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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mellzie74

  1. mellzie74

    liquid died help :(

    Hi there, I just had my lap band inserted last Wednesday and I too struggled with the liquid diet. My BMI was 39 and for the 2 weeks I had a shake for Breakfast & lunch and then for dinner I had something reasonably healthy, like a warm chicken salad or vegetable & red meat casserole (no bread) although I was supposed to only have shakes 3 times a day. I still got through it even though I felt so guilty! The headaches and consipation are a real pain but think of things to come, if you can just get through it. Its probably harder for you because the lap band wasnt a direct choice made by you, it was an alternative. Keep thinking of how much your life will change with weight loss........those nice clothes....nice shoes.....walks on the beach........anything to get you through Posiivity is the key, even though its hard to be positive sometimes, we can control our life for a change. I wish you every success
  2. mellzie74

    Post surgery update

    I had my lap band inserted on July 20th 2011 at around 2pm and was up walking around by 7pm! I refused to use a bed pan and trusted I had the energy to get up and be mobile I had a pain relief injection the first night to help me sleep and the next morning I was up and showering with tolerable pain. I tidied my hospital room and made my own bed, because it seemed the nurses were run off their feet! I felt quite good I was discharged on the 22nd after my barium swallow xray test was good. I've been sipping decaffinated coffee with a teaspoon and eating vanilla yoghurt (takes me about 30-45 minutes to eat a 150 gram tub but I feel full and content. I am having trouble with bowels and have had a laxative but to no avail I will be purchasing some metamucil fibresure today along with a multivitamin and iron supplements. I slept in my own bed last night and managed to sleep on my side with minimal pain so that was great for me I weighed 101.3kg pre-op and yesterday weighed 99.3kg and this morning I weighed 98.3kg! So Im feeling very positive about things to come.
  3. mellzie74

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Hi there! I somewhat 'cheated' on my liquid diet.......I had my shakes for breakfast & lunch and then had a healthy dinner (a small portion) I felt so bad the day before my surgery when I bought & ate a whole burger! My surgery was a success and the doctor said there were no problems at all. My bowels still havent opened and it has been a week! If your bowels are not opening on the liquid pre-op diet, I strongly recommend taking a laxative and emptying the load! As most of my pain now is because Im 'backed up' Ive started taking metamucil fibresure daily, although its hard to drink because it has to be dissolved in a glass of water, and me drinking a glass of water takes a whole day lol not to mention the supradyn (vitamin & mineral supplement) which I also have to dissolve in a glass of water! So Im trying to blend up lots of vegetables and do things naturally I have had dumping feelings and although at first I was like 'whats going on' later I realised it was ok. Im burping alot which feels good and Im having a bit of gurgling, but hardly feeling hungry at all! Ive lost 5 kilograms total so far My family have been slack as usual lol Im managing doing the washing, ironing, cleaning slowly but surely! I had a hysterectomy last year so this surgery seems like somewhat of a breeze through the park The hardest thing Im finding is swallowing all the pills I have to.....I find they fill me up lol I take 8 tablets a day.....5 at night and 3 in the morning so its quite filling! If you take any regular medications find out with your doctor if they have a liquid form I wish you the best! Dont be nervous, I was so nervous and now realise there was no need to be I look forward to hearing how you are doing )
  4. I'm not feeling hungry at all! :o)

  5. I'm feeling a new lease on life :o)

  6. mellzie74

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Hello everyone! I just had my lapband inserted on July 20th and so far Im doing really well! Im not feeling hungry at all, Im still a little swollen and am not taking any pain meds because its not really that unbearably painful Im having having trouble with the bowels though :/ But will be getting some laxatives to help things along as I think this pain iis worse! So make sure before you have your surgery, your bowels have opened, otherwise it will only get worse after surgery, especially since its so hard to 'push' when you are a bit sore from the operation. So far Im felling very positive and am looking forward to a new lease on life

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