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About ashgoldgar

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  1. ashgoldgar

    Had my band removed...now what?

    Thanks - im trying the small meals but its really hard not to get carried away. Not sure about revisions yet, my doctor said that we have to wait a few months until i fully heal and then we will "weigh my options".....hope we figure something out soon. Its almost like ive lost something, like Im mourning the loss of my band through eating. I have been very emotional about the removal - it was def the last resort. I feel like I know better than to over eat but I just cant help it when I have food in the house. ugh! haha thanks for the advise everyone.
  2. I got my lapband Dec 2008 and LOVED IT!!. Sadly after having complications over the past 13mths had to recently have it removed on July 1, 2011. Now all I can think about is food. I am able to eat everything and I find myself munching all the time on things I missed out in the past 2yrs. I keep having breakdowns for fear of gaining my weight back. Does anyonw have any suggestions of what I should do?? ive gained 6lbs in 13 days. I feel stressed and anxious.
  3. Welcome to the Lap Band Talk forums ashgoldgar! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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