Hello all, You are on the ride of your life. That's a good thing. My top weight was 280 lbs. Being married to a photographer made it impossible to ignore the comfort of my size. I've always been "big boned" and was always comfortable with my size but the more I saw myself in photos, the more I hated how I looked. Although my husband loved me anyway, it wasn't enough for me. So 2011 came and I'm turning 50. That is when I said enough is enough. I wanted a new and improved me. I had my surgery June 9 2011, 3 months before my 50th bday. I didn't have any complications. It was the best decision I've every made. By my birthday, I was 40 lbs lighter. I could see my neck, look down and see my feet without bending over.As the weight started melting, I became more energetic and I starting water aerobics. I started liking me again. I made it down to 171 lbs. I got a little lax during the holidays and picked up about 12 lbs. I know what my weakness are and learned how to overcome it. So fare I've lost 6 lbs of those and my plan is to maybe get 10 more to reach 161 lbs. I say hang in there. Watch out for the sabotagers and remember, the love of looking and feeling good about yourself, fare out ways the temporary satisfaction of food. That's what keeps me going. Keep up the good Work!!