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Everything posted by smkeller

  1. smkeller


    Hm... that's a tough one. We all go a little crazy pre-op I think. Two months is a really long time. Plan and buy what you will need post-op.Wash all your clothes. Exercise, if you can, this really helps post-op. Good luck.
  2. smkeller

    not organized

    'Everyone seems so organized as to food plans etc. I am a very unorganized person who eats most meals out and has a tough time preplanning meals. I'm sure that is why I have always been unsucessful with most diets. I am worried that I will have trouble planning and preparing meals as well as keeping on top of my Vitamins. Anyone got some helpful tips' Yes, I am in week four post-op. Find out which flavored bottle Water you like, non-carbonated, and buy 15 or 20 bottles. Send off for some UNJURY Protein powders; the samples, the unflavored, the chicken flavored (yum) and the chocolate (really yum in LF milk). You will need these as soon as you get home and unjury is the best. Go to their web site. Also buy some chewable Multivitamins and some Prevacid. I also used a ton of GasX right after surgery and was even still taking some a few days ago Get the pills AND the chewables AND the strips. I also got Tums - came in very handy. These things will get you through the first week or two. Oh, buy lots of chicken broth too, in cans. Good luck.
  3. I don't know. I cried a lot AFTER my surgery. Go figure. It wasn't pain either.
  4. smkeller


    I don't either, suez, it's the world of bureaucrats!
  5. smkeller

    just got sleeved 3 hours ago!

    'i asked the doctor what gauge bougie he was going to use, because i didnt know there were different sizes that doctors make the sleeve into until i read it on this site. so he said he was using a 32 gauge. my question is, is that on the small side of stomachs after vsg or is it bigger, or even the norm?' I think that 32 - 36, or even 40F (bougie) are standard. This is in millimeters though, so it's a very small difference between them. Some doctors use the 32, but then they don't staple it right up close, so it really is a little bigger than 32 .
  6. 'I have never heard of any US doctors doing VSG as an outpatient procedure.' Oh, yes there is a clinic right there in Texas that does outpatient - in and out the same day for insurance purposes. That makes me shudder, but it works for some people.
  7. I don't know why there is not more of a standard for pre-op or post op. I chose Dr. Aceves, too, and did not have to diet. In fact I used the last week to eat any and everything I wanted to - knowing that very soon I would not be able to do that. I did not pig out on the night before though, as some suggested. I wanted to have very little going through my digestive tract coming out of surgery. I am just starting week four and am getting into more solids. It's a little tricky I am finding out, but manageable. I actually am feeling better and better, and can see the weight coming off my face and body.
  8. smkeller

    Regretting surgery

    Eight ounces is WAY too much. I suspect your reading is as inaccurate as your writing.
  9. This was explained to me something like this. The hospitals get tax breaks and other government support (yes, corporate welfare) based on what they get versus what they needed to get; hence it is not uncommon for the charges to be eight to ten times higher than they actually are. I believe that the new health care law addresses this. We will see.
  10. Good work, sugarmamma. That's taking care of yourself.
  11. What is it about Mexicali? I was depressed to tears just driving back to San Diego and for 10 days afterwards - seriously depressed. Gone now though. Good luck with it.
  12. I never was sick, never threw up, had no nausea. But, boy, do doctors differ on post-opt programs! Mine is clear liquids for TEN days, then ten more for full liquids, then mushies, then solids as you can do them. I don't know why there is so much difference in these things. You would think that there would be a standard already for the sleeve procedure. Good luck though, and welcome to the club.
  13. I waited a week before flying home, but I am a little older than most. I wanted to give myself every chance I could. I think that people rush this thing: get there, get it done, get home and on with life. I advise slowing the process down if you can. Spend a couple of days in a nice hotel - if you afford it: I got to stay with a local Mexicali family who provided an air conditioned room with TV and homemade chicken broth for only fifty bucks a night! This made me feel not only cared for but secure in the knowledge that my doctor, and the hospital, were only a mile away. . Also, I got mild tranquilizers (Lorazepam 1mg) from my PCP and then more in Mexico to help me sleep along with the pain meds. Really, really helped with the initial discomfort. ALSO, I took the advice of a poster who said definitely get wheelchair assistance on your flight back. Wonderful, wonderful advice. I didn't have to shuffle along security lines and boarding lines. It makes you a little self conscious, but just groan and slouch from time to time if you need to. Email me if you want more on my experience.
  14. That's the last to heal, at least it is for me. The gooey green/yellowish drainage is normal as it heals from the inside out. Wash area daily with antibacterial soap, pat dry, then cover with gauze lightly taped. I found band-aids not the best, because they don't let enough air in. Definitely don't use cotton as it gets stuck to the goo then dries. If the wound area gets more red around it and gets painful and swells, then see a doctor about an infection there. it really shouldn't form a scab until it is small enough to close.
  15. I think that you are confusing doctors limits with insurance limits. I doubt if the insurance companies will be enlightened enough in one year to cover Mexican surgery. You will be fine. I was sleeved by Dr. Aceves July 29, so I am not yet three weeks out. He's a first class doctor, and the hospital is first class as well. Nina, who is the daughter of the sister of Dr. Aceve's wife, can sometimes be slow to respond. When your surgery is scheduled, however, everything flips into high gear - not to worry. Email me if you want any more info, I would be happy to help.
  16. Good luck there Lash. You are entering an area where even the Gods won't go.
  17. Your post really struck a chord with me, not because I have the same issues, but because of the suffering and isolation that you are going through. You didn't mention anything about counseling. You are, of course getting out of the house to see a therapist, aren't you? AREN'T YOU? You are much too intelligent to be going this alone. Please, please avail yourself of counseling - with a female therapist. I do not understand completely the struggle that you are going through, but I do recognize the suffering and the isolation. Other than just plain encouragement to continue on to a better place, I have only one suggestion for the heavy feeling; do NOT eat sitting down. Eat on your feet walking around. This is the only way I can get stuff down at times and avoid nausea. I hope that you overcome these problems, because some day you will be able to help someone else through their dark night. Oh, and by the way, your avatar is GREAT. I have never seen that before. I'm embarrassed to say that it took me a moment or two to know what I was looking at.
  18. I think you'll be fine, Denise, just stay away from the grits. I think mashed potatoes can do that too. I had a little rice and Beans, and my stomach didn't like that at ALL.Don't worry. be happy. It will all work out. - Steve
  19. smkeller

    Post Op Day 6

    Lots of GasX, chewies, pills, strips; Tums helped me, too. Prilosec or Nexium maybe TWICE a day. Some pain medication, not too much, and you might ask your doctor for a mild tranquilizer to help you sleep. Works for me. Try to walk, that does usually help. My pain goes away a little more day by day. 14 days out now. Good Luck.
  20. smkeller

    I just don't know the difference

    I don't know about this 'head' hunger thing. I mostly feel it down at the bottom of my tongue down the back of my throat.It's like a tiger waiting there growling to pounce on any unsuspecting food going that way - demanding more and more. He doesn't seem to care much about the head or the stomach. Thick protein drinks seems to work, But sometimes i nibble on wheat chex, Ice pops or some such.
  21. smkeller

    Post-Op Pain

    I don't know who your doctor was, but he doesn't seem to have a decent post-op plan for you. My Doctor's instructions: Clear Liquids for TEN days; full liquids for TEN days; then Mushes for TEN days. No solid food at all for three or four weeks. Of course, I couldn't do that, but you pay the price when you lay something in there even just one or two bites: it HURTS. You don't need food at this stage; you need fluids, fluids, fluids; Water drinks, broths, some chewy Vitamins and some tolerable Protein powder to mix with the drinks and broth, AND two prilosecs, and many GasX pills, strips, and chewies a day. Potatoes, rice, breads; heading for trouble fast. Good Luck.
  22. Hi, almost exactly one year after I joined this forum I got sleeved. I was surprised; alex sends a one year reminder. Anyway, I am two weeks and two days out and doing very well (in Virginia) I had a good Doctor, Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. Got two teeth capped with porcelain crowns ($400), and stayed with a very friendly and helpful Mexican family ($50 a day). Email me if interested in info. Cheers.

  23. smkeller


    I am just over two weeks out and I have the same issues. I really don't want to measure everything and eat with a baby spoon unless I absolutely have to. I would rather be able to just tell when enough is enough. So, we will see.
  24. I would double-down on your Prilosec, or maybe some tums.
  25. Seems too soon to be on 'full' liquids. I'd back off with chicken broth and flavored Water for another few days.Unjury Protein is the best powder that I have tried. The unflavored kind mixes very well with orange juice and such. The chicken 'soup' is actually pretty good. I haven't tried the flavors yet.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
