ok, i have not had the surgery yet, im still waiting for my psych evail and then a date....but in the mean time im having these weird things going on...for the past 3 months or so .......if i take a sip of any liquid or taste any food, I all of a sudden get this weird sensation, taste in my mouth( not metallic) and then dizzyness comes over me in my head to the point where i think im going to pass out and then just as fast as it hit, the feeling is gone.........one time i was laying down in bed and when i turned over it happen'd also......doesnt matter if im sitting , standing , lying down or what ever....it just comes and goes in a matter of seconds...........I did go to my doctor but the only explanation he had was that it was anxiety or panic attack....??? Never had one of them in my life before so i don't know how they feel....
I recently had labs done and all my numbers are elevated slightly with the exception of my triglycerides.....supposed to be at 150, mine are at 268 so the doc put me on fish oil pills last week...not sure if that has anything to do with it? ..Just wondering if anyone had similar experience and got it diagnosed?