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Texas Gal

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Texas Gal

  1. Texas Gal

    FINALLY!!! Onderland!!

    I am very excited for you and SOOO can't wait to be there myself. Only 8 more pounds before I can say that I am under 200 for the LAST time in my life. See you on the losers bench soon.
  2. You are absolutely beautiful and you look AMAZING!!!
  3. I have added a picture of myself from my birthday 9/12.

  4. Carolina Girl....you are 39 lbs down already. What are you doing? We had our surgeries the same day and I am only 29 lbs down. I say 'only' because of your number not because I think my number is bad. I am very happy but need some help with what you are doing on a day to day basis. I am getting an exercise bike on Sunday and I have a Zumba video that I just got yesterday. Let me know.

  5. Texas Gal

    Throwing ALL my clothes in the dryer!

    I did this same thing this past weekend and when I put some of the clothes on this week - THEY WERE STILL TOO BIG!! Woo Hoo! Thanks for sharing...I'm sure many can relate.
  6. I am 6 weeks out as of Friday and yesterday and today have been quite difficult in just plain eating. I have been eating fine for a couple of weeks and haven't changed what I am eating. I still chew, chew, chew but everything seems to just sit in my chest. It never comes up. As a matter of fact, I haven't thrown up at all with my sleeve. I get in everything I need and the tight feeling in my upper chest eventually goes away but for some reason this is happening every time I eat. What is going on? Any ideas? Has anyone else experienced this?
  7. Texas Gal

    Having trouble getting food down!!! Help!

    Soon2BMiniMommy, I will definitely try that. I know that I'm not shoveling food in my mouth by any means but that conscious effort to eat slower does seem to have vanished a bit. I will keep it in mind for my dinner tonight. Sometimes it takes a little reminding every now and them.....THANKS for the reminder. Debbi
  8. Texas Gal

    Having trouble getting food down!!! Help!

    Kelly, Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, it is EVERYTHING I eat. It's awful. I am planning on having Tilapia for dinner so hopefully it won't happen with that. We'll see.
  9. Texas Gal

    Things I now know

    I am 3 1/2 weeks out and I am rolling on the floor laughing at this thread. I had all of the above issues. Leave your inhibitions at the hospital because you will do things you never thought you would before the surgery. I will tell a little story now.....after surgery later that night I had gotten up to go to the bathroom. The sharts had already started. I went to the bathroom, did my business, got up and had to prop one foot up on the toilet to wipe because those nasty catchers were in the toilet and I couldn't reach. Well, I had to take one leg out of my undergarments. After I went for a small walk down the hall I came back into my room and realized I had just walked down the hall with my undies around the ankle of one of my legs. I looked down and noticed that I had a small little bit of shart on my undies also. I took those things off and buried them in the trash. I was mortified......so I stayed in my room for several hours after that.....too ashamed to go back in the hall. The only reason I went back out there is because I was forced to by Nurse Cratchet!! Just thought I would share my horror story!
  10. Texas Gal

    Moving On

    That is SO AWESOME! I am 3 weeks out from surgery and have been stalled at 19 lbs. So hearing your victory is encouraging. I, too, know stalls happen but going through the first one is somewhat disheartening. Keep up the good work......I am very excited for you.
  11. Texas Gal

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Well, you sparked my interest. I just started using it yesterday. Everyone please add me....MiniDeb.
  12. These posts explain a lot to me. Friday this week I will be 3 weeks out and I am SO tired. I am struggling to get in my protein though so that might be part of it. I can't stand the taste of anything. I try to force it but it is so hard when you don't like anything. Suggestions please!!
  13. I remember that time too. The way I talked myself through it was to remind myself that I was doing that because I wanted my liver to be just right so that I didn't have any complications. I just kept thinking that I was avoiding complications and that helped. I promise the pre-op time will fly by. I am a little over 2 weeks out from surgery and I promise you.....it really DOES get better.
  14. Texas Gal

    unflavored protein

    I work in Dallas but live in Arlington. We'll have to have lunch soon.
  15. I was told I could start my mushy phase today. For breakfast I had an egg over-medium and I cut it up really good. No problems. I could only eat about half of it though. I kept the rest and ate it about an hour and a half later. Success! For lunch I had a 1/4 cup of Chicken Salad that was VERY well blended but I could only eat about a 1/4 of that. 1) I am scared to death of moving on to this stage. and 2) I got full really fast. I felt that one burp that I now know is my limit so I stopped. I have the rest to snack on for the rest of the day. I just want to say how excited I am that this went as well as it did. I am SO excited.
  16. Texas Gal

    July Master List

    I was sleeved on July 29th by Dr. Dirk Rodriguez in Dallas, TX. I am 8 days post op and just trying to get it all together.
  17. Ladies and Gents.......Please, Please, Please tell me I am not alone here. I am drinking constantly (or so it seems) and when I add up all of my liquids, I am hitting maybe 40-45 oz. WHAT? That can't be. I am SOOOO SCARED right now. I promise I am really trying but it's not working. And to top it off, I am trying to work in the protein. Like that's going to happen if I can't get in my liquids. I broke down and cried my eyes out last night and this morning. I have a call in to the Dr. office to see what they say but I really don't know what to do. I sip, sip, sip...like it has been drilled in me. I try just a little bit larger drinks and that hurts so back to just sipping. I have to have everything room temperature because cold stuff just hurts. All I can say is HELLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Texas Gal

    unflavored protein

    The only thing about all of this (in the Full liquid stage) is that everything is sweet. I am not a sweets person AT ALL. Everything sweet before surgery was only tolerated occasionally and now I just can't stand it. I can only eat/drink so much broth and creamed soups too. HELP!
  19. I had my surgery on Friday, July 29th. the nurses bragged about me to the next shift and so on.....I was up walking, I had already defecated, etc. My only issue then and now is the pain in my chest, in my left shoulder and on my left side. It was that way at the hospital and now at home. I am a sipping fool but sometimes I feel that I am going too fast even though I'm sipping. My gas pain is so HORRIFIC that I just want to cry. Is anyone else experiencing this? Had experienced it? How long does it last? I am out walking, trying to stay mobile but also rest at the same time but I am NOT getting any relief. Please help my fellow sleevers! I'm begging for relief.
  20. Texas Gal

    One Year, 92 pounds

    You look AMAZING! I don't even know you but what comes to mind is....I'm so proud of you. I know........that was a little weird but I say what's on my mind. Great Job!
  21. WOW...WOW...WOW!!! You look AWESOME!
  22. You are definitely an inspiration to me. You look GREAT!
  23. M2G......only one word needed - BEAUTIFUL!!! Keep up the great job.
  24. Thanks everyone! Now on to my next questions...........when does the diarrhea go away? and when do I stop feeling the gurgling in my chest? I can't tell if it's still the gas or if it's hunger. I know my mind is playing with me - telling me that it wants to eat. Hey, I'll be honest....I would love a mushy bowl of refried beans right now. Probably wouldn't help the gas problem but it sure sounds tasty. I would like anything with substance.

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