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Everything posted by elracimo3

  1. I joined the forum back in August of 2010 I think and when I joined I was very impressed with the wealth of information I got here. I became addicted to this forum. My initial plan was to have surgery by Dr. Almanza in Mexico, my surgery date was in October. Well, I did have surgery in October, but not VSG. In September I became very sick with diverticulitis to the point I could not work. I have not worked since September of 2010. I was hospitalized for a week in September and I underwent a colon resection surgery in October of 2010, had 20 inches of my large intestine removed. So obvs....my VSG with Almanza was cancelled. Per my surgeon, who did the colon resection in Florida where I lived, I could not look into VSG until January of 2011. I haven't been in contact in this forum since then. Th main reason was because I had a horrible recuperation from my colon resection, pain wise. I was in pain all the time, my pain was all over my body. It crippled me, literally. I decided to move to Massachusetts with my boyfriend so I could take the time off to get better and to look into a Boston surgeon for future VSG (he was not keen on me going to get that done in Mexico). I moved to Mass in December from Florida. I healed beautifully from my colon surgery, but the pain all over my body persisted, awaking me at night (and I already had problems with my sleep). I ended up seeing a rheumatologist in January who did a bunch of tests and diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The medications I am on now are certainly helping, but I still have good days and bad days. In the meantime I had VSG on my mind and I found a surgery group at Newton-Wellesley Hospital in Newton, MA, who apparently hold and excellence title in bariatric surgery. I have Harvard Pilgrim for insurance and thankfully it covers the VSG (my previous insurance in FL didn't, reason why I was going to Dr. Almanza). This group, before I could be granted my first appointment, made go through a 2 hour 'orientation' meeting on Jan 26. Yikes...that was a bit grueling, most of the info I already know, but I guess it is a necessary process. I went to the first appointment last week and the surgeon (Dr. Bloomenthal) said I may not be candidate for VSG because of GERD and an esophageal stricture, that depending on the results of some past scopes I've had I may be more of a candidate for RYGB. Yeah..say it ins't so. I doubt that would be the case, I'm definetly pushing the VSG. That day I spent 5 hours in his office, and met with a LSW for psych eval, a nutritionist who royally angered me because I have food allergies and she was not one to give me alternative options, a nurse and of course the surgeon. So far I'm supposed to attend 3 support groups (I've attended 2), I have an appointment March 1st with the surgeon again to 'review'....I was placed on a 1700 calorie diet (sucks) and I am expected to lose some weight, at least 8-10 lbs in a month. Yikes! The surgeon basically said the process is 3-6 months, sometimes longer...... waiting is so hard. I am so ready. I want my health back, I want to stop taking 8-10 pills twice a day because of multiple health conditions. You guys Im only 38. I have 4 kids and 2 step kids. I want to be able to keep up, and I want this done NOW!!...... Oh Lord give me patience!!!!
  2. elracimo3

    Recap: So Much Has Happened...

    Thank you ladies! Well I feel that the process is slow, but I know i'm in good hands. Just want to be on the other side already
  3. Great article! Love the fact it is a recent study! Thanks for sharing!
  4. I gotta keep my eye on the ball!!!

  5. elracimo3

    Tommorow is the big day!

    So happy for you! you are finally on your way!
  6. elracimo3

    Well...a minor setback

    Thanks Wishes! I will surely let you know! That's so cool you are so close...........Tampa sleeve sistas!! LOL!!! Do let me know if you need anything also...
  7. I am scheduled to have surgery with Dr. Almanza on Oct. 17th and I had asked my BF to go with me. I did not want to be alone and I wanted someone who cares about me there..for me. Well, we suddenly broke up. Now it looks like I am facing this alone and I am a bit freaked out. I know that some of you have done this alone and did just fine, but I know myself and I am a wimp. Would love to know if there's anyone having surgery with Dr. Almanza around the same date so I am not so lonely......sniff..... I don't even know how I will handle my bags and such on my return flight (which will be long from San Diego to Tampa FL) being that I'm not supposed to do any lifting for some weeks. Yikes! how am I gonna manage? Am I freaking out over nothing?
  8. elracimo3

    Well...a minor setback

    AWWW you guys are so sweet... unfortunately I cant move up my date ....thanks for the kind offer though. Wish you luck!
  9. elracimo3

    Well...a minor setback

    Great ideas Nancy..and thank you!
  10. Ok so I am officially scheduled for October 17th for my sleeve.......I'm psyched!!! I just got my diet instructions, and luckily I only need to follow a liquid diet for 5 days prior to surgery. Five days on liquids is going to be rough... but anything for a new beginning! I'm so proud of myself for making this happen! My excitement is such that the only 2 people in this world that knew I am having this done are now inquiring about surgery for themselves...and they were initially opposed to mine! Anyway I just wanted to share why I have a big ol' smile on my face... yeah yeah!
  11. elracimo3

    It's official !!!!

    Thanks everyone!
  12. Hmmm...not sure but I know that personally I am lactose intolerant. I once began drinking whey protein shakes (one of my many attempts at losing the weight) and within 5 days I was sick sick sick.... whey is a derivative of milk. I had all the symptoms I got with drinking/eating milk products but worse: eczema, runny nose, bloated abdoment, GI discomfort etc. Knowing this and in preparation for my upcoming surgery I have begun searching for a protein powder source that my body can tolerate. It looks like I may have to go to vegan protein powders. I've had them before and they are easy on my tummy; hard to find low carb protein powder that is vegan..so we'll see.
  13. elracimo3


    Congratulations! What a great feeling!
  14. elracimo3


    I completely agree!!!!!!! they do not have the right to ask the type of surgery she is having. FMLA protects her job for 12 weeks. It is her right and if she's having a procedure done and she need the time off, as long as the MD signs off she needs to be off duty (I'm a nurse, so I cant go back to work right away, I wouldn't be able to meet the demands of my job for a min. of 6 weeks) they have to grant her FMLA. I, personally plan to go on 'light duty' after 2 weeks. Meaning a desk job until I'm able to lift patients. But whatever time anyone decides to take off is their personal prorrogative! Thanks!
  15. As I understand it (and from my personal knowledge ..I'm a wound specialist) you should not put any ointments on your incisions even antibacterial ointments because they can actually trap bacteria underneath the petroleum based ointment and in your incision. Stitches are best when allowed to dry. Itching is a good sign healing is taking place. Using saline or wound wash is ok, you can keep it in the fridge so it cools off and then apply it cool with gauze to help the itching. But dont over do it. You want them to dry out, dont keep them wet all the time. Definetly ask your surgeon what is his preferred wound care protocol, they should've dicussed that upon discharge, but nevertheless, ask again, that's what they are there for. Take care! Eileen
  16. elracimo3

    New :)

    Congratulations!!!! great news! keep it up girl!
  17. Keep it up Miss Hope, you are taking the right steps! Think about it, your not losing any of those things...those things needed to exit your life so a new you can be born. I wish you the best!
  18. elracimo3

    Ain't folks funny.....

    Hey Glenda.... I hear you! that is the reason why I am keeping my upcoming surgery a secret, even from my family, and my own mother. I find that people are very opinionated regarding anything to do with dieting, nevermind surgery. And usually the opinionated ones, those who have 'patented' the magic formula for losing weight, have never had a weight problem to begin with. Just like individuals who love to give you advice regarding your parenting and they've never had a kid. Starting with my doctor who said "well you know you are overweight [duh] and you need to lose it, so you should reduce your calories and do some exersise'. Which I quickly responded (mind you I don't make a good patient): 'Well you should market that idea. You've had the solution all along and you have literally been sitting on a pot of gold this whole time! You'll be rich!'. I have struggled with my weight all my life. I lost 60 pounds once. The brief time I maintained that weight was pure hell though....like an addict being offered drugs daily after being sober. I want to make this happen and I will. Honestly the fact I'm a nurse is one reason why surgery is a decision I make after careful consideration. People seem to forget we come to that decision after a LIFETIME of failure at dieting, exercise and all that good stuff. Thank God I was born when I was born that I have this chance in my life...to be born again. You have made an excellent decision. Those around should support you, not question you. Regards, Eileen
  19. To whomever judges you by saying you took the easy way out: they have never been fat and they never lived your story. Those individuals that criticize do not understand that we don't come to the conclusion of surgery without exhausting other methods. We come to that conclusion after trying every diet, after failing so many times and health (and the time that has gone by) makes the situation worse. I wish you all the luck in the world. You have made an excellent decision for yourself.... Keep me posted on your progress! Take care, Eileen
  20. elracimo3

    One week post-op update

    Wow Nancy! congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  21. elracimo3


    I wish you the best!
  22. elracimo3

    The way I look now

    This is the way I look now, pre VSG and pre-dieting.
  23. elracimo3


    From the album: The way I look now

  24. elracimo3

    6 13 11 223.5

    From the album: The way I look now

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
