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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by redhead8691

  1. redhead8691


    Can someone tell me how to put a ticker on here for my weight?
  2. redhead8691

    One Year ago!!!!

    That is great!
  3. redhead8691

    A week shy of 3 months and 47 lbs down!

    So I will answer Michael first, in the beginning I wasn't losing weight. I lost 4 lbs right before I started my preop diet. I lost 19 lbs in the 10 day preop diet. So after surgery it took forever to lose any weight.. or so it seemed like it. I went for my first fill back in August and found out my port was flipped, so they thought. The doctor opened me up to find out that it wasn't flipped. Under fluoroscopy it even showed it flipped. So they sewed me back up, told me to come back 2 weeks later. At that appointment it was determined my port was not functioning. In fact it never did function so I was scheduled for surgery to put in a new port. At this point I had lost about 10 lbs..this was from surgery to beginning of september, so I wasn't doing well at all with weight loss..10 lbs in more than 2 months was hardly optimal. Although that 10 lbs with the other made 33. So after the port issue was fixed I got a fill which put me up to 5 since first surgery. So finally I started losing a little more, 6 more lbs..but my husband is having the surgery and so Saturday I started the preop diet again with him for moral support and have since lost 7 more on the preop diet with him. So that made 47. Okay so has my experience been positive? Well I think for the most part it has been because 47 actually today 48 lbs gone, but the extra surgeries have not been good. I am glad I did it. I am glad I am losing weight and hope to continue to do so. My cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure have all come down and that is worth it. Angie
  4. Next week will be my 3 month mark. In the beginning I was losing slowly, but I have lost 47 lbs! Yesterday someone stopped me and said he didn't even recognize me from afar, I told him how much I had lost and said I didn't think that was enough to make me unrecognizable yet..but maybe. I went for a fill today and was bumped up to 7cc in 10 cc band. I am thinking this may be too much for me, but I want to ask you all if you know this..If they pull all the fluid out and then put it back in with extra..so pull out six, add 1 to make 7, do you think that will make it seem tighter and then go down some? I feel it sitting at the bottom of my throat and hear all those weird noises it makes when food and liquids SLOWLY go down. Anyone with input would be helpful, I may have to go back to 6 and stay there. Angie
  5. redhead8691

    Anyone else have a defective port?

    Just curious if anyone else has had their port not at all functio
  6. redhead8691

    Anyone else have a defective port?

    Yes I had to have it removed and get a new one. I have never heard of this before, so I thought I would ask.
  7. redhead8691

    1st Dr. visit was good, didn't even need a fill

    Did you lose all the 70 lbs in 2 months??
  8. redhead8691

    Feeling a little discouraged

    I was banded 7/5/11 and since then I have only lost 12 lbs, so we have a similar story. I have the 10 ml band with 5 in it. I have had something really stuck 1x and I answered the phone, wasn't thinking and swallowed my food too fast, so now I don't answer the phone when it rings and I don't talk much when I eat because I don't ever want to have stuck happen again. I too feel like I could eat much more than I allow myself too, but the trick is just don't allow yourself to. For example, yesterday I went to lunch with a friend at my favorite mexican restaurant. I asked for a box before my food ever got there. I put all but 1/2 of my piece of fish and the guacamole and some salsa in the box to take home to my husband. If it is already in the box I don't eat anymore. So even if you think you can still eat the same....DON'T! Good luck! Angie
  9. redhead8691

    No Fill, Dr cannot access my port

    This happened to me at my second fill apt in August. I was so upset. They told me that my port flipped and scheduled me for port revision. Fluroscopy even showed it upside down. When the dr. opened me up, my port was fine, it was never upside down. The fill nurse was not accessing the right spot. So I was opened up for nothing. My surgeon was very upset and apologetic, but I got a 3ml fill while I was opened up, for a total of 5. He said from now on all fills will be done under fluro by him. It isn't the worst thing. They can fix it. Good luck. Angie
  10. redhead8691

    Too Tight = Not Good

    How much do you have in your band
  11. redhead8691

    Flipped...not really Opinions please

    Opinions wanted please...last week I went to get a fill and the nurse said my port was flipped and that it appeared to not be attached to anything. So I went back today to have the doctor cut me open and flip it back over and reattach it.. WELL 2 before pics were taken that determined that my port was in fact flipped, but when the doctor cut me open, my port was not flipped! So, I ended up driving 6 hours roundtrip and am now out of work 4 weeks without pay for most of it and had an unnecessary surgery! I really like my surgeon, he is very good and I wouldn't change the fact that I had lap band or that I chose him, but I am upset about having to put my coworkers out to work overtime for me and the fact I will only get paid a weeks pay out of 4.
  12. redhead8691

    Flipped...not really Opinions please

    They did pics, the pics showed it upside down.
  13. redhead8691


    I had surgery July 5. Everything has been going fine, but today when I went for my second fill they said my port was flipped completely over. The doctor was not in the office. The nurse tried to flip it over, but it wouldn't work, so now I have to go back next week for the dr. to fix it. They said it will be done in the office with local anesthetic, so I won't be out. I am nervous about being cut open again because I am a nurse and often have heavy patients. So I am concerned about going back to work that night after being cut open to fix it. Anyone else have this happen? Angie
  14. redhead8691


    some peoples bodies reject the port and dont attach to the mesh that is apparently what happened
  15. redhead8691

    7 Months Out - Can't lose weight!!

    I have only been banded 5 weeks, but something I have noticed about myself is that if I eat 300 calories a day like for the liquid diet I lose weight. If I eat 700 calories a day I stay the same. If I increase my calories to 1000-1200 I lose weight again. Maybe it is the same for you.
  16. redhead8691

    First Time Bloger

    I do not wait 20 seconds in between, but I definitely chew a lot more than I ever did before and it really seems to help. I haven't had a problem yet. As I chew I think about the size of the opening and make sure the food is small enough to go through.
  17. redhead8691

    Aug 6, 2011

    My dr said to do just 3 meals a day with no snacks, but honestly at the amount I eat I don't think it is enough, so at least once a day I add in some nuts for more protein and it really seems to help.
  18. So how did your dr apt go? I got 1 ml fill which brings me to 5ml. I have lost 31 lbs now! 7 since surgery.

  19. redhead8691

    First Post-Op Appt.....Tomorrow....

    I was banded on the 5th and I probably shouldn't, but I weigh everyday. I have lost and gained back and forth since then. I don't know why because I have been following the diet...until today, today was not so great as I was making food for a going away party and ate some of the fruits and veggies. I know that isn't the worst thing, much better than my past self, but it still makes me feel bad, especially since I don't have the weight loss that everyone else does..on the bright side my clothes are all loose, so I know it is working. As long as you are doing what you are supposed to, it has to work for you eventually. Angie
  20. redhead8691

    Why aren't I sleeping?

    Good luck to you, I lost 19 lbs on preop and felt the best I have felt in my life during that time. I am only 2 /12 weeks from having had my surgery, so I cannot tell you much, other than at first after the surgery I was very discouraged..hormonal for a few days, but now I am so happy I did this. I love how it has positively impacted all aspects of my life. Angie
  21. redhead8691

    16 days post op

    Were u banded on the 5th? I was..I had tilapia tonight too!! I hear you with the energy, I went to workout tonight and wanted too, when I got there I got through 1/2 a song on my ipod and then boredom set in, so here I sit charging it for tomorrow.
  22. redhead8691


    Oh wow lots of us need to know!
  23. Wow I hope I have the success that you have had! Did you have a lot of hanging skin?

  24. redhead8691

    12 days post op

    When you are at work you should put a pic of your head on some skinny little bikini body on a beach and tape it to your computer! Use the money you would buy snacks with and put it towards a vacation on that beach!! You didn't have the surgery to sabotage yourself! I am surprised I haven't cheated yet. I have never been able to stick to something this long before..but now I am! I ended up starting soft foods 3 days early because I couldn't take being hungry anymore, problem was I thought I got 4 oz of softs, but it was really 2 1/2...so for 3 days I ate 1.5 oz too much at a time, but really who cares, it was only 1.5 oz...If you have to chew, chew on ice or jello.
  25. redhead8691

    Not losing weight

    I am 12 days out. In the preop phase 10 day liquid I lost 19. I had lost 5 lbs by the 5th day, but have gained all 5 lbs back. So I am still at my 19 from before surgery. I am hoping to start losing soon.

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