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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MelindaH

  1. Do you have to have referrals for FEP BCBC basic? The manometry test is usually done in the outpatient surgery part of the hospital. Basically what they do is stick a tube down your nose ..ose area is deadened.....) and they monitor your swallowing patterns with sound wave technology,gave me some kind of Water and recorded my swallowing several times. It lasted about an hour and I was sent home. No need for a driver or anything.....I had mine in June and can hardly remember it. I am sure you will do fine. GERD is often a result of hiatal hernias. You might have to go on Nexium for awhile. Keep your chin up! I would really, really be surprised if you can't have your surgery at all. It may have to be delayed a bit. Sorry for the lowsy typing. I am typing in the dark....Take care, Melinda
  2. Yea =,you for being so persistent. Let us know when you are scheduled. I am married to a federal employee and very grateful for the coverage we have. For the life of me, I do not understand why our military families can not be under the same coverage. End of rant.... I wish you all the best in your journey to good health. Melinda
  3. I would call BCBS Fed and ask them how strict or liberal they are for the two year requirement for proof of obesity. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't hard to get that done. I am concerned, though, about the letter you have to write for weight loss attempts over the last year. I keep getting reassured that they are easy to get approval from. My ins co-ordinator says I have all of the documentation just have to lose the required weight before they will send it to BCBS. Hoping to be down to required weight by Nov 1st and get it scheduled in Dec. Will take any date in Dec including Christmas or New Year's Eve, lol All the best to you, hon. Keep us posted. Melinda
  4. Grider, I had to havae this test before I could go any further in my workup for the lap band. I have had it done twice in my lifetime. This time it was not nearly as hard as the one before. Keep us posted. Melinda
  5. MelindaH

    Delay and insurance

    I am happy about the premium news. Hopefully, the same level of benefits.
  6. MelindaH

    Delay and insurance

    Hi, I think with BCBS Fed it is six months. I will try to find out tomorrow and will post. Melinda
  7. MelindaH

    Co-Morbids?? Help!

    Hi, Daisylee Most, not all, insurances require that there be co-morbidities present if your bmi is between 35-39. I am not sure about you having to have co-morbidities if your BMI is over 40. Most, not all, insurances require some type of dietary counseling, a psych evaluation, a sleep study, lab work, attendance at support groups, classes and any other testing that the surgeon recommends. Every ins is different so it is really best to call the customer service of your ins co and/or website of the ins co. In your case, it could be that your BMI is good enough. All the best to you, Please keep us posted with your progress. Melinda
  8. MelindaH

    bcbs fep co pay

    We hit our $5k in May. Both of my kids were very sick this year and hosptalized and I am on a lot of expensive medication that I hope to get rid of with the surgery. It doesn't take long. This is one reason I am so anxious to get the surgery this year. Melinda
  9. MelindaH


    Hi, I have GERD and battle candida a lot. I have never had it in my esophagus. I would think that the diflucan would get rid of it. Did you get tested for H-pylori? It that tested positive, you would have to get that treated before surgery. I believe that GERD is considered a "co-morbidity. I am on nexium instead of prilosec and it has worked very well for me. I am hopeful that I can get rid of it by one year out. Please take good care and keep us posted on your progress this week. Melinda
  10. MelindaH

    Co-Morbids?? Help!

    I do not think that mental health issues will help you as far as co-morbidities go with any insurance. I saw my psychologist and because I have had mental health issues in my past, I went through an extensive interview as well as testing and she would not make a decision until consulting with my mental health providers. I had to agree to have continued sessions with each one after my surgery. I was very concerned that I would not not be approved. evem with being stable on medication for several years, I was willing to take the risk because I felt it was in my best interest to be honest with all of them. I am still preop as I have classes to complete and still have some weight to lose. I hope to have surgery by the end of the year. All the best to you, Melinda
  11. MelindaH

    Where are you from?

    I will message you later today!
  12. MelindaH

    shoulder pain after removal

    I am still preop so don't hold me to this. But I have heard that the shoulder pain is from the gas that they fill up your belly with to do the surgery. From what I have been reading, the only real cure for it is to walk and walk some more. I have had several orthopedic and eye surgeries. I have often wondered if the some of the pain you have post op is from being lifted carelessly from guerny to guerny when you are asleep. I know things have improved greatly over the years. Overall, I have received very good care from the medical profession. Just a thought and maybe the nurses on the forum would know better than I. At any rate,I hope you feel better real soon. Take good care of yourself. Melinda
  13. MelindaH

    My Situation-Opinions please

    Hi, welcome to the forum. It is a good place to be. I am still preop. I started June 1st and it will probably be December before I am banded. I have several co-morbidities that I have had to be worked up for. Your insurance has requirements and so does the surgeon. The surgeon doesn't do your workup based on insurance. He has to be absolutely sure that you are ready for surgery. He also has a very full schedule and we all have to get in line. I have received a lot of good information in the past four months, much of which I would have hated to have missed. Be patient, your day will come, and it will be worth the weight. For now, work on research and changing old habits. All the best, Melinda
  14. MelindaH

    Where are you from?

    I am Melinda. Born and raised in OK but living in Eugene, OR. Came by way of San Jose. I am still preop--will probably be Dec for me.
  15. MelindaH

    BCBS Fed

    Congratulations and all the best to you in your journey to good health. Melinda
  16. MelindaH

    Emotional & goodbyes

    Thank you for all that you shared, hon. You are quite an inspiration to me. All the best on your journey to good health. Please keep us posted on your progress! Melinda
  17. Hi, Lynn, I am not qualified to say if it is normal or not, b ut would like to encourage you to check in with your surgeon's office before the weekend. I hope you feel better soon. Keep sipping. All the best to you on your journey to good health. Melinda
  18. hi, like corrigan, I would really encourage you to use a cpap. At least until after you lose weight. I have had one for ten years and I have so much better rest than before I did. A lot of people can get rid of their cpap following weight loss. I hope to be one of them but my sleep specialist says that because my airway is so small, he doubts that I will be one of them. He said the pressure could probably be lowered though. I am so used to it that it is fine either way. All the best to you, Melinda
  19. MelindaH

    CPAP Machine

    I would really encourage you to use one. You will feel better.... Melinda
  20. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success. Your story about your mom really just hit home. I lost my mom two and a half years ago and it has really been hard on me. My dad had died four years earlier to the date. Both were very concerned about my weight when they passed. You just made me realize that they are cheering me on and I can trust God to tell them my progress. I am doing this for myself but in their memory as both struggled with their weight all their life. You don't know how much your post meant to me. I wish you well. Melinda
  21. MelindaH

    Some questions from a newbie!

    Hi and welcome to our forum. As for the sleep study, I think most clinicians are requiring it as sleep apnea really is dangerous to your health and recovery from any surgery. The sleep study is perfectly painless, just a bit annoying but do not fear it. I am one who is hoping I can get rid of mine (CPAP) post surgery. Keep us posted on your progress. Melinda
  22. Hi, I think it is your choice to not get a fill and I congratulate you on your weight loss. However, that four week post op appt is important. I don't think that waiting two weeks will do any harm but you need to see the surgeon for your post op. All the best to you on your journey to good health, Melinda
  23. MelindaH

    BCBS Fed

    Thanks for the good wishes. I think we will be fine, not rich, but at least we have a retirement. I truly feel for the ones in their forties and fifties who aren't eligible to retire and signed up for life. I am also thankful that we will have health benefits even though we have to pay for them. A lot of people won't have that option. So we really are a very blessed family. Take care and keep us posted on your current events. Melinda
  24. MelindaH

    Do you go to therapy?

    I would urge you to seek therapy and really try to address your fears, hon. It has been valuable for me over the years and I have sought counsel on several issues. I also see a psychiatrist for medication monitoring of a mood disorder. I feel that the medication and therapy saved my life and my marriage during a very difficult time a few years ago. If you don't feel a connection with a certain therapist, do not hesitate to change. Lots of good luck and positive thoughts and prayers for you, Melinda

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