I was banded May of 2011. I didn't have any trouble with acid reflux until I was overfilled about 15 months in. Then it started all at night. I was ok durning the day but, within 30 minutes of going to bed it started. And, it was projectile. I tried not eating dinner, antacids of every kind, sleeping on the couch propped up on pillows. Nothing seemed to work. In two nights before my unfill I slept a total of 5 hours. I went about 6 weeks ago and had 1 cc taken out of my band, and I feel like a new person!!!!! I only have a little heartburn if I eat something spicy. Now, with saline put, I definitely have to track what I eat on My Fitness Pal. I have gained about 3 to 5 pounds back, but it has been worth sleeping!!!