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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Alexandra39

  1. I lost 7 pounds in the last month by counting calories with myfitnesspal.com and I cut out soda, I'm so happy I only expected maybe a couple of pounds because I went over the calories a few days but it didn't matter. yay!! My PCP thinks it would be helpful if I lost another 8 (to ta 15) just to make the surhery easier. I went down from a 42 BMI to 41. I also won one of Dr. Oz's giveaways. I couldn't be more thrilled. Here's a link to the photo gallery of the product. http://www.fitbit.com/product/gallery
  2. Alexandra39


  3. Alexandra39


    From the album: Miscellaneous

  4. Alexandra39

    Surgery Cancelled

    I don't think the doctors would allow you to have the surgery if there was anything at all that they thought could pose further risk and complcations. However, I agree you need to feel ready and comfortable so I'd say go with your gut feeling and wait until you feel ready and all your concerns are adressed.
  5. Hi everyone, I just wanted to share this with everyone here. Wether you are starting your journey, in the middle of it or are done...this can be applied to your life. Just a griendly reminder
  6. Alexandra39

    Leaving For The Hospital

    Ha, ha You're funny! Prayers are with you as well. That spirit will help you immensely
  7. Yes, that's what I don't get either. WA and NY are states that you would think be among the first to approve. I know the surgery is fairly new and I have also heard about the clinical trial option. In my opinion, if the surgery is fairly new anyone getting it done can still be considered in the "trial" phase. After all, the reason why they are holding back on approval is because they want more long term effects evidence. At least that's what I've heard. Anyway, what is the big difference between having it done after Medicare's approval and as a clinical trial. Is it liabilty? Are there any differences in the type/quality of care you will receive? I wish you good luck, please keep us posted on how things turn out. Wish me luck too! June 28th cannot arrive soon enough!
  8. Is it medicaid alone? or did you have to add a healthcare plan to it such a neighborhood for example? My primary is Medicare and secondary is straight medicaid. I'll look into it. Thanks
  9. Hi sdb1147, So I am going to be patient and continue getting all the paperwork done with the hope that Medicare will approve. I totally agree with you. There does not seem to be much of a better choice for me. Sleeve would be best. haha last line of your last post made me laugh.
  10. I'm really surprised that the decision hasn't been made here in NYC. They seriously need to take into consideration the needs of individual patients. For example, this would be the best choice for me because it is not as complicated as Gastric Bypass, where one can even end up with malnutrition problems. Another big plus for Gastric Sleeve is that it removes the part of the stomach that that contains the craving/hunger components. I can't wait to know the decision and I really hope they approve.
  11. Alexandra39


    A week flies by! No worries! I do undertsand how it feels being mentally prepared and then you have to wait some more. The waiting is definitely tough, but to put things in perspective for you...I have to wait to see if my insurance approves sleeves until late June or July. After that I have to wait for the paperwork to be reviewed "if" it is approved.
  12. At NYU you have to pay for the nutritionist. A one time fee. It varies by hospital.
  13. Again, thanks so much for your support. It sure does mean a lot. I lost sleep last night over this and I also went over my calorie intake. I have to get back on track and trust that God will know what's best for me. Good idea about the journal. I will start one soon. Good Luck to you & God Bless.
  14. Thanks Greg, for posting all this info and links. I am very disappointed as well because I found out today that my Medicare (primary) and Medicaid (secondary) won't cover VST. Does it vary from state to state? I'm in NY. I had also begun the process of gathering the necessary documentation for this surgery thinking that by August or September this would be approved. Unfortunately, it turns out that the hospital I went to provided me with the wrong information on some printed insurance information material they had provided me. It was a bad experience with the insurance coordinator because it almost sound as if she did not want to help. She was quite blunt and interrupted me many times while I was trying to ask questions. It was very frustrating. They want to charge a $250 fee for a psychological evaluation and $250 for the nutritionist. I understand all hospital are different and this hospital is considered one of the best for Lap Banding Procedures and Bariatrics in general. However, given the fact that I am on Medicaid and Medicare an insurance coordinator can probably understand that I have low income. When I mentioned that I see a psychotherapist and psychiatrist for depression, she said that a psychiatrist and psychologist are 2 very different things. She did not got on to at least briefly tell me how. she said they needed someone who has experience working with bariatric patients. I told her my psychotherapist and psychologist have both worked with bariatric patients. She said in that case what I could do is to have them write a very detailed letter of my situation and the reasons they feel I should have surgery. I asked if there was a form they needed to fill out or speific questions they needed answered and she said now because everyone is different. (Obviosuly!) The she said that they would review this letter to see if it was acceptable. Let me just say, this just really upset me. I didn't think it would because I know it's a waiting thing and I can do that. But when you're mentally ready for something that is such a big deal because it is life changing and for the first time in a long time you feel focused and are taking all the necessary steps to make it happen and then you find out not only that the surgery may not even be approved in the end but you also receive that kind of poor, dismissive treatmenr from someone who is supposed to help...well...it did end up getting to me. I have been keeping a food and execrcisediary for about 3 weeks so fara and I ahave been doing well practicing for post op lifestyle...today I did not do well. I've been hungry all day and I think it's the frustration of this. Well, I guess I'll have to snap out of it and just be patient.
  15. I just spoke to another hospital and they told me the decision will be made in July. I guess I'll have to wait.
  16. I spoke to them today and they told me that Medicare has not approved Sleeve Gastrectomy and the review in able was not favorable. I'm so disappointed. Here I am getting my paper work together and everything and now this. At this point I'm unsure what to do. I tried to find out when the final decision will be made. I hope that they approve this. I'm really surprised they didn't here in NY and in Florida they do.
  17. Alexandra39

    Tell Us Where You're From!

    Yes, Medicare is for seniors or the disabled and Medicaid is for low income families
  18. and thanks...I'm so glad and relieved to hear that Medicare covered you. Apparantely, my Medicare is my primary insurance and Medicaid is secondary. It looks like it's the same for you.
  19. I have to pay $250 for the nutritionist and another $250 for the psychologist. I'm going to look in to another hospital and see what they say
  20. Alexandra39

    Tell Us Where You're From!

    Hi, I'm from Queens, NY. I was planning on getting my sleeve done at NYU but they told me today that Medicare doesn't cover this procedure. It's being reviewed and they may decide by the summer
  21. Alexandra39

    I'm Overweight! Woohoo

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to be saying those same words too. Your post title stood out to me, I can feel your hapiness , that's great!
  22. My surgeon ordered I have an endoscopy done and it's today! I am happy to be in the process of getting all these tests done to get it out of the way so I can finally have the surgery. I see my nutritionist for the first time on Wednesday and pssible my surgeon. I'm focused, so ready to do this. I am feeling good today. I hope everyone here is feeling good too Have a great day everyone!
  23. Thanks for your advice. What you are suggesting are all great ideas and definitely easier for me to do. I really can't wait to start exercising. I know it'll be tough at first, but I remember how good I felt when I did it years ago.
  24. I like to walk, of course it's not easy as before because of all the excess weight. I have to walk at a fairly slower pace, my feet hurt and my ankles get swollen when I stand or walk for too long. I also plan on joining a gym after surgery, but do need to start walking know since someone here mentioned muscle loss because of rapid weight loss. Can anyone tell me how that muscle loss would affect me? I think I know, but just want to make sure. I am so looing forward to the surgery. The waiting is tough. I am focused and ready. The reason I barely get out is because I suffer from depression and anxiety. I know I will be able to make all my medical appointments. I am just so self conscious now but I am trying. I went out for an hour walk with my daughter over the weekend. I was proud of myself. Well, just needed to check-in and say hello. Mari

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