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LAP-BAND Patients
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About sharonna

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  • Birthday 01/21/1957

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  1. Happy 56th Birthday sharonna!

  2. Happy 55th Birthday sharonna!

  3. Hello all, It has been great to lurk for a couple of hours and read all the posts and see what is happening and new in the world of Lap Banding. I come from England and have had my band in for just over a year. It has been an interesting experience and for a short while the band worked really well and I had the feeling of knowing what I was doing and how it all came together to help me control my eating. Sadly, just after January this year Ihad lost 22lbs of the 99 I have to lose and I felt the restriction lift - not a problem I thought just needs another refill- so back I go, I have small regular refills and had reached about 8mls of saline in a 9ml band. The restriction didnt come back and it seems there was a problem with the port and leakage. Back into hospital in April 2011 al.most a year since I had the band put in, I hoped all would be well now and I could assume all would be back on track. Not so! 3 months and 3 xray fills later, and there is still no restriction, added to which during the fills when they withdraw all the saline and then refill it to the desired amount, there has been less and less saline coming back out, so last week having had 7mls put in the week previously, the doctor could only get 1ml out, It seems there is another or maybe the original leak, and it looks as if I have to return to hospital to have it redone. As my restriction went my appetite increased and I regained all but 7 lbs of my weight. Has anyone else had problems with leaks and repllacements? I would be really interested to hear your stories. Allhe best and good weight loss to you all.
  4. Welcome to the Lap Band Talk forums sharonna! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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