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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Janese58

  1. Has this happened to anyone else? I have been on only clear liquids since getting out of the hospital. I weighed this morning I weigh the same as the day I had surgery.....whats up with that?
  2. Normally I would say "F*^% it" and go eat about 10 oreos...but I cant even do that.
  3. What is bowel prep? I only had to take a laxative followed by 3 days of liquids only.
  4. I once asked a skinny friend of mine how would she cope if she was allowed to drink only 1 beer...that was it...just 1. She loves to go have beer and watch the football games etc, go camping...all involve her friends and drinking. Like my activities involve going out to lunch with my friends. It put it into perspective for her. I also added she couldnt just quit drinking...that would have been easier....she had to drink one. Just like we have to eat now...just alot smaller portions.
  5. I too would be curious what size bougie they used? I couldnt eat 6 slices of pizza before my surgery.
  6. Janese58

    Border Crossing

    Thats funny to me actually. I live in Orange County California, its more dangerous to cross the street in Santa Ana at night than to cross the border in the daytime with a driver. Unless you are in the back of a van under the wheel well being smuggled across by "coyotes".
  7. Yes we had our tests together. I didnt think it was so bad but your daughter (I forgot her name) poor thing almost threw it back up. I was shocked it wasnt so bad. I hear you look great!

  8. Janese58

    Recommened Pre-Op Diet?

    How overweight does Kaiser want someone to be?
  9. 2 weeks to get an ultra sound...? Really? You could have a stone get stuck by then. Next time you have those pains go to the emergency room, see how fast they do one then. I had the same deal 6yrs ago, it was gall stones and I was told if I didnt have it removed before a stone got stuck that they would have to open me up and recovery time sucks for that, but if I have it done soon then its ez ...in and out same day. Work in 5 days. I of course took the ez way. Anytime I would diet I would get these pains. I didnt know what they were until I got the attack that was so bad I thought I was going to explode. What insurance do you have?
  10. Janese58

    Kelly or Aceves?

  11. Janese58

    Tomorrow is the day!

    Me too! Tomorrow is the day!
  12. Janese58

    Kelly or Aceves?

    Im going to TJ tomorrow. My surgery is with Dr Kelly. I will post as soon as I am able to type.
  13. Janese58

    Won't sleeve me...

    my pills say not to crush them.....one is slow released. now im worried.
  14. Janese58

    Won't sleeve me...

    For anyone postop on meds..were you able to swallow your pills post op? I take Wellbutrin and Trazadone.
  15. Janese58

    Recommened Pre-Op Diet?

    @ Jenny ...so you just go in for surgery with only the night before not eating after midnight? Makes me wonder why Kaiser (and other insurance co) is so strict and makes a person diet for months beforehand? I have Kaiser but Im self paying anyway....in Mexico
  16. What does your pre op diet consist of? Just curious since your surgery is next week and you arent on any sort of pre op diet yet? Im jealous.
  17. Hi there....you should really consider going to Mexico alone. It would be the cheapest way and you could get it done sooner that way. Your husband could then watch the kids? There will be a few people on here going at the same time, no matter when you choose to go.

  18. Janese58

    The bottom just fell out :(

    ???Need to get it done in the US? Alot of us can't afford to have it done here in the US. Most people on here that have it done in Mexico do their follow ups with their PCP here. If cost is a big factor and for some it is a huge factor, Mexico is the only way to go.......
  19. Janese58

    Beauty Queen Weight Loss Skeptic

    Its not about the losing...I have lost 100 pounds TWICE...and yet here I am...Show me the people who have lost weight and kept it off..like Ricki Lake...
  20. I was wondering do they have any of our tv programs at the hospital or hotel on the tv? and to charge my phone and laptop do I need an adapter?

  21. Im going to Dr Kelly next Tuesday but I didnt plan on talking with him until I meet him in person.
  22. Janese58


    With all this talk about depression I think I will be doubling up on my Wellbutrin.....this particular medicine has done wonders for me. Everyone is different....
  23. Janese58


    I actually take Wellbutrin now for that reason....helps with being anxious or moody. Nothing strong or anything...sort of like if you were pmsing all month, this drug would help you level out. Helps me anyway.
  24. Janese58

    Tv? Adapters for Laptops?

    108 people viewed this post but no one has any suggestions? (scratching head)......hmmmmm
  25. I would love to add you on Facebook but your last name isnt on the post or I cant figure out how to get the rest of the paragraph. My name is Janese Pitcher...friend me...my aunt and uncle are on there too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
