional wreck for the first few weeks also, I had major crying jags and was really mean to my husband. It DOES get better, at 4 weeks out I feel like a million bucks! The Protein will DEFINITELY give you energy, between the protein and no longer eating total crap food, I feel like I could jump over a skyscraper!! Hang in there, I know it's rough but it will improve. Feel free to keep venting here, we all understand what you are going through.
  10. I was pretty gassy pre-op because I ate such crap food but I have noticed a fair amount of gas post-op. It's pretty foul-smelling, too. I've wondered if the protein shakes have anything to do with it?
  11. Indymom

    Post-op DIet

    I was able to go to full liquids and purees sooner than you, but I can't transition to most "real" food until 2 months out as well. Although I did find out from my nutritionist today that while the guidelines they gave me say "purees" I don't need to puree most foods as long as I chew thoroughly and eat slowly.
  12. I don't know that it really matters as much during full liquid/mushies, since a lot of that food is moving right through anyway. However, I think it's good to follow the rule now since you're trying to establish that as a habit for going forward. My surgeon said he is not concerned with drinking before . . . I can drink right up to starting a meal. However, I can't drink for at least 30 minutes following.
  13. First off, I don't want to come across as "lecturing" anyone so don't get the wrong idea. But those of you who indicate you feel like you're "eating 'round the clock" or assume a certain number of calories without weighing/measuring anything . . . be very careful. That's a slippery slope you might be on. I have been measuring religiously so that (a) I don't overeat my sleeve and ( I stay within a reasonable range of my targets for the day (calories, fat, carbs and protein). When I had my pre-op nutrition class, the nutritionist stressed the importance of measuring. Studies show that when someone is asked to eyeball a measurement of something, more often than not they go too high. Certainly I remember it from my Weight Watchers days when I was sure I was only eating an ounce of X or a cup of Y, and counted the points accordingly . . . but the scale didn't move. As far as scheduling, I find that if I don't have a schedule I will either forget to eat or will not keep on track with my vitamins/meds, Protein, and food. Here's my typical day: Between 7 and 8:30 - take morning meds, protein/decaf drink 9:00-ish - breakfast 11:30-ish - noon meds 12:00-ish - lunch 4:00-ish - pm meds 5:30-6:00-ish - dinner 8:30-ish - bedtime meds 9:00-ish - protein/decaf drink
  14. I am 4 weeks out and getting between 450-650 calories a day. Now that I'm adding in some veggies my cals are going down a little, so I think I'm going to add a snack or two in of cheese or something to up my calories and protein a bit.
  15. I haven't done it at all. Kinda wish I had, but I figure I'll just wait for my clothes to feel looser.
  16. I was August 10th so as of yesterday (4 weeks) I was released to my second stage of foods. My plan calls it "purees" but it's really much more lenient than that. I can have soft moist meats (canned chicken/tuna), and other meats if they are slow-cooked and/or very moist; eggs, lots of fruits, some veggies like green Beans, mushrooms, asparagus, cucumbers, Water chestnuts . . . I can also have soft grains like cream of wheat, oatmeal, etc. but I'm not really eating any of those. Surprisingly carbs don't taste good to me anymore. My typical breakfast is an egg and a half a small banana. I am having sliced cucumbers with lowfat ranch dressing and an ounce of tuna salad made with olive oil mayo and dill relish for lunch. I don't know about dinner yet but I'm thinking rotisserie chicken from costco and either a veggie or some cheese. I'm also doing 2 Protein drinks a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
  17. Thanks Rootman. My nutritionist told me this morning that I didn't need to worry about taking my PPI with my calcium since I'm taking calcium citrate.
  18. Indymom

    wine, cup of coffee

    My doc's hardline on alcohol was "never" or at least until I hit goal (same for caffeine), but when I pressed him and very pointedly said that I would not be a non-drinker forever, he said 3-6 months and I should be OK. He reminded me that my tolerance could be significantly impacted so to take it easy. I'm looking forward to that experiment! I think a lot of people have returned to caffeine after 3 months or so.
  19. Ugh, I've been taking one installment of my calcium with my PPI. What issues are caused by this?
  20. Indymom

    What made you do it?

    I was the typical yo-yo dieter for years - Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach . . . exercise, etc. etc. I'd lose some, gain it back, lose some, gain it back plus more. I had lost a lot of weight before meeting my husband, then of course when we got together it crept back on slowly. Got pregnant right after we got married and then the baby weight stuck around, and I tacked a little more on as well. My mom had lapband last October and I finally started considering WLS (though I had always written it off as an "easy way out" in the past). I went to the seminar originally thinking about lapband also, but the surgeon recommended against it due to my ulcerative colitis. I knew I didn't want RNY because it impacted the intestines, but I had never heard of the sleeve. I was nervous about being cut internally but once he started talking about it (and once I started researching online) I knew it was the best option for me. I'm thrilled with it so far at 4 weeks out!!
  21. Such an awesome update!! I always liked reading your posts when I first got on here, you were super helpful to all us "newbies." Glad you are so close to goal and doing so well!!
  22. Indymom

    Can You Hear Me!!!!!

    How awesome!! Has to be a wonderful feeling and I can't wait to feel that same way!!
  23. Indymom

    Stall or my fault?

    If you're drinking regular Gatorade you probably want to switch to the lo-cal version or Powerade Zero. Also, if you're not tracking your food you should do so. That way when you have a period of no loss you can look at your food history and see what might be contributing to it.
  24. Indymom

    Hairballs or Hairy Throat???

    I've had a phlegmy-type thing going on for a few weeks. I'm driving people at work nuts because I keep clearing my throat! I hope it subsides soon.
  25. Hurray! They carry this at the health food store where my stepson works part-time. I can probably even buy with his discount. I hope they have the sourdough, for the extra carbs based upon the comments it sounds like good stuff.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
