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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lessofme

  1. lessofme

    sharon p

    Hi there! Welcome! I'm from Utah too, Dr. Hansen is my Dr. as well as my daughter's Dr. He's located in Sandy, UT. Just got banded on the 12th of Feb., my post op visit is next Tuesday. No insurance coverage, so things went pretty fast. Hope to hear from you again! lessofme
  2. So funny you should mention this...I've been complaining about this myself. I was banded on 2/12, just went back to work today, and as you said, except for the port feeling like it's jabbing into my ribcage, I feel good! Wouldn't you think the Dr. could see it was kind of close. Seems like dropping the port a bit would be so much smarter. After pushing and rubbing it all day due to the dull pain, I think I've made it even more sore. Maybe when we're laid out on a table, it doesn't seem so close? I feel like I've had to sit straight up in my chair all day long. Made for a tiring day. Whew! So glad I'm not the only one..you know..misery loves company! Maybe we're still swollen in there and it will get better soon?
  3. lessofme

    Lap band fills how much?

    I'm self pay, so my initial surgery pmt. includes unlimited fills for 1 year. After that, you pay $250 (package cost) for another year of unlimited fills, or you can pay for one at a time, but not sure of the cost of a single.
  4. lessofme

    Port Question

    Me too...I thought the reason I could feel the port so much was due to a lower BMI (33)..but I'm constantly feeling like they are out of place somehow. I did the same thing with my jeans. Having lost 11.5 lbs since surgery on the 12th, I thought they'd feel much better than before, but couldn't wait to get them off. I have a feeling it's all about swelling inside that's not down yet. I think we have to wait it out. Kind of uncomfortable, but I'm hopine it will be better soon.
  5. lessofme

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Glad to see this thread come up. It's a little hard to relate to some of the higher BMI, beginners..pre-op diets etc. My BMI was 33.3 to begin, weighed 188.5 and I'm 5'3" tall. After filling out forms etc. I was pretty much told that BCBS would not approve me for surgery even though I've got three leaky valves, 2 heart murmors, HBP & H Chol. Most due to Phen Phen use for 30 months way back when. Things move very fast with self pay, that's for sure. Had my surgery on the 12th. One week ago tomorrow, and I've lost 11.5 lbs. I just chocked it up to all liquids. I'm sticking mostly to Soups (straining first)..some re-fried Beans w/cheese. I have no idea if this was to be expected, but I'm prepared for a slow-down until I can have my first fill. Anyone know what I might expect during the next few weeks? I haven't started exercising yet, but I was told I could expect to loose up to 25% more if I do. Still experiencing some weird feelings under my rib cage, feels like something's catching. Still swollen in there? Still another week till my follow up visit. Love to hear from anyone since I'm pretty new at this. Thanks all! Love hearing what you're having to eat.
  6. lessofme

    What made you decide on surgery?

    Funny you noted all the reasons for your surgery choice. I did the same thing and my list is endless. As I would think of something that has changed in my life due to weight gain, I would write it down. The list got longer and longer. Someday I'll pull it out and see how many things are now back on the "ok to do" list and be very happy with my decision. As it is, I'm only 5 days post op, so gotta wait it out. 9 lbs. down already though, so that made me feel much better! Are you banded yet? lessofme
  7. Lizrbit, can't believe the bike ride. I was banded on Monday, and took a very short car ride to the store yesterday and felt every single bump in the road. I'm sure I could not be as brave as you to do it all alone. My daughter was banded a year ago, so I have lots of good advice. One thing I did find out today was that I could take 800 mgs. Ibuprophen finally, which was a lifesaver. The liquid/codene stuff was making me crazy. Way too groggy. This is so much better. Gas pains in my shoulder finally slowed down today (day 5). Feel almost human today, plus I can have milk now..I love skim milk, so maybe adding Unjury to it will boost my energy level. Glad I didn't go back to work today as I had thought. Now with Pres. day off, it gives me a few more days. Good to hear you made it by yourself! You're an inspiration! lessofme
  8. lessofme

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I'd love to be added to the Feb. bandster list! Surgery was on the 12th. All is going well so far. lessofme
  9. lessofme

    getting banded in Feb?

    Kelsy, Just finally checking in after my surgery Monday moning. Funny, I thought I'd be on line much earlier than now. I wasn't too nervous though, kind of low key, a little depressed that I had to go this route. I think people think you're not a strong person if you can't loose weight the old fashioned way. Just started feeling sorry for myself more than being nervous. All done though, and it certainly isn't an easy road, no matter what anyone says. I'm sure it will be much easier to talk about in a week or so. How are you feeling? I also had a Hiatal Hernia repair done (un-expected), so a few more stitches and a little more pain. Hope things are well with you and you're enjoying your Jell-o as much as me.
  10. lessofme

    getting banded in Feb?

    Kelsy, Just wondering if you are getting nervous like me. I'm the first surgery scheduled in the morning, so at least the Dr. will be "fresh". Kitchen is stocked with yummy liqids and popsicles (thinking positive)...so I think I'm ready. Kind of an emotional roller coaster though at times. Good luck to you tomorrow as well. I'm hoping to do a whole lot of nothing for a couple of days. Take it easy and keep me posted. lessofme
  11. lessofme

    getting banded in Feb?

    I'm scheduled for Monday and am a little nervous. I need to go shopping this weekend and wondered if there's a list posted anywhere of ideas for the liquid portion...I'm afraid I'll come home with jello and chicken broath and be in real trouble! Thought there would be more help with the diet. I'm on the lower end of the BMI chart, (33.3) but with several other health issues and self-pay, was given the OK. Battled this 60 lbs. for 30 years and I'm done! Ready for a new start. Thanks for all the good advice, not too good at navigating the site yet for help.
  12. Ms. M. I think I would have changed my mind if I had to wait so long. You are very dilligent! I've been to two seminars, and scheduled for surgery on the 12th. Considered it for a long time since my Daughter's had it done a year ago. I guess we don't meet with all the specialists like you do. They just took turns talking at the second seminar. Maybe that takes the place of all the visits? Wonder if it is totally different if you are going through your nsurance? Seems like they couldn't get me in fast enough if they don't need all the red tape. Hang in there..almost your turn!
  13. lessofme

    Hard Time With Pre Op Diet

    Just attended 2nd. seminar. No pre-op in SLC...sounds bad enough afterwards, clear liquids, then mushy..anyway. You are all very dilligent if you are even attempting to stay on course pre-op. I take my hat off to you. :clap2: I'm sure if our Dr.'s here don't even include a pre-op diet, it can't be any reason to delay surgery. Only thing they told us was that if we had any really bad habits, like too much diet soda's or beer drinking, we had better start now weaning off them. I say, do what you can till the big day, enough stress afterwards.
  14. Wanted to say HI! Barely getting going, but already think I'll be visiting this site often for the support and help! I've been to my first seminar, turned in my paperwork and will be attending another one tomorrow night to go over the diet etc. If they'll have me, I'd like to get my band within the next 2 weeks. I'm under the recommended BMI, but have numerous health issues that might allow me to have the surgery. I'll know more tomorrow.. Later,
  15. lessofme


    Thanks for all the good wishes. Just returned from one of the classes/workshops...where they bring in the nutritionist, nurse, Exercise guru...etc. Kind of worried about 5 days of liquids. What to tell people, who to tell at all? Anyway, set a date with Dr. on the 6th, with surgery on the 12th. Pretty nervous about the lifestyle changes. Kind of worried about meds. I take a bunch, can't see crunching them all up and keeping them down! Totally self pay, so no waiting around for much of anything. Just had a short trip for work next week, or I could be banded week after next. Hope I don't get cold feet! I'll keep in touch. My husband isn't too interested in being my sounding board :notagree
  16. Susan, Sounds like you're close to me as far as BMI, people stared at me in my first seminar, wondering why I needed the procedure. Like you, I have worked at loosing weight for 2/3 of my life. I'm so tired of wasting precious time worring and stressing about my weight. Ready to start living what I have left hopefully with less medications. Don't have surgery scheduled yet, diet consultation tomorrow night. Dr. is reviewing my paperwork. Just hope he'll consider me a viable candidate with a BMI of 34. Let's keep in touch since there are not many in this catagory. Good luck! lessofme

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