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Texas Gal

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Texas Gal

  1. First, I am 11 days out and I tried to mush up and eat a baked potato today for lunch to no avail. I tried at least 4-5 bites to see if it got better but it didn't. It is a mushy food and I am allowed to progress but it didn't work. Suddenly my chest felt tight and just uncomfortable then my heart started beating so that I could feel it just sitting there. Why is that? Is my stomach just not ready or is this one of those foods that I won't be able to eat again? I had butter, very little sour cream and melted cheese. Was it the melted cheese? Was it this Dumping Syndrome thing that I still don't understand? Help!!! I want to be able to eat a baked potato again someday.
  2. Yesterday I found out that my sleeve surgery date is Friday, July 29, 2011.....only a week and a half away. I am so excited and SOO nervous!!! I am ready to be on the other side already. If only there were a way to go to sleep then wake up and it's over. OH WAIT......that's called surgery. Well I'll just say this....I'M READY! I'm most nervous about complications and the what-if's AND the cost of the what if's. I'm a cash patient so if ANYTHING happens as a result of the surgery, I'm up a creek....or might even be 6' under. See, my insurance won't cover the surgery or any medical complications resulting from the surgery. Well that stinks. Looks like my Dr better be on his game that day. No jacking around inside my belly mister! I hope I'm one of the 'good' statistics. I guess I should start praying now. I'm nervous about throwing up, being nauseous, not losing weight, hair falling out, saggy 'girls', mushy stomach....I could go on but I think you get the picture. I begin my pre-op diet this Friday, one week from my surgery. I've already warned folks that it would be best to not talk to me next week.....I might be SLIGHTLY on edge. Hey, it's fair to warn them. If they cross my threshold, whether at work or at home, it's at their own risk. Heck, they might even get eaten. I'm trying to decide what I want my 'last meal' to be - I love Mexican, Italian, American, Chinese.....do I need to go on? NO!!!!! That's why I got here! Oh well, whatever it is I KNOW it will be AWESOME! That leads me to where I am today.......WAITING!!! Excited and Nervous! I am so thankful that my family is supporting me. My confidence is growing with their words of encouragement. I must go for now...I just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings. Thanks in advance to all of you on this site. It has REALLY helped me - it helped with my decision, learning do's and don't's, what to take to the hospital, what to purchase for after the surgery, etc. I have been a reading-fool on this site. LOVE IT!
  3. New Hope....Dr. Rodriguez did my surgery. He used to work with Dr. Stowers. I have met Dr. Stowers and absolutely love him. And you will too. I go in for my 6 month follow-up on Friday and I am happy to report that I am 55 lbs down. I love my sleeve. Believe me, you will say that one day soon!!!! Good Luck!
  4. OK, I need some help! Here lately, just after I eat, I feel like food is sitting in my esophagus. It feels like a lump in my throat and I feel I need to burp but can't, then I burp a lot, then I can't burp and so on until it finally dissipates. What is going on? I'm not over eating...this happens when I eat anything. Any ideas?
  5. Texas Gal

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    Status Update as of 11/27/2011 Current Weight: 196 Christmas Challenge Goal Weight: 185 Lbs to go: 11 lbs 1 month.....getting nervous, will I make it? I will definitely try.
  6. Texas Gal

    I Did It!

    I MADE IT TO ONEderland!!!!!! WOW, this place feels awesome!!! Look out world cuz there is no stopping me!!! I knew this day would come and I knew it would feel good but I honestly didn't know it would feel this amazing!!! I am smiling from ear to ear! Good Luck to anyone who tries to take this smile off my face. Woot Woot....Par-TAY!!!
  7. I am over the TOP right now. This morning the scale showed that I have now lost 40 lbs!!! AND.....I put on a pair of work slacks this morning that I have not worn in "8" years. YES, 8 years!!! WHAT A FEELING!! Of course my boyfriend had to ask why I still have slacks from 8 years ago. Well, because they are classic work slacks that won't go out of style and I had hoped that one day I could wear them again. AND I CAN!!!
  8. I had to add here that as of today I weigh 200 EVEN. I can't wait to no longer see a 2 in front of my weight EVER AGAIN!!!! ONEDERLAND here I come!!!
  9. Welcome to the Loser's Bench! It's a great place to be. Keep up the great attitude and outlook - THAT alone will get you very far in your journey.
  10. Thanks to all......I am very happy but realize that this is only the beginning. I tend to be a slow loser but I will get there. It's not a 50 yard dash, it's a marathon. I love shopping in my closet and the thrift stores are GREAT! The ONLY issue I have currently is the hair loss. It started at two months out and now it's been going on for about 5 weeks. It hasn't let up and I don't know how much more I can lose until you see the scalp. It is getting VERY thin......it started out thin and fine. Now it's broken and thin and fine. I've hear the stories of how hair grows in 3 month intervals but I want to know how long this usually lasts. I can't stand having to keep sweeping up and vacuuming up hair.
  11. Texas Gal

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    I'm jumping in.....this is my first challenge. I know I can do this.....I just have to focus. Current Weight - 202 Christmas Challenge Goal Weight - 185 Lbs to go - 17 Let's do this!
  12. Texas Gal

    I love my sleeve!!!

    Awesome....and you do look like one of the school kids. I can not wait to be where you are. I am moments away from getting below 200 for the first time in probably 10 years. I know I will be where you are but right now I just can't wait to get under 200. Way to go and keep it up!!!!
  13. How happy you must be!!! You look unbelievably amazing in your LBD. I can't wait to buy one myself.
  14. Texas Gal

    Almost 4 months post-op

    What an awesome post! Congrats!
  15. Texas Gal

    Never in a million years

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look awesome! I am SO inspired!
  16. Texas Gal


    You look amazing!
  17. Texas Gal

    My biggest success Post-VSG

    I'm very glad to hear that mommy and baby are doing well. She is beautiful!!! Congratulations!
  18. WOW!!!!!!!! You look AMAZING! You don't even look like the same person now. I am 3 months post op (7/29/2011) and I am down 37lbs. I think I'm one of the slower losers but that's ok with me. It's coming off and I am very happy so far. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
  19. I cannot figure out how to add friends and I feel very silly! Please help.
  20. Texas Gal

    Adding Friends.....

    Thanks, I am adding you. I appreciate you responding.
  21. Texas Gal

    Wow, so much attention!

    That's what I call a TOTAL transformation! You look amazing.
  22. Absolutely Amazing!!! You look wonderful.
  23. Texas Gal

    First time I'm sharing pics

    You look AMAZING!!! Great job!

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