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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MzStace

  1. I had my 1st visit with the surgeon on Aug 4th, I have to do a 6 month diet & exercise class, Aug 8th i attended a diet & exercise seminar, Aug 9th I drop the form off to my dr office so she can sign off saying it's ok to participate in the Well Wellness Program, Aug 10-Aug 22 nothing but excuses after excuses, so on the 22nd I go to the office and ask have they faxed the paperwork back to the Wellness Center yet, O she has a note on your chart to discuss at office visit, wow thanks for letting me know so I try to scheldule a office can't one until Sept 19th!!!!! So I've decided if I really want to get the ball rolling I needed to change drs. So I made an appt with another dr who my mother goes to, and I will be seeing him on Monday!!! I plan on going on a cruise in May I would like to be banded by then. So with that being said do you think I'm doing the right thang by changing drs????

  2. Well with my INS I have to do a 6 mos pre-op diet, so I was very disappointed to hear that, he told I make his job easy because I didn't have high blood pressure etc. The only thing that I have to get is an upper G I to check if I have an hernia. Gave me my paper work to schedule my diet and exercise class, nutrionist and psychologist. So I've trying to get everything schedule NOW because I don't want no last minute surprises when I do get a surgery date. So Good Luck with your dr appt tomorrow and plzs let me know how it goes!!!!!!!!

  3. When is your surgery scheduled? Mine is August 23rd! I am in north Georgia - but at least we are in the same state. Would love a lap band buddy - new to all of this as well.

    Hi Savannah! I haven't gotten a surgery date yet I meet with the dr on Aug 4th, congrats on your surgery date are you excited? I have that this site is great if you like we can exchange info!

    Typo: I have found this site to be great (sorry about that)

  4. When is your surgery scheduled? Mine is August 23rd! I am in north Georgia - but at least we are in the same state. Would love a lap band buddy - new to all of this as well.

    Hi Savannah! I haven't gotten a surgery date yet I meet with the dr on Aug 4th, congrats on your surgery date are you excited? I have that this site is great if you like we can exchange info!

  5. I was just wondering if anyone out there has been banded by Dr. Whipple, and if so, what was the process like for you? I have my appt with him July 7, and Ive already spoken to my insurance company and all I need is a 40 BMI and they will approve me within 14 days (with no 6 mo diet/exercise plan!! wohoo!!) Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knows how quickly I will be able to schedule surgery, did you feel comfortable with them, etc. I would appreciate any feedback, thanks!!

    Hi there Millie! How did your appt go with Dr. whipple?

  6. Soooo Proud of you and for you... You give me hope and much encouragement. Please keep posting. I will let you know just as soon as I know what is going on with my progress. Keep your fingers crossed..

    Hello cMagic and MzStace everything is going good. I get my first fill on the 21st. right now my band is empty and im just mesuring out everything. It took me 6 mouths to do everything cause I was very very nervous and i was taking my time and making my appts. I really like Dr. Whipple and his staff they r really really nice. So far so gud!!!! I think the hardest part of it all so far was being on that liquid diet for 4 weeks. But I knew it wasnt forever so I got through it. lol

    I sure will c!!

  7. Good. Nervous, Excited, Curious, Etc...LOL...I feel like a sponge. Absorbing information. How long is the process?

    Hi cMagic! How are you? I am nervous and excited as well matter of fact the dr. office called me again on yesterday to let me know My ins was approved I was like I know I have my a ppt already!

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