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Everything posted by Indymom

  1. Indymom

    loss of social life

    We haven't been eating out a lot just because we're trying to save money for a vacation next year. I do miss drinking socially with friends and I look forward to being able to do so soon (my doc said at least 3-6 months). I was at a concert with my husband on Thursday and actually had some sips of his draft beer (not too fizzy) and honestly, I felt pretty lousy for the following two days. Not hangover lousy, but just something didn't feel "right." I think that was a good sign for me to not rush it and wait until I'm well healed up and closer to goal. I've read a lot of posters on here who still drink socially and drink a fair amount, especially once they are at goal. I definitely plan for that as I have always been a social drinker (if all my thin friends can manage to do it and still stay thin, I guess I will need to figure out how to do it too!).
  2. I thought I would update - I am nearly 7 weeks out now and eating between 650 and 800 a day now (including protein shakes), 75-85 grams of protein, 25-35 grams of fat and 25-40 grams of carbs. I'm still losing steadily.
  3. I'm about 6.5 weeks out and I've noticed my acid has kicked back up (even though I'm taking omeprazole 2xday already). Sounds similar to what you're experiencing; I'm actually going to see if it continues through the weekend and if so I'm going to call my doc.
  4. I do the Nectar unflavored protein powder with decaf and milk every morning and evening. Drink it out of a closed-lid cup (like a travel mug) - I sometimes think I can smell the protein when the lid is off, but really can't taste it.
  5. If you browse Tiffykins' posts you'll find lots of pregnancy-related info. My surgeon recommends waiting at least 18 months post-op before getting pregant.
  6. I'll sh#% my pants the day I can shop in juniors!! Congrats on your loss!!
  7. Indymom

    The magic of lingerie

    I think most stores will have some pretty lingerie . . . do you have a Kohl's near you? I know they have a nice foundations section and they are ALWAYS running sales.
  8. Indymom

    Sept 17th check in

    I haven't checked this board in a while, didn't realize we had check-in threads. I'm 5 1/2 weeks out and down about 26 lbs (my 'official' weekly weigh-in is tomorrow morning). I've been released to full exercise so I've been doing C25K and on the opposite days doing Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. I posted this somewhere else too but I'm pretty sure I've replaced the food endorphins I used to get with exercise! I'm in the Halloween challenge and hoping to hit onederland by then. I've been eating between 600-800 cals/day and usually about 2.5 to 3 ounces per meal. I'm focusing primarily on Protein but also including fruits/veggies. I'm feeling great!
  9. Indymom

    Sleeved August 8th

    Debbie, I think your weight loss is great! I am just 2 days after you and have lost about 26 lbs. I am averaging between 600-800 calories a day and continue to lose. I am OK with slow losing because I'm hoping it will help my skin elasticity and also help me to avoid gallstones and potential kidney issues. Slow and steady wins the race, right?
  10. I've been walking briskly most evenings . . . probably about 2 miles or so each time. Been feeling really good about it but I had my post-op visit with my surgeon today and he's released me for full exercise with no restrictions. I decided to do a longer walk on a local walking trail, did 3 miles. Kept a really good pace (probably between 3-4 mph most of the time) but in a few spots, I actually had enough energy to RUN! Now granted, it was a fairly slow jog and I was only able to do a tenth of a mile at a time or so, but it felt really good and I'm not in complete agony now. Now I just have to figure out how to run without my a$@ and belly jiggling all over the place. Dare I buy spandex?!?
  11. Indymom

    Exercise NSV

    I bought spandex capris today at JC Penney for $15!! They are TIGHT but they do help hold everything in place.
  12. Indymom

    7 Months out 155

    Congrats! You look awesome!
  13. If your body is in ketosis that might be causing some of the weird tastes. My first few weeks I was in ketosis and everything tasted a little odd. I didn't like the ketosis feeling so I added some complex carbs in (fruits) and while my carbs are still staying below 30-40/day, I don't think I'm in hard-core ketosis and things seem a lot more normal. What are you allowed to eat? I couldn't wait to add in some spices and I am now loving most of what I get to eat. My newest find (recommended on here by a few people and also by my parents!) is the carmelized onion chicken burgers from Costco. 1/2 a burger is 2 oz and it's got a ton of protein and YUM!!
  14. Indymom

    I spit my first stitch!

    I had a small loop of stitch sticking out of one of my incisions. I grabbed it with tweezers and it just slid right out. My surgeon said that happens to almost everyone!
  15. Yep, wondering is exactly right. I still remember the first time I felt "full" after eating less than a whole scrambled egg. Weirdest feeling ever!
  16. Indymom

    Personal NSV

    Way to go! I'd like to hit one of our state parks for a good hike before the weather turns too cold also.
  17. Indymom

    Couch Potato to 5K

    I did week 1/day 1 today! It was great and I feel awesome, but I need to go get better running shoes tomorrow.
  18. You might be able to try looking up Donato's pizza because they always cut theirs in squares. Their crust is thin too.
  19. Indymom

    Mini Quiche!

    OMG, that sounds awesome! Does the onion/garlic jam give it a sweet taste? Could I just carmelize my own onions instead? Also, did you do the nutritional info on this? I can do it but am being lazy so hoping you already figured it out.
  20. I do the Nectar unflavored protein - 2 scoops with 6 oz of decaf coffee and 3-4 oz of 1% milk. I mix it and put it in a insulated coffee mug with a screw-on lid. It honestly does not taste bad at all and I HATE all the protein shakes too!
  21. Indymom

    Exercise NSV

    I had to add to this because I downloaded the C25K app this morning and did week 1/day 1 tonight. It was awesome! I've decided to work towards running a 5k and eventually running a mini-marathon!!
  22. Indymom

    What are your favorite.....

    Energy and exercise are the things topping my list these days! My husband said tonight that I've replaced the endorphin rush I used to get from food with exercise. He's actually a little worried that I am going to develop "transfer addiction" to working out!! If you would have told me 6 weeks ago that I would be walking/running 3 miles a day at this point post-op, I would have laughed my a#$ off!! It's the part of my day I have started to look forward to the most, believe it or not. I love people telling me how great I look, too. I have only lost 26 lbs but I'm already getting compliments!
  23. I'll be watching this thread for replies . . . I'm not 11 weeks yet but I am intrigued by this.
  24. Indymom


    Good luck! Head hunger is indeed a bear but when you get that urge to reach for a bad, carby/sweet snack, grab a babybel cheese or a couple bites of chicken instead.
  25. Indymom

    My first mushie!

    I also love eggs, tuna salad, chicken salad (I used rotisserie chicken from Costco rather than canned chicken), and loads of 2% cheese!!

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