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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lessofme

  1. lessofme

    tax write off???

    Jack's correct. I was able to write off my medical the year after my surgery since my medical expenses exceeded the acceptable %. If you're going to try it, be sure to add up ALL co-pays, dental, eyeglass, all over the counter contact solutions etc. vitamins....look into it, or you'll miss some! We had to change filing status though. Had to file "married, filing separately" since adding both our incomes together, bumped the % of medical you would need to have, far too high. Filing singly helped allow the deduction. Doesn't have anything to do with a Dr.'s note though....humm...funny thing to have said.
  2. lessofme

    Beer and Pop

    Why would you even think of trying to push the envelope and drink carbonated drinks or work around the Doctor's advice? I read about everyone trying to "work around" the guidelines, but I paid $13,700 out of pocket to take off 60 lbs. that I've carried around for 30 years. I wouldn't dream of possibly expanding this new stomach, making way for excess food again. Last time I tried a Sprite, I had to pull the car over and throw up. Why not accept it for part of a new healthy lifestyle and move on. Gotta be committed to make this work for a lifetime.
  3. I've noticed a change as well with allergies etc. I've recently been very tight, but have not had a fill in about 6 weeks. I've very stuffed up which is normal for me off and on. I wake up with sinus headaches almost every day. I couldn't imagine why this would cause the band to tighten, but maybe it does. Humm... Here's a new one...I am a Mom of 3 which has resulted in a family of 15. I have family dinners quite often and had Thanksgiving as usual at my house. I have found that I'm so tight the day before I have people over. Anyone get tighter due to stress, or just being on your feet, cooking etc? I swear that's all that's doing it. Thanksgiving was tough...cooking all that wonderful food and tasting maybe one bite of each dish. Sad, but glad. Had a pity party for a while though.
  4. lessofme

    Holy Protein Cow! Cottage Cheese!

    I've eaten it for years with fruit. Just add drained crushed pineapple, peaches, pears..it's all good. Just stay with the Fat Free or low fat kind. I mix fresh rasberries and blackberries too, sometimes add a touch of sugar. It's my little dessert that way. Yumm..
  5. lessofme

    Hernia Repair?

    Didn't know I had a hiatial hernia either until the Dr. told me afterwards. No big deal, he said it might make for a bit harder recovery, but good to get it fixed. Completely cured my heartburn until I got almost as tight as I wanted..then it came back. Oh well..worth it nonetheless.
  6. lessofme

    Banded yesterday!

    Congratulations! Follow the rules and you'll love it. There's a whole new you waiting! Don't let anyone tell you "being thinner can't buy you happiness"....it totally made me a happier healthier person. I've got my confidence back, walk with spring in my step and it's literally cured my HBP, backache, snoring, cholesterol problems and a host of others. Happiness comes from being healthier and you're one step closer. Way to go!
  7. lessofme

    Why did they change the home page???

    I guess we all get set in our ways. The thing I don't like about the new home page is the size of the top part...all the ads are so big. I think the thread titles are a bit over the top. Do they think we're blind as well as overweight? It takes 15 taps on the down arrow to begin reading! Drives me crazy!!
  8. lessofme

    Fill Question: Is this normal?

    Everyone's so different during this process. You have to grasp hold of the fact that your insides are getting smaller in order for the outside to "appear" smaller. Thus...less fat around your band just like everywhere else. Makes the band looser, so you need another fill. I had them every 3 weeks almost, now I've had 15 fills total. Haven't needed one for 4 months now. Yippee! Only have a few more lbs. to loose. Needing fills is a good sign things are happening. Keep up the good work, it's well worth it!
  9. Breakfast: 1 pkg. Oatmeal (weight control) w/1 Tbs br. sugar Lunch: Veggies, diced chicken, 1 hard boiled egg (all from a salad bar, no lettuce) shaken up in a cup w/low fat ranch dressing. Snack: 4 Lorna Doone Cookies Skinny Vanilla Latte Dinner: 1 Salmon Pattie w/tarter sauce Snack: 1 cup skim milk & 10 almonds
  10. I can relate to the lower BMI, endless diets (30 years) and the not-so-encouraging support from others for Lap Band surgery. My BMI was 33 but I also had high BP, backaches every day, foot pain, headaches as well as high cholesterol. The only part I would be concerned with is that your whole outlook on food will have to change. After going through the process, it's a long haul until you have the band regulated. I made the mistake of thinking the band would do more of the work. Don't let anyone tell you it's the easy way out. It's work, but it's worth it. I've lost 50 lbs. as of the 4th of July. Took almost 18 months, but that's OK. I'd like to loose 10 more, we'll see. BP has gone from 189/98 to 135/75 (much better...although still on meds). Cholesterol is down from 210 to 171 (Oatmeal every day since I could eat mushies...). So life is good and every time I step on the scale and see a lower number for the first time, it reinforces my decision to change those bad habits once and for all. I say go for it! The renewed confidence which comes with a healthier self-image is worth more than you'll know. Good luck, soak up all the knowledge from all these banded friends and be prepared for the new life you'll be living with your band. It's not bad, just different.
  11. lessofme

    Blood pressure

    My BP's been high for over 10 years now, was banded 15 months ago with BP around 180/88 (I take 2 meds currently)...but it's dropped nicely since loosing almost 50 lbs. It's now around 135/75. I had to provide my BP history, so they knew the high BP was not a new development, maybe that's the difference. No one was too concerned though, good thing!
  12. lessofme

    heart burn??? :(

    Thanks for the reply. Good advice. Looks like you've been there already. I think I'll try a few more things before I get an un-fill. I do tend to eat a few crackers before bed, thinking something in my stomach will help. Maybe not.
  13. lessofme

    heart burn??? :(

    I too have heartburn now...only since getting very close to goal and pretty tight. I had heartburn all the time before banding, but they found a hernia when they did my surgery. If I say anything to the nurses at my clinic they'll want to do an unfill, (My daughter's banded as well and has been in this spot...) I know they really frown on heartburn and feel you're too tight if it's present all the time. Problem is...I've been stuck for months without losing any weight, and now finally dropped a couple of lbs. Can't think about an unfil, when it's taken so long to move a lb. I take a generic for Tagament which works for 12 hrs. then use Tums 3-4 times a day. Seems to be worse when I go to bed. Haven't updated my ticker, but finally am at 49.5 lbs lost. Only 5 more lbs. to go to goal! Yippee. Anyone relate to my hesitation about an unfill?
  14. lessofme

    Anyone pay out of pocket?

    My BMI was low as well, but I had high BP, backaches, high cholesterol and other problems, so easy to OK my surgery. Didn't even try to go through my insurance, too much red tape. Cost was $13,600 which includes all visits and fills for a year (Salt Lake City, UT). I've lost 48 lbs. in about a year, but only 9 more to go. Very slow for me but I've carried this weight around for 30 years now, and enough was enough!
  15. lessofme

    Can I schedule my fills during my lunch breaks?

    Would totally depend on your drive and who you need to see. I've had every fill except the first one on my lunch break. I see only the nurse, we get weights and BP and have a chat. I only have a 15 minute drive back and forth so it works well. I've had many more appointments without fills, but either way I'm there less than 1/2 hr. I get a little lightheaded for a bit after a fill for some reason, but lasts only a minute or two. I stop through a chinese drive through for egg drop soup on the way back..Yumm!
  16. lessofme

    how many fills so far ????

    16 fills for a total of 3.3 in my 4cc band.
  17. Oops...per pound is dropping now...guess I've paid $289 per lb. lost. Ha ha.
  18. I had carried this extra weight around for almost 30 years...tried everything possible...developed a few health problems and self-paid for the surgery. As long as I had proof of years of weight loss efforts, seemed to be no problem. Phen-phen did a number on my valves...have 3 leaks now and a couple of heart murmors. Dropping 60 lbs. can really help the BP. Cholesterol has already dropped from 171 to 136 in a year, so all considered...it's worth the $320 lbs. per lb. I've paid for my 42.5 lbs. if I avoid valve surgery :thumbup:
  19. I've had 16 fills in 13 months. I'm in and out in less than 30 minutes tops. They weigh me, take BP, discuss diet then decided on a fill or not...reschedule another apt. and I'm back to work. Liquids rest of day if I've had a fill and mushies then next day. I'm a little sore for a couple of days, and swollen around my port but not too bad. Mine don't seem to take hold for at least a week, so I plan accordingly...no big get-together's or vacations a week after a fill. You get to know them pretty well :thumbup: Good luck! I was told not to worry about how many it takes, just get one if you're eating too much or hungry too often.
  20. lessofme

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi all...I'd like to find a link to enter my weight loss into...such as a graph I've seen on other posts. Can't seem to come up with my own in Excel since I'm not a wiz at it. Anyone know where to find a good template? Hit a 3-month pleateau over the winter, but weights moving again...(signature has not been revised...down 47 lbs as of this morning...kept track of everything on fitday.com for a couple of weeks. Really seemed to help discuss the slump with Dr. Snacking was up on carbs..no bread, but other...one more fill to make 16, now 3.3 in my band. We'll see if this makes all the difference! I swear in the cold months our bodies hold on to every ounce of fat like chipmunks! Thanks!
  21. lessofme

    can you feel the port?

    Thanks again Chickie. I appreciate hearing about life after reaching goal. My Dr. also thinks I may be too tight. They have me keeping a food diary for a week then we'll see. I know I won't get a passing grade for vegetables. Other than a few veggies in salad's occasionally, I really don't eat them. Definitely no beef of any kind. I stick to chicken and fish, way too much soup, but it's easy at work. Protein's good though. I apprecaite your input. Good luck at the races!
  22. lessofme

    can you feel the port?

    Chickie...thanks! ARe you still eating less than a cup of food per meal as well and 3 meals a day...did any of that change since you were actively loosing weight? I'm not very comfortable right now, so I'm curious as to if I'm destined to feel this way forever. I've been told I'm too tight, but hard to imagine when I can't budge the scales for a couple of months now, but can't eat much of anything solid. Love your pictures! I'm very impressed! My husband runs every day of his life...he's run the Ultra's too. I know all about how it get's in your blood...just not mine:rolleyes2:
  23. lessofme

    can you feel the port?

    Chickie...since getting to goal, do you still need to have your band filled at all? You note "unfilled in 06" but have you added fills since? Does the running keep you in check?
  24. I'm banded myself and pretty happy..weight loss a bit slow, but overall OK. I'm posting for another woman who posted last night very late. I responded via e-mail since she said she wanted her band removed and nothing more to the post. She didn't want to write on line since she's been made to feel badly for being negative. She's in SLC and cannot find anyone to see her since she was banded in Mexico. She's only been banded for 3 weeks, was told 6 weeks of liquids and was given a fill after 3 days of her surgery. She needs help immediately as she can't keep anything down. I've given her my surgeon's name, the hospital name etc. and no one will even talk to her. Any suggestions, quick? She's very depressed and has no where to go. Help needed for Marcia please!
  25. lessofme

    Dr. unable to fill...help?!

    I see Dr. Hansen in the Sandy Clinic. Thing is...I never actually see Dr. Hansen. I don't know if I'd trust him to do a fill. There are 6-7 very trained nurses (all having been banded themselves) who do tons of them a day. 14 fills so far and not one of them have missed my port. I'd much rather they fill me than the Dr. He's too busy with new surgeries and almost never does the fills. OK with me. Give them a call...either Aldridge or Hansen. Good luck

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