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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Alexandra39

  1. Wow, sounds like you're doing just great! Thanks so much for your support.
  2. Well, It's been over 10 days that I've been tracking my calories on myfitnesspal.com I have done good so far. I need to increase the water but I have been doing so very slowly. I am kind of upset because I went over my calorie goal today...with a soft serve chocolate ice cream with sprinkles. It was the smallest size but still made me go over. But I am trying to forgive myself for it. Yesterday, I had Taco Bell for dinner and I was SOO surprised that by having 2 tacos a soda I didn't pass my calorie mark and I still had leftover uneaten calories. That made my day. But today was tough, my daughter had a problem at school...so I just had the ice cream.
  3. For me, the tough part is walking in my neighborhood. I live in a overpopulated town and it just doesn't help my anxiety. I think I will try weekends at the park on the track field and maybe go to the gym. I have to find a way.
  4. Thanks, Water aerobics sounds great when I start feeling confident enough to be seen in a swimsuit, haha! I have only done that when I go away on vacation with me daughter and nobody knows me. I know what you mean about th fat little stubs, I went up a shoe size and need wide shoes ugh! and the kankles!! terrible and painful. Oh how I long to have normal ankles and feel again.
  5. Thanks for this. It's very helpful. I am so glad you're doing well. I hope I will be able to start walking soon after surgery. I am trying now, like I said I walked some this week.
  6. Why can't you? Is it pain or fatigue?
  7. I haven't been given an exact date yet. I've been told it should be around August or September. I am hoping the sooner.
  8. Very good point, thanks! I did end up walking 2 days out of this week for one hour per day. So I am happy I was able to do that at least.
  9. Hi everyone, Well, I had the first appointment with the surgeon on March 28th. I have not meet with the nutritionist yet. My surgery will probably be anywhere from August to October. I hope it's in August, the sooner the better! I began to really start watching what I eat more carefully about 6 days ago. I downloaded an app called Myfitnesspal onto my daughter's Ipod so I can keep a food diary more easily. It really helps because I can keep track of my calorie intake each day and Water as well. So far I've managed to keep on track without going over. It hasn't been easy, sometimes I am hungry but I drink water to help me fill up. I am no longer drinking soda on a regular basis. I have only had one 16 oz bottle of Seagram's Ginger Ale one day. I crave sweets a lot so I bought sugar free Jello only 10 calories. I need to try to find a low calorie ice cream. I am trying to increase my water intake, I didn't realize I was not drinking enough. MyFitnessPal can also be accessed online. One of the things I love about it is that from the Ipod I can scan barcodes and it automatically inputs all the nutritional information. Another thing I just noticed last night were the graphs that show how much Protein, carbs and fats I am eating. Unfortunately, I have been eating more carbs and fats than protein. I have to work on that. I hope I can print the diary when I go see the nutritionist so she can get a better idea of my eating habits and help me make adjustments necessary in problem areas. That's basically it for now. Hope you all have a great day. Mari
  10. Oh, thanks. I figured the first part but did not know the second. Makes sense.
  11. Thanks! Yes, I also think the toughest part is not drinking with meals.I've heard an hour before and an hour after. Is that true? I wonder why that is except for the obvious of getting full. I hope we can at leat take a sip of Water. You and I will have our surgeries around the same time. I'm definitely trying to have the mental part ready for all of this. So far I've been okay. I just need to get those 8 cups of water in. I often feel thirsty. Good Luck to you too. Thanks again.
  12. Hi, I posted recently but go no replies/feedback I hope this time I'll be lucky, lol. Well, my PCP told me that by looking at the paperwork we have so far, the surgery should be by August. I figure Sept the latest. I can't wait. I have started to prepare since last week. I have been watching what I eat, keeping a diary and drinking more water, I want to know if the nutritist will give me a meal plan or a list of things I can eat or not. It would be easier with more structure. I am tracking my calories right now and making sure I don't go over. I haven't yet. For example, yesterday I went to Applebee's and ordered a Chicken Ceasar Salad. I ate the chicken first, I did not eat the croutons and I basically ate just half the salad. I am trying to train my brain to stop eating when I get a sense of fullness. I could have eaten more but I didn't because the salad is 820 calories which includes the dressing it was drenched in. I had water by sips only about half a glass. I do feel hungry. I find myself thinking of what I can eat that won't be so bad. Last night I had a sugar free jello 10 calories and a 16oz bottle of water to try and feel full and calm my stomach. I went to sleep shortly after. It's tough, but I'm trying. Do any of you get anxious or restless when you're hungry. That's what is happening with me, I'm going to try to drink more water to see if it helps me with feeling full.
  13. Alexandra39

    Is It Too Soon To Start Pre Op Diet?

    Thank you all for your replies. My family keeps telling me to start eating less and more healthy. That's what I really meant to do...so it won't so difficult after the surgery. I've been reading about the Protein shakes, but my surgeon hasn't mentioned anything about that yet. She just metioned Vitamins after the surgery. I've just been eating less, eating slower, drinking Water and eating the order she suggested; Proteins first, veggies second and carbs last. Maybe when I meet with the nutrionist she will tell me about the Protein Shakes and how long before I have to start the real pre op diet. For now I will take your advice and enjoy, without overindulging of course. I have read people say about the last meal syndrome or something of the sort and I don't want to fall into that mindset because that could make me gain more weight. Thanks for your feedback all. By the way, how long before your surgery did actually start to consider it as an option? Just Curious. I had been considering it for a while, at least a year I'd say. I've made attempts in the past to lose weight I succeeded once. I lost 10 lbs in a month but then hit a plateau and stopped. I also needed to have an ovarian cyst removes so I was told no to exercise until after the surgery and I just never went back. I actually started talking to my doctor about it in January or February. Since then I just tried drimking more water and no more soda. Also, not much fast food. But I haven't lost any weight, I crave sweets often.
  14. Alexandra39

    First Time Here.

    Nancy, Wow, thanks so much for this valuable advice. It really helps A LOT. Like I said, I have to being learning all of these changes because I need to get started. I feel like time flies and August will be here before I know it. I have to do major renovations in my apartment before my daughter starts school next September plus I have to fit in the time to take her to her summer activities and have some fun with her. I really need the energy. 25 pounds is amazing! I will definitely read about Ketosis. Thanks so much for the tips.
  15. Hello, It's my first time on this VSL site. My name is Maribel, I'm 38 years old. Initially, my PCP and I had discussed the Lap Band Surgery but upon meeting my surgeon (who was recommended by my PCP) we decided to go for the VSL. I am at 224 lbs, and I'm only 5'1. This is the heaviest I have ever been; it's 40lbs. over what I weighed when I was at fell term pregancy! I have high blood pressure which I take medication for and I also have sleep apnea which I am using the CPAP machine for. I suffer from other ailments which I prefer not to get into for now but I take medications that cause my metabolism to be slower and Water retention. I have tried to lose weight in the past; the best I could do was 10lbs in a month and I did that by exercising (cardio and weights) regularly and eating healthy and smaller portions. Once I hit the plateau I become discouraged and stopped, but it was also because I had to because I had an ovarian cyst that I needed to be surgically removed and was told to rest until the surgery. The excess weight for my height is about 100 pounds. As I am writing this here, I am just realizing this horrible reality. I am not really nervouse about surgery, I am looking forward to it so I can begin the process of losing weight. My PCP figures that I will have all the paperwork ready for the insurance company by August. So I am thinking the surgery will be August or September. The wait will be difficult. I really want this because this excess weight is also beginning to affect my mobility. I am much slower when walking, I get winded easily, have dizzy spells or feel out of balance (like if I am going to tip over). I am afraid to go up and down the stairs because I feel like I'm going to fall. I almost feel like my knees can't handle all this weight. I get tired so quickly when I am standing or walking for a while and my feet start to hurt a lot. It is very frautrating because it has affected me in so many ways. My energy level is so low. I just feel so tired all the time. I am a single mother of a pre-teen girl and I feel like this affects her too because I am not able to do more with her and keep up with her. I don't know what I'll do in the summer. I feel guilty about it. My PCP and surgeon and G.I. doctor all told me this surgery will be life changing and they are all very supportive of me doing this. I feel lucky to have really great doctors. I have an endoscopy on the 30th that my surgeon wants me to have done because I have a history of acid reflux and ulcers. So far that's it. I have to still make an appt. to see the nutritionist and psychologist which is protocol for surgery. I have begin the process and I just hope that this will work for me and that I wil be able to do everything I have to do to help myself in this process. I just want to look at it as a day by day thing but it is difficult right now to just have to wait. Thanks for whoever read this. Please feel free to give any advice. Oh, btw I am starting to watch what I eat more. I am trying to drink more water and cut out the soda and I am also trying to learn to eat slowly.
  16. Alexandra39

    First Time Here.

    Hi Nancy, Thanks for your support. Yes, I know this surgery will be a good thing for me. I'm the caregiver type; always thinking of and helping others and not myself. To be doing this for me for once is a strange but good feeling. I feel very luck to have really great doctors 2 of which I know for several years. I've been under the care of my PCP about 20 years. He is excellent and he recommended my surgeon so I know they are colleagues and I trust his recommendation. My Gastrointestinal doctor also know both my PCP and surgeon and I've know her for about 6 years. To have them all now each other makes me feel so much more at ease. All three doctors agree that type of surgery is the best for me and I am so glad and grateful that they are being so supportive. Staying away from sugars will be tough as I LOVE LOVE chocolate but I know I can do this. I am also big on carbs but I figure it's a process and a matter of just getting used to the change in eating habits. How are you feeling? I just noticed your surgery date was the day before I met my surgeon. Wow, that's recent! Are you still on liquid diet or is it mushy foods now? I'd love to hear how it's going for you. I hope you're feeling good. Thanks Again and the best of luck on your journey!
  17. Alexandra39

    First Time Here.

    Hi Raven, Thanks for your support. Yes, the wait is tough. May 14th? that's great! I agree, it's important to get in the mindset before surgery so that it won't seem like such a drastic change afterwards. I am also trying to think about it as a permanent lifestyle change and nt trying to fall into the "last meal syndrome" lol I read that somewhere on another site. The last thing I want to do is put on more weight before surgery and besides, my insurance requires that I attempt losing weight before surgery. So I try to focus on that and just taking it day by day really watching what I eat. Thanks again Raven! Good Luck with your surgery. I can't wait to hear how it went!
  18. Alexandra39

    First Time Here.

    Hi Lissa, Thanks for your support. I need all the support I can get! I am really looking forward to have increased energy; I cannot go on like this any longer. I really hope the surgery will be in August because my child starts the 8th grade in September and I have to be well enough to make the high school open house rounds with her. I want to be able to take my dog for walks and go to the gym which I enjoy. As for the Water, I was drinking Fruit20 until a couple of days ago when I realized it contains 90mg of sodium. That totally defeats the purpose of the water pill that is comnied with my blood pressure medication. Here I thought I was doing a good thing. That will change today, I am going out to get some plain H20 and get to drinking. I am clueless when it comes to counting calories and servings sizes by grams and all of that. I seriously need the help of my Nutritionist for that whom I have yet to meet. How do you count grams for Proteins? What exactly is considered Protein aside from meat, fish and chicken? It seems like you are doing great and I am so glad. It is motivating for me to hear your stories. I suffer from depression and I really need to work hard at keeping a routine and staying motivated no matter what. So this message board is really great and I think that in addition to me really finally being really ready to do this will be helpful. Thanks again Lissa. All the best!
  19. Hi, I haven't posted in a while. Back when I did post I was planning to have the surgery soon after but then I just postponed it for the Spring being that I thought we'd have a harsh winter and I didn't feel like schleping to NYU Hospital from Queens for all the Dr.'s appointments. Plus with the holidays approaching I figured it would be too difficult to start the process during that time. I turned 38 last month, and I am about 5'1 and over 215 pounds. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and sleep apnea. I am taking meds for my pressure and my doctor also recommended a baby aspirin a day. I was given the sleep apnea machine but stopped using it because I feel like it doesn't help and it's too difficult to sleep with it. I want this surgery, I want to lose the weight. I am scared though. I am afraid that I won't be able to have the will power. I am going to try my best and give it my all because I know I have to in order for it to work and avoid complications. However, I suffer from depression and anxiety and I think I see food as the only thing I have control over. I hate when my family tells me what to eat or not eat. It used to be that I didn't really eat a lot, just the wrong things like fast food. In my mind, I say to myself, let me eat whatever I want because it's what makes me happy and brings me comfort. I want to lose weight for my health because I am a single mother and my child has no one but me. I need to live. I have been criticized so much about my weight by my family which is most hurtful that I don't want to do this to please anyone. People can be so superficial and hurtful...I know this is the way our society is...sadly so. I just want to do this for me and my daughter. I try to give myself incentives in my mind, telling myself that I will be healthy, I will have more energy, it may improve my depression symptoms and self-esteem. I will be able to actually enjoy shopping for clothes for myself and looking at myself in the mirror without being disgusted at myself. Right now, I just wear my "uniform" my jeans and t-shirts and don't really ever buy anything for myself. I hope someone here can relate. I have medicaid and medicare and I know I have to call the medicare office to get clearance. I am so nervous to make that call I don't know why. Can someone please explain to me what I need to say exactly. Who do I ask for? I have to start the process now I figure, if I want to get the surgery done by the spring. I will try to log in here more often because I really need I feel the support from people who understand. Thanks anybody who took the time to read this. Mari
  20. Thank You so much for your support. Yes, my child needs me. From my family, I basically have only to people that understand and support me. My child and my father. I even think my child is much more sensitive about the whole situation. It is a sensitive subject for me, but I am glad I am going to do this. I was referred to a surgeon by my Primary Care Doctor and I did attend a seminar. She said that I have to call the Medicare office myself which made me nervous when I heard about it. I will speak to my PCP again and see if he might help me make this call or speak to her about this. Thanks for your advice. All the best with your surgery!! I'm excited for you. Keep me posted on how you do. Mari
  21. Alexandra39

    Pre And Post Op Tummy Tuck Pics...

    I haven't had the lap band surgery yet, but I will. This is one of my concerns...the excess skin after the surgery. You look great by the way and it's great to know you did not have much pain. I wouldn't mind having the tummy tuck but I don't think I'd be able to afford it. I have medicaid and medicare and I am pretty sure it's not covered being that it is a cosmetic procedure. How much is it if you don't mind me asking? Also, what are good places in NYC to have it done? I want to be prepared. Thanks

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