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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by AtLast0708

  1. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE KIND WORDS!! I feel so bummed out...I did not lose 1 pound!!!????sad.gif I have followed my doctor's orders to the letter....he told me that my stomach was very bloated still and that is probably why the scale has not moved....?? I am down 2 pant sizes though, but have not lost a pound since July 8th...I want to cry......sad.gif

    Okay, I am over the pity party!!biggrin.gif I love my band!! I feel better today than I have in over a year. I was at the point where I would not leave the house, which meant my husband had to do all shopping and errands for the past year. After only 2 weeks I am up and about, I even went to the mall after the appointment today....I had not been in a mall in over a year so, although I didn't lose any weight since surgery I have made some other great accomplishments, right!!??

    You are doing amazing in 90 days!! I am so very impressed...you will be my inspiration, okay?

    Again, thank you so very much for your kind words.

    BTW, should I buy I scale?? I don't want to become obsessed with the scale but maybe I need to have one in my home?


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