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Posts posted by sally78

  1. And, like you, I haven't told anyone about my surgery except my mom and dad. My weight has always been a sensitive subject and I don't really want the extra pressure from everyone else when the I put enough pressure on myself. I think it is your decision and whatever you feel comfortable with. You're the one that'll be going through all the work so, quite frankly, it's really no one else's business unless you want it to be.

    I totally agree. I am in the same boat- i haven't told anyone besides my parents and a LD friend. My mom had gastric bypass along time ago and the friend had a band done about two years ago. They both have said it was the best decision they ever made, so I ty to focus on that. I think I am afraid of the social aspect of it. What will my friends say (because eventually they will know, right?) And what about my family- what will my siblings say? I think about all these things. But I know I am the one who has had to face the weight for the last 30 years and I know this is what I want. So I think it's normal to keep this private. I think the challenge will be the lifestyle change later.

    I was wondering if others out there ever had to deal with this aspect? What do you do with peer pressure and family?

  2. SO glad I am not the only one who is excited and scared. I think after years of being on the diet roller coaster and all the failures with little success only adds to my fears. It's like "what if..." and I get nervous. I am so afraid of blowing it! But then I try to talk myself back down- I focus on how great it will feel when I am down to a healthy weight. I think about how it's going to feel to get back into a life again. And the fears subside. I am just starting on this road too. I have my first consultation this Tuesday. Even though it seems like an uphill battle at this point I am ready. I "can't weight" to feel good again :) Good luck to all who are strting this adventure too!

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