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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by anewchapter

  1. anewchapter

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Can't wait to read some updates from those of you that were banded in the last couple days. How are you doing? How was the surgery? Keep us informed.
  2. Good luck, keep me posted :)

  3. 2 week pre-op diet starts today :) Did a purge of all the crap food still in my house. Then took a bunch of before pictures in various outfits. I finally feel like this process has started :)

  4. anewchapter

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    August 15th here too
  5. My 2 week pre-op diet is not a liquid diet but very strict. No grains, fruit, cheese, nuts, sugar, fat. Basically just Protein and veggies. I started 2 weeks before this to try and eliminate things like pop, drinking with meals, snacking. I am trying a variety or Protein drinks (so I have the ones I like ready for post op). Trying to cut back on the not allowed items above. I just didn't want the 2 week pre-op to be a shock to my system. Some days I do well all day, most days I only do well till I get home from work....which is always my downfall. I hope you get your endoscopy appointment soon!
  6. Well this was exactly were I was about 10-15 days ago, then I thought I would put a 2 week plan together to prepare me for my 2 week pre op diet (basically start cutting things out slowly - I posted the plan in another topic). The first week went pretty good. Then today during my pre-op phone consult with the nut she went over the pre-op diet with me, which I had already read over in the manual they gave me, I freaked out when she said no grains of any kind. I went straight to the grocery store after work and bought bagels and had 2 for dinner then continued to make a cake. What the heck!! But my name is Erinn, and I'm a food addict. That's the bottom line. I will continue to follow my plan after this little bump in the road. And surgery is only 3 weeks away. It seems like yesterday it was 6.
  7. anewchapter

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Thanks and well said.
  8. I will not give up on myself anymore. I created a 4 week plan (2 weeks are basically my pre-op diet) in preparation for surgery :)

  9. anewchapter

    Preparing for pre-op diet

    Thanks Melinda for your reply. I think it's good to get a plan in place as soon as your ready for one. For some the pre-op diet might be their preparation, but I just couldn't keep going the way I was going right up to pre-op diet. In my mind, my pre-op diet has already started. I should also mention, I have also recommitted to get active. I will use my YMCA membership to do some kind of activity Mon, Wed and Thursday after work. I thought this was realistic for the summer I also walk to work Mon-Fri, but it's only a 15 min walk. I also should mention I tested out a Protein powder my room mate had last week, not very good, but I thought I could handle it. Instead she brought home some samples last night and the one I had today was so good! I'm excited I found one I like. I wasn't sure if I could do the Protein shakes, but so far so good I will keep looking for others that are good too.
  10. anewchapter

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Well I feel like my story will be similar to others, but this thread is great because it gives us the means to verbalize. For me it started when I was in junor high. After school I would come home and have to look after my younger brother. One of the things I did was prepare a snack for us. I was already slightly over weight for my age and was getting teased in school. The snack started turning into two or three and then into a meal. I would eat a whole box of kraft dinner. Then I would still have to eat dinner because I didn't want my parents to know what I'd done. So it turned into having a bad day and coming home and allowing food to make me feel better. The weight just started to pile on. I remember hating back to school shopping because none of the clothes fit (plus size clothing was for old ladies then). I was around 180lbs at this time. Years went by and as I grew into an adult the self medication with food just continued to cover every emotion you can think of. Lack of exercise, motivation and my "all or nothing" mentality do not help either. I would lose and gain, lose and gain. I once lost 80lbs, but I was still over 200lbs. I have created many road blocks in my life: - I have been told my whole life I am "big boned" and I think part of me believes it's not possible for me to weigh under 200lbs. - I don't have a clear memory of when I was 180lbs and what I do remember is pain, I think a part of me associates being skinny/smaller with pain. The farther I get from it, the less I have to worry about it. - Because of the excess weight that I have carried for so long I have plantar fasciitis and it can be very painful to even go for a walk. So I have no consistance source of activity. - Dieting only works for a short time because my old bad habits come back and the binges begin again. Things I do know: - I have the knowledge and ability to eat healthy - I do enjoy exercising - Unhealthy food makes me feel like crap - I have to clear my road blocks that are holding me back However this time, with the band, all the things I already know will actually work. And I will be successful at weight loss
  11. anewchapter

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    I would rather have a few small incisions, a better recovery and less pain then one large incision, longer recover and more pain. Just my thoughts.
  12. anewchapter

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Thanks so much. I wish we could all be bumped up
  13. anewchapter

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    I'm so excited....they had a cancellation at my surgeon's office and I've been bumped up a week. Now getting banded August 15th and pre-op diet starts August 1st. Every day sooner is a bonus
  14. Surgery has been moved up a week.....sweet :) Now only 5 weeks left.

  15. Thanks so much. This is for me and I do have to keep reminding myself of that. I always want to make sure everyone is happy and sometimes that means I'm not...but that will change. And forsure I'll keep you posted. For no....I've decided I'm not going to tell her. Thanks
  16. Hello All, Wow, I seem to have a lot of questions today..... I know that telling people about my lapband is my decision. Part of me wants to tell the world and the other part doesn't want anyone to know. I read the "food police" discussion and it has got me thinking. I have told my parents and a couple of my closest friends aobut my decision. However the problem is that I rent my extra bedroom to a girl that, honesty, I don't want her to know. She never really had any issues with food or her weight till she was 25-30 (we are now both 33). In the last year she has lost 50 lbs and is basically at her goal. She is really not a close friend of mine, it just works out well for us both to be roommates. I really don't want to tell her and we don't eat very many meals together, but I just don't see it being possible not to tell her because we live together. Any thoughts?? Could it be possible to have this surgery and not tell someone you live with??
  17. anewchapter

    Does your mind go back and forth??

    Thank you everyone for your input. It was all very helpful. I know this surgery will be the key to getting my life back on track. I also know that I will be the one making the choices and the band is just a helpful tool to keep track of my portions....which is the biggest issue for me. I also have to keep reminding myself about all the times I have lost and gained it back. I know I can lose weight, but this time I won't be allowed to gain it back. Thanks again
  18. Well I finally had a decent conversation with my mother about my upcoming surgery. She is going to support my decision but feels that surgery should only be done in life-threatening circumstances. She thinks I should try overeaters anonymous. I have looked into OA but the 12 step program just doesn't look like it would be for me. I held my ground and advised her this is a life threatening situation. Because although my weight only causes me physical and emotional pain right now I will most likely develop other issues due to being 100lbs overweight. However, after the conversation I started thinking about OA and trying to do this on my own again.....sometimes I feel like a yo-yo. I wish she understood more what it's like to be this way. Just needed to vent this today. I will go through this surgery and I will get my life back. It's hard when your support system isn't as strong as you'd like it to be.
  19. At mine I filled out their patient questionnaire, which was very in-depth. Then I meet with the director of patient services and we just discussed the procedure (pre-op and post), why I wanted it, what I wanted to get out of it. I was able to ask all the questions I had prepared. She was very nice and was also a patient 10 years ago. I had already been looking into this procedure for 2 years on and off. Had a consult over the phone at a different clinic but wasn't mentally and financially ready at the time. I already knew I was ready to sign up but wanted to meet some of the staff in person. So after our discussion I put down the money required to book a surgery day and got my binder of stuff and setup a date to come for my pre-surgery visits with the surgeon and other staff. Hope that helps. I am self pay though and do not have to wait on insurance....and I'm in Canada. So the process is different I think.
  20. Thanks everyone for your replies...very very helpful...I think I will go with the hernia repair instead of gallbladder. I don't like to lie to people either, but sometimes it's just none of their business.
  21. Not sure if this pertains to anyone on this board, but are there any patients from the CIBO client in Toronto?? If so, can you give your oppinion/experience?? I have my surgery on August 22 and I'm getting so excited but nervious at the same time. Thanks
  22. anewchapter

    So disappointed in myself

    This could be my story as well...... I think there is a notion that WLS is to drastic and people that don't have a additive issue with food say..."just eat health and exercise". To them I'd like to say, "Wow, holy @#%$% is that the key? Why didn't someone tell me this before? Ok, that's what I'll do". Like as if we haven't tried that before. If that was the key we'd all be at a healthy weight. Food addiction is just that....an addiction. And like any addiction drastic steps need to be taken to be successful at kicking the addiction. I'm so happy for you with your 80lb lost and I wish you all the best in your journey to lose the other 100 and keeping it all off. Most importantly, I hope you can overcome your food issues that caused you to gain 180lbs. That is what I am most hopeful for in my journey.
  23. anewchapter

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Thanks. Acutally my pre-op diet is not a liquid diet....just very reduced cals, no sugar, no carbs (except veggies). I only looked at it once when I received the binder of information. Good luck to you
  24. anewchapter

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    First consultation at CIBO clinic- June 30 Bloodwork and ECG - today Meet Surgeon/Nutritionist/Psychotherapist & start pre-op diet - August 8 Surgery - August 22 Wow it's all happening so fast. I'm so glad I made this decision. Come on August 22
  25. Oh ya..and my loan was approved :) :)

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