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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AlanSimmons

  1. AlanSimmons

    Post-fill Plateau?

    Hey guys! I had my first fill a couple weeks ago with no issues, but now I seem to be stuck at the same weight. I'm still eating correctly and exercising (an hour of laps every day in the pool), but I can't seem to break 350. What's up? Anyone else been here? Thanks!
  2. AlanSimmons

    Abs- how soon is too soon?

    Congratulations on surgery, Kelly! My doc cleared me for exercise 2 weeks post-op, but make sure you check with yours. He or she may have different requirements. Keep up the great work!
  3. I had a little visitor yesterday who popped his head out of my gut. I'm thinking of naming him. Seriously, though - anyone had to deal with an incisional hernia? I think that's wht it is because it's right beneath my largest incision. Probably no big deal, but I'm calling the doc tomorrow to let him know. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks!
  4. AlanSimmons

    Well, crap. I have a hernia.

    Yep, I did have an endoscopy, but that was just for an anatomical compatibility check. The little guy that I'm dealing with now only rears his hear when I'm lying down and pull my knees up and push my butt up in the air. I was banded July 22, so I'm just a few weeks post-op. I plan on calling my doc tomorrow and finding out what's up. Thanks so much!
  5. OK, maybe I'm being overly optimistic here, but I'm two-and-a-half weeks post-op, on soft foods, and feeling great. I'm losing weight (20+ lbs. since surgery), not hungry, and satisfied when I eat (around 1200 cal/day). Is that just crazy talk? If I'm still doing this well when I go for my first fill in September, will he still give me a fill, you think?
  6. AlanSimmons

    How do you stay healthy?!?!

    If you like Chinese food, I tried my new egg roll recipe last night. It was great! I make several at a time and then refrigerate them so I have them during the week. This recipe makes 8 egg rolls. 1/2 package of broccoli coleslaw mix 1/2 small onion, chopped 2 Cups of finely chopped chicken 2 Tbsp of stir-fry sauce (I like Kikkoman's) 1 tsp of ground ginger 2 tsp of garlic powder Egg roll wrappers Preheat oven to 350. In a hot skillet or wok, stir-fry the onions for a minute or two, then add the broccoli coleslaw mix. Stir for a couple minutes, then add the chicken. Mix it together, then add the stir-fry sauce and season with the ginger and garlic powder. Grab a small bowl of Water and your egg roll wrappers. Spoon about a 1/4 - 1/3 cup of the mix in a wrapper and wrap corner to corner, tucking in sides as you roll. Dip your finger in the water and paint the last corner of the wrapper with water before rolling it closed. Lather, rinse, repeat with the rest of the mix. Bake at 350 for 15-20 min. Awesome with a little sweet chili sauce. Nutrition info per egg roll (may vary with different brands): Calories: 152 Fat: 2g Carbs: 17g Sugars: 7g Protein: 16g Enjoy!!
  7. AlanSimmons

    I'm a Lap Band failure

    I don't usually type in all caps unless it's something that needs screaming, and this does: YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! The fact that you've taken steps to change your life at all takes you right out of the failure category. You've done more than some ever will. And you've lost weight. AND you're looking for ways to make your success even greater. Failure? No way. It's OK to get discouraged. But don't give up. Not ever. You keep going, keep telling yourself that you deserve better. Praise yourself for the good things you do—even the little things—every day, and don't criticize or curse yourself when you mess up. A gentle reminder that you can do better is all it takes. You'll get there. Stay with it. Good luck!!
  8. Thanks, guys! I lost 100 lbs. prior to surgery with just diet and exercise (I had to get down to a BMI of 50), and those good habits I started in March are carrying over, so I really feel that the band is just that: a tool. It's not a crutch, as some people have said in so many words (not on here, by the way). It's no different than a pin in your knee or a screw in your hip. It's just helping me get where I'm going. And I appreciate having all of you around on the trip!
  9. AlanSimmons


    That is fantastic!! You look amazing! You should be so proud of yourself. You're an inspiration to the rest of us. Thanks for sharing!
  10. AlanSimmons


    Have any of you gotten heat from your doctors or nutritionists for using over the counter vitamins vs. Bariatric Advantage or other medical brand? I've looked at the labels and don't see that much difference, especially with the multivitamins. And store brands are a lot cheaper than the others. Any thoughts?
  11. AlanSimmons


    Hugs and love coming your way, and your husband's. He (and all our troops) are heroes for their very willingness to serve, and we appreciate it! As for you, you've got a battle of your own to fight. Don't let the urge to overeat overwhelm you. Get up, get out, go to the library, to Walmart, to Barnes & Noble -- somewhere. Check out local resources for military wives. Here's one close to you: http://www.meetup.com/Ft-Hood-Military-Wives/ Your husband is going to need you at your best. Fight to be there for him. You can do it, and we're all behind you.
  12. AlanSimmons

    510 lbs and a long hall to lose it.

    Hang in there, Mark! I started at 477 in March. With diet and exercise (I love doing laps now, too), I was able to lose 100 lbs. even before surgery. I'm about 350-something now, and looking forward to the future. Keep at it, you've done great so far!
  13. I was banded July 22. Procedure went well, and no issues since other than the weird feeling in my chest/stomach area. It's like my chest area is full (like a full pouch), but my stomach growls like I'm hungry. Is this just me? Anybody else experienced this? Thanks!
  14. This is the best explanation I have ever heard of how this thing works! Thank you SO much for posting this!
  15. Congratulations! You're doing fantastic! And I don't see myself differently in the mirror yet, either. I'm down 116 lbs., but unless I look at a picture of myself before I started against a picture now, I don't see it. If you have a before and current photo, look at them. You'll see it. Keep up the great work!
  16. AlanSimmons

    Egg Drop soup?

    OK, so I'm 10 days post-op and craving egg drop soup like crazy. Is it safe to have the egg in it or should I strain it? Thanks all!
  17. AlanSimmons

    Greek yogurt

    I'm with you! I can't stand the taste of plain Greek yogurt. ACK! I started adding a Crystal Light "stick" flavor packet (strawberry, peach, orange) and a little Truvia sweetener. Much better!
  18. AlanSimmons

    Need some new exercise ideas.

    For weight loss and toning, swimming laps worked wonders for me. I dropped 100 lbs. in 5 months BEFORE surgery. When I started I could only do about 15 minutes, but over several weeks I worked up to an hour of laps. I'm a week post-op now, so it's going to take some time to get my mojo back. But that's what worked for me. Congratulations, and good luck on reaching your goal!
  19. AlanSimmons

    How did you change your mindset?

    I also still think about food sometimes. It's something I'm still working on. So far, I've adopted the attitude that I can have anything I want (when I get to where I can eat solid foods, that is - I'm still a week post-op) AS LONG as I'm willing to do however many laps in the pool it's going to take me to burn it off. But I also ask myself if it's going to move me closer to my goal or farther from it. Don't get me wrong; a small bit of something decadent every once in a while is OK, just not every day. Or even every week. Moderation + education = weight loss sensation.
  20. Sounds to me like you're doing great! Don't let others' misconceptions create your own. Believe in yourself. You're doing fantastic!! My new favorite quote: "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."
  21. First, I promise you're not starving. And you won't. Second, think about why you had this surgery to begin with. You're starting a new life. With new behaviors. And you deserve better than than to undo the work you did getting ready for surgery. You can do it. When the temptation of a bad choice comes along, tell yourself, "I deserve better." Good luck. PS - and once you can have noodles, try these: http://www.house-foods.com/tofu/tofu_shirataki.aspx. 3 carbs and 20 calories per serving. Great in spaghetti, Asian, you name it. Enjoy!
  22. AlanSimmons

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Hello, July Bandsters! I'm 4 days post-op and doing pretty well. Some hunger, some gas, but mostly excitement for the good things to come. Surprisingly, not a lot of pain or nausea, either. I'm looking forward to learning from all of you! Cheers,
  23. Good morning, all! I've been lurking for a couple of days, but wanted to introduce myself. My name is Alan Simmons. I'm 44 and about to be banded Wednesday. I've enjoyed reading the success stories on here and I love the way you guys support and encourage each other. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and joining you in this new lifestyle! ~Alan
  24. AlanSimmons

    Lap Band surgery in 2 days

    Thanks, Stan! I just might take you up on that. I see lots of questions coming.
  25. AlanSimmons

    Lap Band surgery in 2 days

    Thanks, Melinda!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
