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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Indymom

  1. Indymom


    Prednisone is yuck, but hopefully you won't be on it for long. Follow the dosage instructions to the letter, if they have you on a tapering dosage you need to make sure you follow it. Tapering off pred is tough. It will give you lots of energy so you should be able to maintain your activity levels with no problem.
  2. I bought a pair of spandex running pants at JC Penny's for my jogging. I'm sure they look terrible, but they keep things pretty compact and tight.
  3. A trainer is a great idea. I'm trying to balance out both cardio and strength training,so I'm doing C25K (jogging/walking training program) 3 times a week,and then I'm taking a strength class at the gym twice weekly (which also includes some cardio). It's going great so far.
  4. Indymom

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    Indymom ~ 239 SW . . . . . 228 CW . . . . . 200 GW . . . LBS to GOAL: 28 September 5 ~ 239 lbs September 12 ~ 237 lbs (-2 lbs total) September 19 ~ 235 lbs (-4 lbs total) September 26 ~ 230 lbs (-9 lbs total) October 3 ~ 228 lbs (-11 lbs total) Only 2 lbs for this week . . . I'm a little disappointed but maybe I'll be one of those people who has a few weeks of not much loss then a big burst. I'm working my a$# off so let's hope that's the case!!
  5. I am 8 weeks out as of yesterday, and my meal plan increases from 2 oz/meal to 3 oz/meal. I had already been eating close to 3oz/meal at times prior to now, though. A typical lunch for me is half a Costco chicken burger (2 oz) and either some veggies or about an ounce of cheese. 3 oz seems to be about my limit at this point (assuming I'm eating protein). I've tried to avoid most carbs and "slider" foods but I'm sure I could eat more than 3 oz of carbs/sliders.
  6. Indymom

    How much did you lose?

    I am only 8 weeks out, and no pre-op diet - and I've lost 35 lbs.
  7. Indymom

    Deli Meat

    I don't like a lot of the preservatives (for me or my kiddo) in most deli meats but I buy the Hormel natural choice ham and salami. The salami bugs my tummy as it's pretty greasy/fatty, but the ham is WONDERFUL. I just actually ate 4 slices (2 oz) of the ham and 1 oz of 50% reduced fat Cabot cheddar cheese (and a mini dill pickle) and am STUFFED. (for the record, the ham & cheese was only 140 cals total, 18 grams of protein and only 3 carbs).
  8. I used gum for about 2 weeks, but it burned my throat. I knew I HAD to quit for surgery so I just gave up the gum and went cold turkey. I have had maybe 3 or 4 puffs from a cigarette since I had surgery 8 weeks ago and I really don't have the desire to smoke at all now (I actually rarely even think about it!). Of course I'm not drinking either, and that's usually my big trigger. I also am not around many smokers so that helps.
  9. Indymom

    Binging prior to surgey

    I had a bit of a "last supper" complex pre-op. I didn't binge, but I did have some of the things that I knew would not be allowed for some time after surgery (steak, really spicy food, etc.). Post-op, my cravings are primarily in my head. I have had some days where I didn't make the best choices (for example, snacking on pretzel crisps instead of protein), but nothing that would equate to my pre-op poor eating habits. My carb intake has increased slightly in the last week or so, and I think it's being reflected in my weight loss - so I've had to consciously get back on track. To me, it doesn't feel any different than all the pre-op dieting I did - I know when I've made a mistake or a bad choice, and I have to rectify it. The only difference is that I'm not able to eat inappropriate portions of the foods I did before . . . so the battle seems much easier.
  10. I also have ulcerative colitis. I'm experiencing a slight flare post-op (I'm 8 weeks post-op). I actually need to call my gastroenterologist and surgeon to discuss. It's not a really bad flare to the point where I can't leave the house (no pain, minimal bowel urgency, just some bleeding) but I'd like to get it resolved. I suspect the flare is just due to such an extreme change in diet post-op, so I'm hoping that minor treatment will resolve it and going forward I won't have ANY issues.
  11. I ate a piece of cheese pizza a week ago and felt MISERABLE. Luckily I wasn't much of a pizza junkie before so I won't miss it.
  12. Check the complications board, there are a few stories there. Thankfully leaks are very uncommon.
  13. Indymom

    Protein Counting?

    There are a number of options - I happen to use fitbit.com because that's the fitness tracker I use and I have everything in one place. Make sure you pick one that will let you add foods if they aren't in their 'library' - so for example you can add the info off the nutritional guide on a can of soup or box of crackers, and then you can select that food for your tracker.
  14. I'm guessing it's normal also. I have my first protein/coffee drink in the morning, followed closely thereafter by breakfast. I'm usually not even thinking about lunch and have to remind myself to eat around noon, but then by 3:00 or 3:30 I get the hungries. I haven't made the best choices with my afternoon hunger (I'm getting home at that time with my daughter and I've found myself grabbing a few pretzel crisps or animal crackers . . . . damn you carbs!) but I am going to start grabbing an oz of cheese or some other protein. My meal plan doesn't call for snacks yet but I think if I'm going to need something in the afternoon I'd rather it be protein than empty carbs. I also considered doing my second protein coffee drink at that time rather than at night, so that's a possibility too.
  15. I did the BIG closet purge today . . . cleaned out ALL the 3x stuff (HURRAY!!) and organized everything else by size. I was previously wearing a size 24 jean and I got into my old size 20s . . . and they were LOOSE!! I also put on a dress I wore when I first met my husband (I think I was around 200-210 then) and it fit . . . snugly, but it fit. I'm SO excited!
  16. I've been living off the carmelized onion chicken burgers from Costco but really need some variety in my life. Today they were sampling Kangaroo cheeseburgers at my Costco - they are half-burgers in a thin pita pocket with cheese . . . 2.15 oz for the whole thing, 150 cals, 10 grams of protein, 9 grams of carbs and 9 grams of fat. They were really good (just microwave for about 30 seconds). Not something I would eat regularly but I bought a box for when I need a quick lunch or dinner on the go. I figure if I put some thinly-sliced tomato, pickle and mustard they'll be really tasty.
  17. Indymom

    Protein Ideas PLEASE

    Do you like chicken? Costco has carmelized onion chicken burgers that are really yummy and a half-burger has about 11 grams of protein (2 oz). What about sliced lunchmeat? Do you like any kind of cheese, because you could spread a thin layer of laughing cow cheese or cream cheese on a slice of deli lunchmeat and roll it up. That sounds yum!
  18. Indymom

    Clothing NSV

    I'm thinking the IRS will be breathing down my neck when they see the deductions I am taking for clothing donations.
  19. I put on 12 pounds from the morning of surgery to the next morning! Like the others said, I got rid of it quickly and started dropping "real" weight shortly thereafter.
  20. I had my surgery at 8:30 a.m. I was in recovery by 11 a.m. and in my hospital room by noon. I stayed 2 nights in the hospital - they would have sent me home after 1 night, but I decided to stay the extra night because I was REALLY tired (they made me get up and walk every two hours the first day/night). I had little to no incision pain . . . the meds in the hospital kept the pain under control the first few days, and I think I only took one dose of my pain meds once I got home. The gas pain was pretty overwhelming but getting up and walking really helped with that, and it passed pretty quickly. I was on clear liquids for 3 days and then went to full liquids, my transitions between food phases have been great. I haven't had any vomiting or problems with transitioning to any new foods. I consider myself VERY lucky in that regard. At nearly 2 months out I'm walking/jogging 3 miles 3-4 times a week, taking a strength training class 2 times a week, and feel like a million bucks. This is the best decision I ever made!
  21. Indymom

    Not Feelin Great Today

    At about a month out I had some sporadic bouts with nausea; I never pinpointed what was causing them but I feel 100% now. That said, always good to touch base with your doc's office if you're not sure what you're feeling is OK. Hope you feel better!
  22. Indymom

    Halloween (Oct. 31) - What will you Weigh?

    Indymom ~ 239 SW . . . . . 230 CW . . . . . 200 GW . . . LBS to GOAL: 30 September 5 ~ 239 lbs September 12 ~ 237 lbs (-2 lbs total) September 19 ~ 235 lbs (-4 lbs total) September 26 ~ 230 lbs (-9 lbs total) Had a big loss this week! I was very surprised as I think I'm getting ready to have TOM . . . I was gearing myself up for a mini-stall. I'm sticking to plan pretty well with my eating and exercising a bunch. Feeling good!
  23. Costco has it pretty cheap too!
  24. I couldn't stand any chewables. I am doing the calcium citrate petites (6 per day) and then for my multi I take a Nature Made Complete with Iron multivitamin softgel. It's big but my surgeon OK'd it because it is a softgel.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
