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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Indymom

  1. Indymom


    Have you discussed this with your nutritionist or surgeon? It is critical that you address this right away as the lack of Protein alone can be devastating to your body. At 8 weeks out, based upon my plan, you would be transitioning to 3 oz of food per meal. Obviously you're not anywhere near that. Good luck and keep us posted!
  2. Indymom


    I just started C25K today!! The running surprisingly didn't bother my knees or ankles at all . . . but I do need to get better shoes (I'm wearing my walking shoes and I need running shoes . .. am going tomorrow to get some). I'm really excited about running a 5K, my long-term goal is to run/walk our local mini-marathon by the time I'm 40!
  3. Indymom

    Can I give blood?

    I'm glad you asked this question as I was wondering the same thing! My multivite has iron in it so I'm hoping my levels will be high enough when I go to donate.
  4. You were likely pumped full of fluids (via IV) in the hospital, right? My first weigh-in the night of my surgery I was at least 7 lbs over my weight that morning, and then the next day it had gone up to 12-14 lbs higher!! I freaked until I realized it was all fluid. It came off very quickly once I was out of the hospital and I ended up losing close to 14 lbs the first week (based upon my starting weight the morning of surgery).
  5. Indymom

    Couch Potato to 5K

    OK so for this app do you have to use GPS to do it? My GPS on my phone is messed up but I really want to start running and I don't know where to start. This sounds like a great option!
  6. Indymom

    One Year Sleeversary

    Happy anniversary! You're looking super-HOT!
  7. Indymom

    My "biggest" NSV Yet

    How wonderful and exciting! Congratulations!
  8. I'm 5 weeks out and have energy coming out my ears!! It is such an incredible feeling to have so much energy and to enjoy exercising. This was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life, for sure.
  9. You've gotten great advice from everyone else and I agree, you should go for it now! Regarding the Snacks, my 5 yr old is eating so much healthier since my surgery (as is my husband . . . usually) and I don't buy junky snacks at all. She gets excited about "eating healthy with mommy" now!
  10. Indymom

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    Indymom ~ 239 SW . . . . . 237 CW . . . . . 200 GW . . . LBS to GOAL: 37 September 5 ~ 239 lbs September 12 ~ 237 lbs (-2 lbs) I had hoped for more loss this week, but I'll just keep plugging away! I have my post-op surgeon appt Thursday so hopefully I'll be released for full exercise and can really start hitting it hard.
  11. I had my surgery on a Wednesday and went back to work the following Tuesday. That first week back was tough but I got through it. Good luck for a quick recovery!
  12. The lemon/egg ribbon soup sounds YUM!
  13. Indymom

    silly NSV

    That's awesome!
  14. Indymom


    Congratulations! That has to be such a great feeling. I hope I'm there in about 6 months too!
  15. Indymom

    50 down!!!

    That's fantastic! I would be interested to see a little bit of what you might eat in a normal day . . . my food plan doesn't necessarily restrict carbs (just suggests protein first, veggies second, carbs if there's room left and whole grains) and I feel like I will be more satisfied if I can have a bit of carbs with my protein/veggies.
  16. Indymom

    Is this normal?

    I've been able to add in some more solids this month and I am eating more "normal" meals (albeit itty-bitty meals). I think I am starting to feel the normal hunger cycle (if I eat lunch at noon, by 5:30-ish I am feeling a bit of hunger). It's nothing that consumes me or makes me want to tear into a bag of chips or cookies, though. Just my body telling me it's time to "fuel up."
  17. I think I've seen someone else post here about taking Zyrtec or Claritin or something, so I don't see why it would be an issue. Your post-op instructions might indicate if there are certain types of meds you couldn't take; I think mine just said don't take any large tablets (nothing larger than an aspirin) but capsules and small tablets OK.
  18. My doc doesn't care if I drink all the way up to eating, but I don't drink for at least 30 mins after.
  19. I can't wait that long between bites, but I'm still measuring my food and undereating my sleeve. I would rather measure for the rest of my life than take that long to eat! I don't wolf it down and I'm chewing very thoroughly, but 3 minutes? No way!
  20. I went back after a total of 6 days (had surgery on the 10th, first day back in the office was the 16th). I also work a desk job and honestly I was getting to feel stir-crazy at home. I can't imagine taking 3-4 weeks off like some people do. That said, I tolerate surgery VERY well, and had no issues with keeping fluids or full liquids (yogurt, SF pudding, Protein Drinks, etc.) down after the first couple days on clears only. However, I did go ahead and fill out the required work paperwork for medical leave (disability and FMLA) on the offhand chance I would have had issues and needed longer time off. A lot of people have said they liked having extra time to adjust to taking all the vitamins/supplements, to managing their eating schedule, etc. but I was good to go quickly.
  21. Indymom

    What's your favorite under 100 calorie snack?

    I was going to say Babybel cheese, also less than 100 cals and 6 grams of protein . . .
  22. Indymom

    Kay's soy snacks

    Interesting . . . I will check them out! Thanks for the suggestion.
  23. I have to take my colitis pills 4 times daily, so I have a weekly organizer that has 4xday divided compartments (morn/noon/eve/bedtime). Each 4-compartment daily box removes from the base and I can carry it in my purse. It looks kinda like this:
  24. I'm sorry some of you have regrets . . . hopefully your problems will resolve and you'll start to feel better soon. If you would have asked me this question 10 days post-op, I would have been on the fence . . . I was starting to get really tired of eating applesauce and sugar-free pudding, and the scheduling, Vitamins and such were starting to wear on me. However, at 4 weeks out (exactly one month out yesterday!) I am absolutely thrilled with my weight loss (25 lbs since day of surgery) and feel 125% better already.
  25. Indymom

    smmothies okay??

    Agree with Tiffy, you need to cross-check your food guidelines with the recipes. For example, in my full liquids phase there were certain fruits I couldn't have so I had to avoid certain smoothie recipes. Also my plan recommends avoiding peanut butter because of the high fat content, so even though a lot of people were adding a tbsp of peanut butter in their smoothies that wasn't something I was allowed to do.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
