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Everything posted by Geeewhy

  1. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    I was, but I'm getting better. Played a round of golf yesterday and was absolutely tuckered by the end. But, I made it with no issue
  2. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Good news! The 35g Frosty Chocolate is delicious. I've found my go to protein supplement . Thanks Ter!
  3. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Panda, are you feeling any better? When you say you're eating meat with cheese, what kind of meat? Like HB Meat? Chicken? I'm about ready to try chicken again, I think. Hoping for better results!
  4. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Finally found the 35g Pure Protein at the Vitamin Shoppe. Hopefully the chocolate and vanilla taste better to me than the strawberry. I like the 23g version... the 35 might take some getting used to! But if I can knock out half the protein with one shake, I'll give it a whirl!
  5. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    So how's everyone doing? Have to say I'm struggling a bit with the soft food stage... still losing weight, but I really am having a hard time coming up with food to eat, so I usually end up with protein shakes. I am eating chili, and I made some spaghetti sauce with hamburger meat, and both of those go down pretty easily. Made the mistake of trying to eat some pulled pork... got down about an ounce and the restriction hit and I thought I was about to die!
  6. Congrats! That's a great 1st month, and I'm sure you're on the way to a great "rest of your life".
  7. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Dang Ter... I would lose my mind if I had to be on liquids for 5 weeks! Panda, sorry to hear about your episode! Luckily, I have not encountered that, though I'm sure it's coming with solids or mushies at some point. I just had my follow up with my surgeon this morning. He released me go ahead and start soft foods and, shocker, released me for full exercise. Said I have no limitations. 9 days after surgery! As for the scale, I'm like a moth to the flame... I just can't keep myself from weighing every morning. since I started pre-op on September 6, I'm down 36 lbs. So I'm pretty happy about that. As for Snacks vs meals... well I'm still kind of feeling my way around that. In the liquids phase, I don't think there was much difference... but I think there will probably be a good distinction in the mushies. For snacks right now I have SF pudding (just cause I love it!), Protein shake, SF popsicles, SF Jello, applesauce. Not sure how all that will change the next couple weeks.
  8. Geeewhy

    Post OP clear diet help!!!!

    My surgeon allowed protein shakes on clear liquids. For me, it was all broth, protein shakes, sugar free jello and popcicles for the week.
  9. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Glad you two are doing well. Yesterday was easily my worst since I left the hospital. I hit a wall (not literaly!) yesterday around 4:00 and had to leave work and rest, and I was pretty much done for the day. I managed to make some soup for dinner, ate about 1/2 cup and could physically not make myself eat or drink anymore. I was miserable! Thankfully, MUCH better today... back to my old self. Panda, that's great you're getting so much walking in... I don't think I could walk 30 minutes straight right now if my life depended on it!
  10. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    I've had no problems getting down a full bowl (8oz) of broth since the day after surgery. At first I was a little worried that it was so easy, that something was wrong, but I was that it's not that unusual. Sorry to hear y'all are having issues getting enough fluid.
  11. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Hey! No issue with getting my liquids in, though the most protein I've been able to get is around 55g. I plan on going to full liquids tomorrow, so I'm hoping to raise that a good bit. I will definitely check out Pure Protein... thanks for the tip!
  12. Geeewhy

    September Sleeve Roster

    September 20 for me...
  13. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Hey! I'm a little late, but I was a 9/20'er. Doing great, though a bit lethargic from the calorie deficit. Glad to see you two are doing well.
  14. Hello Florida Sleevers. Can't believe I haven't seen this thread before. Add me to the list sleeved by Dr. Webb. Was sleeved 9/20 at St. Lukes, and I couldn't be more pleased. Wish I had done this months ago!
  15. Geeewhy

    Another Guy getting Sleeved....

    I was in your shoes just last week... had surgery last Tuesday. I had all the fear, dread etc. that you're feeling about surgery, but I have to say, other than an hour or 2 after surgery, it has been amazingly easy on me. Just like everything else in life, the anticipation is almost always worse than the action. This is the best thing I have ever done for me, and I am now looking forward, for the first time in a long time, to the rest of my life. Welcome aboard.
  16. Time to step from the lurker shadows and introduce myself. I joined a few weeks back and have enjoyed reading pretty much every post here since then. I'm in the Jacksonville, FL area, getting sleeved by Dr. Steven Webb. I am self pay, and have gone through every step except having sign off from my primary care doc, which I anticipate early next week. Supposedly, the surgery will be scheduled 2 weeks after that sign off, so I'm most likely looking end of July/Early August. I'm happy/excited/nervous/terrified about reaching this point. But man, I sure have some doubts and issues about the whole thing. On the one hand, I've done a ridiculous amount of research and know the procedure backwards and forwards, yet at the same time I feel overwhelmed by the little things... taking the proper Vitamins... eating the correct calories... drinking enough Water ... eating the right things, etc. NO idea what to expect. Part of my issue is that I'm pretty down on myself for not being able to do this without help. I'd always been an athlete (football, baseball, tennis, swimming, etc), so the fact I let myself slip so far the last 10 years is quite depressing. I know this is the best thing for me, but it's hard coming to grips with. Another thing I worry about is that 2 of my favorite things in the world are enjoying good food and enjoying a good happy hour, and I know this will never be the same. And I know that's not necessarily a bad thing, as it's obviously led me where I am today. I have always been the stereotypical, funny, fun loving fat guy that always has a smile and a good time. I worry I'll lose that. Silly, I know. I've been stressed about should I go ahead and start a high Protein diet now to try and get as much off as possible prior to surgery, or should I go on a food world tour to say so long to my favorite foods, at least for a few months. I know that's probably not good for me, by, as I said, I'm stressed about it. Anyway, had to get that out there. I am very appreciative of this forum, and I look forward to getting to know you all.
  17. Outstanding! You need to post some pics so we can see what 200 lbs looks like.
  18. Update! Finally got my sleeve on September 20. The surgery apparently went very smoothly, and honestly has been so much easier than I ever anticipated it would be. I've had no sore throat, no problems getting my liquids in, very little pain (though I think the pain pump in the hospital might have a little something to do with that ). i was able to eat a full cup of broth, Jello and a jello pop the day after surgery, and now that I am home I'm not taking any pain medicine and have no problem functioning at all. I'm amazed at how smoothly this has gone for me. Really it makes me nervous, as I'm kind of waiting on the other shoe to drop. The only problems I'm having are getting in calories and Protein. My calorie high so far has been < 300, and my protein high is 44g... both of which I know are extremely low. I know they'll both jump when I progress to the next eating level... just worried I'm not getting enough right now. Anyway, just wanted to say I'm ecstatic, and anyone debating having this surgery, I HIGHLY recommend.
  19. All of that looks great a few weeks down the road, but what about on week 1, where you can't have things like Greek Yogurt and eggs yet? I'm 4 days out and really unsure what I should be eating to get in the protein.
  20. Geeewhy

    Do you have a scale?

    I have this guy and I'm very pleased with it. I was 465 at my peak and it never yelled at me Great scale
  21. Nice! Get it all out of the way at once!
  22. Options: 1. "Well mom, if it makes you feel better, my stomach will not be cut in half. It's really more of a 1/4 - 3/4 ratio." 2. "Mom, which would you feel better about... a) me not having the surgery, living an unhealthy life, and dying young - or you learning to do with my having a smaller, yet unholy, stomach" 3. "God gave us the knowledge and technology to be able to do things like this... isn't it kind of a slap in the face to not appreciate that?" Keep in mind... I'm a bit of a smart-ass.
  23. Good luck! Day 1 of the rest of your life.
  24. Add me to the list of 9/20'ers! Very much excited about it!
  25. I'm getting sleeved on September 20, and I'm currently scheduled to play in a golf tournament the weekend of October 15. Is this realistic?

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