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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Indymom

  1. You'll get a variety of answers here regarding this question! Some people are militant low-carbers and others are not focused on carbs but just eating balanced. My nutritionist didn't have calorie/carb guidelines, but the food plan they have me on generally keeps me at around 600-800 cals/day (recently on the higher end of that scale and sometimes above), and usually less than 40-50 carbs. I haven't tracked well for a few weeks but I tried to keep my fat grams pretty low as well. I think most important is to hit your Protein targets, my nutritionist wants me to have at least 75-90 grams/day. I don't always hit it but I do more often than not, and I'm past the 3 month mark with no hair loss yet (fingers/toes crossed!!). I haven't worried too much about carbs, I have lost consistently by staying within my protein guidelines and keeping the calories below 900/day.
  2. With mushies/purees, you won't necessarily notice right off if you eat too fast (at only 2 weeks out, you may not be getting the full signal yet). However, once you're on solid proteins (like meats and cheese), make sure to chew VERY thoroughly and try to take your time if possible. Sometimes only one bite can be the difference between comfortably full and agonizingly uncomfortable!!
  3. Indymom

    Protein Shakes

    The Nectar unflavored is OK, and I've been recently using the GNC unflavored and mix it with my decaf, a little milk and sweetener. Still not great but tolerable. I couldn't handle any of the sweet protein mixes for long.
  4. Keep in mind you're barely 10 days out from surgery. I felt pretty good at that point, but definitely still was resting when I needed to. The B12 is also a good idea - my plan only requires one sublingual B12 weekly, but I know other people take it daily or even get injections to help with energy. Hang in there, sounds like you're doing great overall!
  5. Indymom

    Ashamed of WLS?

    I've told all my closest friends and of course my family. If anyone asks me or compliments me on my weight loss, I tell them that I had surgery - lots of them want to know what kind, and it gives me an opportunity to dispel many of the myths and preconceived ideas about surgery. I've been posting my C25K progress on FB (well, at least until I had to take a break due to other medical concerns) so it's been a good way to show people that YES, I had WLS and NO, it wasn't the easy way out - I'm in better overall health than I've been in years, and not just from the weight loss. I'm more physically active, quit smoking, etc. Most everyone is either incredibly supportive, I haven't really had anyone be negative about it (at least in front of me). I'm not a very private person and I know other people are, so I think it's completely up to you how you handle talking about it.
  6. I've been hesitant to try them too because I've had some reflux difficulties, but I agree that they are looking YUMMY!
  7. Physically I had a very easy post-op. Other than having to try a few options to get my reflux under control, I recovered quickly and was back to work within 5 days with only minimal fatigue and little to no pain or discomfort. I chalk up my quick recovery to my focus on walking, walking, walking - and getting in my Protein and fluids right away and consistently. Emotionally I had a few "woe is me" moments in the first few weeks, but as soon as I was past the full liquids/purees phase, any of those emotional issues resolved quickly. Good luck to you on your journey!
  8. I can't imagine how tough it would be to endure Thanksgiving on full liquids. I didn't have temptation from day-to-day but a holiday that centers around yummy, fattening food? That would have nearly killed me. Like the others said, you recognize that you made less-than-stellar choices, so just take a deep breath and get back on track. Just think, by Christmas you'll have more food options and will be able to enjoy a few itty-bitty splurges.
  9. Your sample diet sounds very good! I couldn't eat that much variety at 2 months out but once I could have regular protein I like turkey meatballs, turkey pepperoni (Hormel), grilled chicken breast (this is my go-to for lunch & dinner, and even breakfast sometimes!). I have almost burned myself out on eggs but still like a 1-egg omelette sometimes with a link of turkey sausage diced up with sauteed mushrooms, diced tomatoes and a sprinkle of lowfat shredded cheese.
  10. We're going on a 7-day cruise in February with my entire family for my cousin's wedding (there are about 25 from my family and 60-ish total attending!). I've already decided I'm not going to sweat the eating and drinking. I'm not going to purposely try to sabotage my dieting efforts, but I'm also not going to limit myself from enjoying a taste or two of the things I love. I plan to continue my exercise efforts on the ship (I figure it's got to be pretty motivating to run on the track on the top of the ship while looking out at the beautiful ocean!) and I'm going to remember to still eat my Protein first and DEFINITELY remember to stay hydrated (with more than just rum punch!). I'm going to enjoy cocktails with my family as well. If I stall or gain a pound or two, I know it will come off quickly once I get home and back to my regular routine. The way I see it is that I had this surgery so I could get the excess weight off and enjoy life as a thinner "normal" person. Every cruise I've been on, most of the thin 'normal' people ate and drank to their hearts' content, so I know it's not going to be the end of the world if I treat myself to an extra sweet at the chocolate buffet or have that second glass of champagne.
  11. Don't worry too much, your body has been through a major stressor and is just figuring out what you're doing to it. Those pounds will start to drop soon!
  12. Indymom

    2 weeks out- missing my Tabasco!

    To be cautious I waited for about 4-6 weeks for spicy food. I missed it TONS!
  13. This is a support board but there are a lot of veterans on here who we also rely on for good, sound advice (and not a bunch of candy-coated BS). For your health, I would STRONGLY recommend counseling for the underlying eating disorder before jumping right to surgery. At the very worst, if you don't follow the protocols of the post-surgical diet and binge shortly thereafter, you could have serious, serious implications to your health due to a leak or rupture of your staple line. At the very least, you'll quickly learn to binge around your sleeve and you will not help solve the underlying problem. I'm sure I can speak for many in this community when I wish you the best of luck, but also hope that you take the time to evaluate what this will mean for you before making a rash decision.
  14. I've always been a 9.5 to 10W . . . my shoes are already starting to feel a little loose. I hope it's not just wishful thinking! I should probably go try some on to see what happens.
  15. Indymom

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    Back on track with weigh-in date. Indymom ~ 215 SW . . . . . 205 CW . . . . . 190 GW . . . LBS to GOAL: 15 October 31 ~ 215 lbs November 14 ~ 209 lbs (-6 lbs) November 21 ~ 205 lbs (-10 lbs)
  16. August 10th surgery and 58 lbs down as of today (no pre-op diet).
  17. I tried to take all my pills on a completely empty stomach last week and it was UGLY. As long as I've had my protein shake I'm in good shape, and I try to take them slowly.
  18. I love exercising now! I haven't been able to for a few weeks due to a flare-up of my ulcerative colitis, and it's got me pretty depressed.
  19. I had my surgery a few weeks before you and I'm at 58 lbs. I think you're doing great! I do 3 meals with a snack sometimes . . . and a Protein drink in the morning. I average between 600 and 900 calories (sometimes I can spike up to 1000 if I make not-great choices). I don't necessarily limit carbs but I'm unable to eat too many, so they are limited automatically. I've consistently lost between 2-5 lbs/week with this. How is your exercise level?
  20. It's also very likely that there is no trigger for hunger like you are used to. I have found that I need to schedule my meals in order to get my protein in . . . and sometimes eat when i don't want to. Weirdest feeling ever for an ex-fat girl who LOVED her food!!!
  21. Indymom

    Acid Reflux = Chronic Coughing?

    I am 3 months out and was having continued reflux issues (never had issues pre-op). I was on 20 mgs of omeprazole twice daily, and I was just recently switched to Dexilant in the a.m. and an OTC Zantac at night. It has already started working only after a couple days.
  22. Indymom

    What Are Slimes?

    Hmm, I have never had this happen. I vomited up my pills only once (when I took first before eating/drinking anything). I've eaten a bite or two too much and felt that awful sensation in my chest . . . but I've been able to breathe through it.
  23. I wouldn't worry too much about it if all the docs in the practice have the same level of expertise. I've only seen my doctor once since surgery, all my calls to his office regarding any issues (minor) have been handled by his nurse anyway.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
