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LAP-BAND Patients
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About MeliV254

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 10/11/1982

About Me

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  1. Happy 30th Birthday MeliV254!

  2. MeliV254

    4cc filled to 5cc

    My First fill was at 4 CC's , I just now got another fill to get me to 5.5 CC's . I am just now feeling it , so yeah . I am sure everyone is different
  3. MeliV254


    You will feel better soon , just rest and take some short walks as much as you can bear to . I also had a Hiatal Hernia so I know what you are going though right now . Happy to hear you are doing great !
  4. Hope you are feeling well !

  5. MeliV254

    First Blog Post

    Good Luck to you on your New Journey . Always remember that the lap band is a wonderful tool that if used correctly and wisely , can change your life forever . Although there will be bumps along the road , always know you are not alone . We are all in this together !
  6. Oh yeah what kind of Protein drinks are you drinking , and how are you making them ??
  7. You can do it ! Hope you are doing well . I got my Band on July 29th as well :)

  8. I get about 40 OZ or maybe a little more of water a day . I cannot even get my full protein fill because after One 16 OZ Serving of my Protein Shakes I pass out like a baby . I continiously eat popsicles , drink some sips of water or crystal light , or broth. Dont worry , you will get more fluids in slowly but surely .
  9. You can do it ! We are all in this together
  10. MeliV254

    Over 48 Hours Post Op Update

    Im still sleeping on my couch , cause its just so darn comfy , and I am normally a stomach sleeper and I cant roll over to my stomach on the couch so the couch is definately a must for me . I was able to drink a nice tall glass of protein today , which put my grumbling tummy to rest , and then I ended up passing out . LOL I feel like a baby , I am trying to tell the difference between gas and if my stomach is growling . O_O
  11. MeliV254

    day 1 of liquid diet

    What kind or protein are you taking , and are you mixing it with water or with milk ?
  12. Hope you are having a wonderful day , here is to all your future success !

  13. MeliV254

    over Two Weeks Post - op

    Keep up the great work Shonda ! You can dooo it
  14. MeliV254

    Over 48 Hours Post Op Update

    Hair Loss is not attributed to the Lap Band Procedure . Hair Loss is due to a vitamin deficiency that may be experienced in other forms of barriatric surgery . The pain was just more of a very uncomfortable feeling , at times I would experience sharp gas pains in my chest and belly , but it helped to take my pain meds to relax my self and to take slow deep breaths .
  15. MeliV254

    Over 48 Hours Post Op Update

    I woke up this morning feeling ALOT better than i have the previous morning . I went ahead and planned a little outing so that i might be able to get some extra brisk walks in and just to get out of the house . I went ahead and treated myself to a pedicure . That just about put me to sleep , by the time my pedicure was over I could feel my body getting a little exhausted . I had some gas pressure in my belly but nothing that was not tolorable . I had hoped to get right back home and lay down to give my body a rest , but my sister in law and I had to make a small detour along the way . My Boyfriends Family owns two businesses so we had to run and get some change for one of them . I stayed at the store with my boyfriend so I could spend a few minutes with him while i was still awake . Big Mistake , the pains in my belly only grew , I couldnt tell wether it was gas pains or what , but I was not a happy camper . We quickly got myself back home and took some of my pain meds quickly , I passed out pretty quick . 3 Hours later ,I am feeling ok . I am having some abrupt pains in my belly but i am not sure if my stomach is growling or if Its gas . Has anyone else been experiencing weird stomach spazzing expisodes ?

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