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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandedhealthyme

  1. I had my surgery 11 weeks ago. I have always told myself that I'm doing this for the rest of my life, so I don't mind taking it slow.... well, sometimes I wish it was faster! but I will persevere :) I only have 1.5 cc and I still feel I can eat a lot.. not as much as before, but still, not enough to drop 2 pounds a week like a would like to. Next visit I will not say, I'm feeling great, like I always say... I will say, I don't feel much restriction, please fill me!! Let's see.....

  2. just spent 10 days on vacation and I didn't gain a single pound!! That right there is a miracle! Now, I'm ready to start lossing. Lost almost 20 from the heaviest I've been this year, and I want to see the scale going down.. down... down!! I will have my first fill by the end of the month and I can't wait!!

  3. bandedhealthyme

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Hi Kell, Some points of your story are very similar to mine (including the child with autism!), so please feel that you're not alone. I'm not an expert, and I have been on this almost the same time as you, but my rationale is the following: During pre op and the first days of post op, we were loosing weight because we were on a restriction diet. Thank goodness for those 22 pounds you lost (me too!!). However, our bodies are now healing from the shock of surgery. The lap band is not "functioning" yet, in other words, it's just there, but with no fill, there is no real function. Sooooo.... once we have our fill, we will start seeing the band at work!!! I wil have mine on the 25th and I'm looking forward to it!!! Let's keep our spirits up, and you will see, and I will see that this IS going to WORK!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!!!! I keep telling myself.... I'm in this for the long run~~ so we don't need to push it... it WILL happen for us!!! It will!!!!!!!
  4. just visiting! I wish you success and increasing faith in your journey!!!!

  5. bandedhealthyme

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I would recommend to all (including me!) not to compare your weight loss with others. Each own's body is very different from the other, and our organisms will react different too. I know it's great to post weight loss because it makes us so proud and we want the entire world to see (notice I have my own ticker , but don't be discouraged if you notice someone loosing them really fast and you are not. Live the PRESENT, take each day with joy and purpose and always remember that each moment presents a new opportunity to learn and be better!!! Good luck to all!!! I wish you a very healthy journey!!
  6. I had my first doctor's appointment post op. It was fast. Dr saw my incisions, told me they look great. Told him I had a strange sensation in my ankles/legs, told me not to worry, I look good. I will not worry then, but I will still walk and walk as much as I can :)

  7. bandedhealthyme

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Regarding the Protein drink, I believe my doctor's instruction is to drink this religiously for a year after surgery, or more. I have found something that I like (Nectar powder) so I guess I'm fine with this! Good luck!
  8. bandedhealthyme

    1st fill yesterday

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Very inspiring. I had my surgery last week and I'm also working on creating good habits. It is nice that your first fill went well... let's see how mine goes when I get it... not thinking about that yet. Oh, and I hope your doggy is ok!! I have two dogs and along with my two boys, they are all "my children:
  9. One week ago today, I had my surgery! I am practicing discipline and good habits!! I can do this!

  10. bandedhealthyme

    Dry Mouth

    I am. I had my surgery one week ago today, and even though my dry mouth has somewhat improved a little bit, I still have it. Also, my tongue is white... I believe the stomach is trying to heal from the shock of surgery and there is a slight imbalance of good and bad bacteria thus resulting in yeast which manifests as the white tongue and thicker saliva. The dry mouth sensation comes along with that. I am taking Probiotics every day. My doctor also recommended the Activia yogurt to help reestablish a good bacteria balance in the stomach. The good side is that we need the Water anyway, so drink up!
  11. bandedhealthyme

    New to site and excited for the future!

    Hi Kimmie! I wrote a blog (you can find it in my profile under blogs) about my experiences this past week. I invite you to read it in case it comes handy for your upcoming big week!! I feel very good! I will return to work on Thursday, not that I'm in a hurry to do that Keep in touch!
  12. bandedhealthyme

    New to site and excited for the future!

    I wish you success this Friday!!! This is the start of a journey of health and joy!!! Good luck! I am one week post op and it has been a nice week.... very exciting prospect of the future that is in front of us
  13. bandedhealthyme

    New to site and excited for the future!

    I had my surgery on the 12th and I'm looking for energized and positve people to share my journey with!!!
  14. Hi Tracy! We have similar stats so I was wondering how you're doing?

  15. I had mine on the 12th! We can do this!!! We are brave and strong! Woo hoo!

  16. bandedhealthyme

    one week post-op!

    I had my surgery last Tuesday! This week has gone by very fast.... filled with excitement, filled with emotions, filled with most than anything, hope and positivism!!! Some highlights of my process were: waking up from the sedation and the anesthesia is not a good feeling.... I tried to by alert very soon, and maybe I didn't let myself sleep it out as much as I should have, but I was eager to come back home. Since I was the first surgery of the day for my doctor, my nurse had told me that if everything went well, and I walked and went to the bathroom, I could be coming home as early as noon. I made that my goal (unconciously so), and I pretended to be more alert and ready than I was. My youngest child was with the babysitter and although I had made arrangements for her to be with him all day long if needed, I knew I wanted to come back to him. he has special needs and I have a big attachment to this kiddo.... Anyway, it wasn't that bad to wake up, but I'm just saying that it could have gone smoother if I had maybe given myself a couple extra hours. Even so, it was fine. I was a little suprised to see I had 5 cuts in my tummy.... I was expecting 3. Later found out that someone who works with my husband and had the band surgery too, also has 5.... who knew? I also thought my incisions were going to be lower. I became very thisty that day, next day too.... my mouth felt dry but I also had very thick saliva... later i realized by tongue was white and I brushed it. i kept brushing my teeth that second day, that help me feel my mouth fresh although the thick saliva lasted all day that day. i read somewhere in a blog that the whit tongue was common.... my conclusion is bacteria imbalance / yeast, due to the stomach shock and its process of trying to heal itself. on Thursday I was able to go to the bathroom... only skipped one day so I felt proud of myself because it's never a ggod time for it, I got my period on Friday, hooray.. NOT. I started confusing symptoms like having loose bm's that day. I didn't know if it was because of the surgery (again bacteria imbalance) or if it was my period doing that (which sometimes happens). I called the doctor on Saturday and the surgeon who was on call recommended to eat Activia to give my body probiotics instead of taking any medication for the diahrrea. I had some probiotics so i took one... I thought that would also help with the white tongue... It did!! I have kept taking a probiotic daily and I'm better but still no firm stools. No big deal for me. I have felt a tingling sensation in my ankles. This is not the first time I have felt this but it scared me to think it was blood clots related with anesthesia. I am scared of this!. I thought my period had something to do with this too, or the fact that I was not laying flat for days to sleep or rest since I had pillows propping me up. I will ask the doctor on my appointment tomorrow but I have been fine. I have been walking since day 1. Very slowly and carefully but walking walking walking Today I felt significantly better. I was feeling better each day, but today it was a leap. i believe it's because i'm less swollen. my tummy looks less bloated. I know I have gas in my belly but thank goodness it hasn't felt at all. that was kind of a surprise. i thought i would be fighting gas pains. Yayyyyy!!! I have lost 10 pounds this week, which I wasn't expecting. I re-started taking my multivitamins, I have my protein drink at hand all day and starting tomorrow I will take my calcium and iron. I want to loose weight in a healthy way!!!! I'm soooo happy and motivated!!!!
  17. bandedhealthyme

    Welcome to Banderland

    i had my surgery on the 12th and I share your enthusiasm!!!! let's do this!!! let's do this!!! yes!!!! I share with you the goal of being medication free, being healthy and have a great life, we ARE brave! we really are!!!!
  18. bandedhealthyme

    Day 4 of post-op

    I had mine on the 12th. I admire you for coming back to work so early! I wont be coming until Thursday. Good luck!!!
  19. bandedhealthyme

    Happy, Happy Second Band-Birthday to me ;-)

    you are so full of energy I can feel it through your words!!! happy birthday and happy life!!! hurray for you!
  20. I just had my multivitamins! I'm on the road to health!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
