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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cantw82loosew8

  1. Okay, so I had the lap band surgery on August 30th 2011 and it went perfectly. I got home and was dropping weight (24 lbs within the first 2 weeks). I suspect this was simply due to the liquid diet that followed the surgery. Fast forward, it is no October 13th 2011 and I'm staying staying right about 257 and can't seem to get bellow that dispite walking everyday. I have lost inches however. I am now considering trying NutriSystem or Weight Watchers to help. Anyone have any suggestions on how to start getting the weight to start going down? I must be doind something wrong.
  2. cantw82loosew8

    Closing in on the date....

    Here it is, Friday the 26th of August and my surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. I received the reminder call this morning. I am excited yet nervous (and I expect that I'll get even more nervous as the surgery grows nearer). This pre op diet is terrible. I believe I have everything that I will need after the surgery, ie, soup broths, gas x, liquid vitamins and liquid calcium supplements, a heating pad, a small pillow, protein shakes,loose fitting, comfortable clothing to come home in, my follow up appointment scheduled and Tylenol. I have even found a couple of cookbooks that I have ordered that is for people that have had AGB surgery. I just hope everything goes alright in surgery and I can start on my new journey to good health.
  3. cantw82loosew8

    Closing in on the date....

    Hello all, Well, I made it through the surgery and am now 5 days post-op. I'm feeling pretty good today. I have dropped 13 lbs since the start of my pre-op diet until today. I figured I would try some cottage cheese the other day, what a disaster that turned out to be (note to self...stay away from cottage cheese). thank God, it was only half a teaspoon. When I mentioned this to the nurse that called to follow up with me after surgery she said, well, I'm glad you didn't say a donut. Seriously?? A DONUT?? I think that would have killed me! Anyway, I have adheared strictly to my liquid diet again and am doing fine. I do have some cravings but nothing that I can't control. I'm not hungry like I was before the surgery which is a little odd for me but welcome non the less. I had some issues getting the recommended amount of fluids in the beginning but don't seem to be having any issues today. The biggest issues I would have to say was belching (it would come half way up and get stuck...painful) and the pain where the port was placed. I can't say anything else is a problem. Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll check back in a day or two. Hope all is well with everyone here.
  4. cantw82loosew8

    getting banded today

    I'm getting banded tomorrow morning so I totally understand the nervous and excited feelings. How did everything go? How are you feeling?
  5. cantw82loosew8

    Closing in on the date....

    Thanks, it is so helpful to read about others going through the same thing. I know I'm not the only one dealing with these feelings.
  6. cantw82loosew8

    Baby Quit Teasing

    Wonderfully written, I must say you have gift of pen.
  7. Hi All, Does anyone know of or could suggest any good cookbooks for post op lap band patients? I want to get my order in now so I will have them handy when I'm ready to go on to solid foods again. Any suggestions or recommendations would be very appriciated.
  8. I totally understand. Your surgeon didn't say you could have veggies or frozen meals like Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice as long as they are under 300 caleries? I can have all the veggies I want, needless to say I'm eating alot of veggies. Maybe you should ask your surgeon if you can too. It definately keeps the hunger at bay.

  9. cantw82loosew8

    Started my Pre Op Diet....

    Well, I'm 3 days into my pre op diet. I am following the plan to the letter but finding that I'm still hungry. The Lean Cuisine meals aren't bad but they could stand to have a little more flavor and a little more to them. I keep telling myself that I won't feel hungry like this after the surgery, that's what is keeping me going. I stood on the scale this morning and found that I lost 2.4 lbs since Monday. That was nice to see, I must admit. I have been invited to a birthday party for one of the people that I work with this weekend and I declined, I know that if I go that will be it for the diet. I was told that I could have all the vegetables that I want which works for me simply because we have a huge vegetable garden with everything from squash & zuccini to 5 different types of tomatoes. I do wonder if it would make a difference if I were to pan fry the squash in a tablespoon on coconut oil? I had watched "Banded Wendy" on youtube and picked up on some great pointers which I'm going to try. I just can't wait until the surgery is behind me and I can start moving on with my new relationship with food and ultimately myself, It will be nice to look into the mirror and like what I see for a change.
  10. cantw82loosew8

    Started my Pre Op Diet....

    Thanks you for your input. I so want this to go well and I'm doing everything in my power to make that possible.
  11. cantw82loosew8

    all eyes on me.jpg

    I am so inspired. I only hope I turn out this well. We have the same Doc.
  12. cantw82loosew8

    Welcome to Banderland

    Thank you Karon. Reading your story has helped me loose some of the nervousness about my upcoming lapband surgery. I'm scheduled for August 30th. Thanks for easing the fear a bit.
  13. cantw82loosew8

    August Bandsters????

    Hello! my surgery date is set for August 30th. I am excited yet nervous just like most of you here. I have been battleing my weight for the past 16 years. I would loose weight then just gain it back and then some. I am currently at my most heavyest weight and find it difficult to do activities. I am looking forward to not tiring so quickly and being able to be active again. I can't wait to be able to shop in the regular sizes again. I want my self confidence back and to be able to stop taking all the medications that I am currently taking not to mention that blooming CPAP machine! I am looking into different types of protine shakes (thanks for those of you who posted what they thought about the different types. It is proving to be very helpful.)
  14. cantw82loosew8


    This is so inspiring.
  15. cantw82loosew8

    Cantw82loosew8's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
