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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Beth323

  1. I am home. Stayed in the hospital 1 night. Moving around slow, but ok. Am on a full liquid and trying to get down some runny cream of wheat with unflavored protien, I find the protien drinks and liquid tylenol are soooo sweet. I see a few other people cannot drink the shakes what are you doing?
  2. Beth323

    What are your fears??

    I just posted on the main forums. The surgery and healing does not worry me. But..... What if this does't work? Will I keep it off? I have successfully lost a ton of weight before. But can I keep it off? What if I am a failure at this too? That is my fear
  3. Don't know if I am excited, nervous, apprehensive . Surgery itself doesn't bother me it will be my 5th in 6 years for one reason or another. I usually bounce back quick. What if this doesn't work? I have tried everything else and have lose up to 70 lbs doing things like WW but I fall back into old habits and gain it back. I go back to eating not healthy AND eating way too much. What if I fail again? What if I fail again? .....
  4. Beth323

    Do u drink pepsi and coke??

    I use to say Diet Pepsi was better than a Valium. And no I don't take valium. My husband would walk in the door with a D Pepsi for me when he knew I had a bad day. There is nothing like that first sip. Preparing for the surgery I gave it up 1 month ago. I won't say I will never have any again, if I am at a social function etc I may. But when you look at the health statistics they are not good. The weight lose for people drinking diet pop are slower than those that don't drink it. I do not know if the chances of ulcer increase with it or not either. I am doing the surgery to be healthier, I figured I spent about $500.00 /yr on Pepsi. I guess I can afford that Gym membership now.
  5. Beth323

    I took before pics...

    I was debating on doing this. But I think I will, and yes thank God for digital I can take, print and delete! Now to figure out where to hide them. Hmmm
  6. Beth323

    I took before pics...

    I was debating on doing this. But I think I will, and yes thank God for digital I can take, print and delete! Now to figure out where to hide them. Hmmm
  7. This is a great place to receive info and get support and encouragement. Welcome. Please read thru the posts and if you do not find the answers please post. I am sure one of the fantastic people on the forum will have an answer! Looking forward to following your progress
  8. When looking at our options daughter and myself, The hospital stay was the same as LB The instances of complications are extremely low. The recovery is a little longer in the beginning but then not having to go monthly for fills is a big plus. Then my daughter and I had to look at our weight and the weight loss percentages each surgery averaged. We are both around 300LB ;(. LB averages 40+% of total body weight, VS 50+% and bypass 60+%. Then the chance of gaining the weight back. You can with all the surgeries. Since we have a lot to loose we chose the VS, Do the research, look at your life style, see what best fits for you. And good luck to you
  9. Beth323

    I'm Sleeved!

    Each day will get better, Keep sipping that water, napping and walking, envisioning yourself 1 year from now.
  10. Today is the 2 week mark for me 10/7/11. So far I am not nervous, just excited. I have all but kicked my caffeine habit. Pepsi went a month ago. I am a HUGE coffee drinker, Dr says decaf is fine. So I have my self switched over. I have increased my water/flavored water. You will do fine. Keep yourself busy, Continue to focus on yourself. I am looking forward to watching your progress when we are on the other side of the sleeve
  11. My husband does most of the grocery shopping. He is self employed where I am on the clock 45-50 work weeks. Anyway he went shopping today I had a small list started. Well, my cabinets are packed full, canned soups, vegetables, fruits, cans of beans, and more. TONS of stuff for the full liquid and mushy stage. Not everything he bought is "correct" but I will never tell him that.( I will tell my son to eat those things up).Because of his work my husband has not gone to any of the meetings with my daughter and myself, I do not know if he has done any on line research. But he is very supportive. I am speechless on the time, energy and thought he had to put into today. I am so lucky and blessed. My daughter and I are in the 2 week diet window now, so we are coming down the home stretch getting our sleeve. I am soooo excited to start my new life!
  12. Beth323

    I was sleeved mondy!

    I am still pre surgery, I have a hunch the what you are feeling is perfectly normal and that several of the post sleevers felt that way too. I am excited for you and good luck on your journey. Keep us posted.
  13. Good one on the plastic folding chairs, I know if I hit the ground it would take 3 men and a fork lift to get me up. Or those blasted mold plastic chairs the stay on your arst when you stand up.
  14. Beth323

    Advice for Family Members

    Have you explained the surgery? How different it is laproscopic vs opening you up? That the risks are lower than having a baby? The long term side effects are pretty much nonexistent after 4 weeks and your healed? That's when the chance of a leak has diminished? That you run a greater chance of medical disasters if you DON'T do it? The risk of cancer is higher in the obese, Heart attack, diabetes, loss of mobility Joint problems? I work in a extended care nursing facility. The younger residents (60-80ish) most are grossly overweight with multiple problems that they can no longer care for themselves, These are also the residents who can't go on outings most cannot participate in activities because of their limitations The (80ish to 100+) are your skinny minnies. Look out do not get in their way, They go on the outings, daily activities etc! Have you told your Mom you love her dearly and see how she struggles on a daily basis and is missing out on so much in life, That you want to take this step so you can be there for all the moments in life, Weddings, Graduations, Christmas's, Travel vacation's.? Good luck to you. If you cannot get your Mom on board focus your energy with those that are supporting you. Your Mom will come around when she sees you successes
  15. I am Pre op yet (10/7/11) I have mod Gerd. Through the day not bad but I really have to watch my night time intake or I really suffer when I go to bed. My surgeon says he looks around when he does the sleeve and may throw in some type of stitch at the top of the stomach where the esophagus attaches that helps. He did say some poeple will have to take medicatin the rest of their life. I hope all goes well with your tests
  16. 1. make it up the 3 steps of the camper easier 2. fit into the camper recliners more comfortable 3, more room in the camper shower 4.wear a nice sundress not a MOOOMOOO ! 5 fit into an outside recliner ( Ya we love to go camping/rving) 6 ride my bicycle 7 walk around Cedar point with my family (no rides artificial knees would take a beating) 8 not sweat like race horse 9 buy clothes in a regular store. I think all of us have that on our wish list 10 fti into booths again 11 fit into small cars without the seat belt gaget point me in the arst 12 fit into the beautiful rockers on my front porch 13 spend a saturday afternoon in the hammock. AND get out of the hammock! 14 take a both in my jacuzzi tub AND get our of it! 15 kneel on my artificial knees, ( don't know if this is possible but the less weight on them should lessen the pain. even if I can kneel on one momentarily would alow me to get out of the jacuzzi 16 IF one of the young adult children should get married look good as the Mom being ushered up the aisle and in all the wedding pics. 16 live to see my grandkids if there is any in my future 17 take care of business in the bathroom a little easier (those are the things we don't like to talk about but do exsist) 18 walk along the beach in the sand 19 dress up on halloween 20 get a massage without being embarrassed ( usually give a huge tip hopefully making up for my size) Well that s 20 things on my wish list. My daughter is also getting sleeved. She will be 21. I am making her a basket with all these wishes and using several others I am getting from the forum and listening to her wish list on individual cards that I am decorating up, so when she hits those I HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF moments she can go thru them and focus on the bigger (smaller) picture.
  17. 1. make it up the 3 steps of the camper easier 2. fit into the camper recliners more comfortable 3, more room in the camper shower 4.wear a nice sundress not a MOOOMOOO ! 5 fit into an outside recliner ( Ya we love to go camping/rving) 6 ride my bicycle 7 walk around Cedar point with my family (no rides artificial knees would take a beating) 8 not sweat like race horse 9 buy clothes in a regular store. I think all of us have that on our wish list 10 fit into booths again 11 fit into small cars without the seat belt gaget point me in the arst 12 fit into the beautiful rockers on my front porch 13 spend a saturday afternoon in the hammock. AND get out of the hammock! 14 take a bath in my jacuzzi tub AND get our of it! 15 kneel on my artificial knees, ( don't know if this is possible but the less weight on them should lessen the pain. even if I can kneel on one momentarily would alow me to get out of the jacuzzi 16 IF one of the young adult children should get married look good as the Mom being ushered up the aisle and in all the wedding pics. 16 live to see my grandkids if there is any in my future 17 take care of business in the bathroom a little easier (those are the things we don't like to talk about but do exsist) 18 walk along the beach in the sand 19 dress up on halloween 20 get a massage without being embarrassed ( usually give a huge tip hopefully making up for my size) Well that s 20 things on my wish list. My daughter is also getting sleeved. She will be 21. I am making her a basket with all these wishes and using several others I am getting from the forum and listening to her wish list on individual cards that I am decorating up, so when she hits those I HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF moments she can go thru them and focus on the bigger (smaller) picture.
  18. My daughter and I have our surgical dates! Mine is 10/7/11 and my daughter is 10/12/11! Woot woot! We do a 2 week pre op diet. I decided to start it early though so I started it today. I have given up my dear Pepsi 2 weeks ago. My family went to Frankenmuth (for those of you that do not live in Michigan it has the most wonderful chicken! The dinners are servied family style to the table) on Thursday. Kinda like the last supper! Anyway I bought myself a cute top size xl from their gift shop with plans to wear it there next year in Oct. I am currently in a 3-4xl I am still not getting nervous. But for some reason am getting very excited
  19. I am getting sleeved 10/7/11 and going to a 3 day conference 11/9 11/10 11/11 Then driving to a 3 day scrapbooking crop. I will pack my protein shakes, yogurt, small cottage cheese. Will pack down a small insulated lunchbag so I can take things with me for the day. My Dr increases your diet texture pretty quick if all is going well so I hope I am on regular food and will be able to pick at the protien on the plates. I have decided not to worry or lose any sleep over this. Our life will go on we just need to do a little planning, Tell people you have severe food allergies what they don't know won't hurt them. Good luck enjoy your seminar
  20. Beth323

    Calling all Nurses!!!!

    It will keep getting better, Get your protein and water in and rest alot at home. Everyday will get better
  21. You will be sleeved when you read this. Today is the first day of the rest of your life! I am excited for you! After the weight comes off and our stomach are well healed we can eat like any other normal weight person, The key word is moderation and excercise to keep it all in balance. What a fantastic life it is going to be!
  22. I love diet Pepsi, I would call it my Valium. Tthere is nothing like that first sip. However we needed to say good bye. Fri coming home from work I knew there was no pepsi at home and I was about to pull in to the corner store and stopped myself. My surgery is not till 10/7/11 but I knew I had to bit it goodbye. So I made the decision that Fri 8/26/11 was the day. Now if I have to bid good bye to my coffee, I am ok with decaf ,I might get a lillte rhymes with witchy! I like SoBe H2o and also stocked up on some flavored ice tea.
  23. Beth323

    Missing work??

    I am having surgery 10/7/11 and returning to work on 10/17/11. My work takes your vacation when you are off for FMLA . My vacation year goes from sept to sept. I don't want to burn all my time I want to enjoy some vacation next summer in my new body. My Dr had this surgery himself and only took 10 days off also before he was back in the OR.. I can sit quite a bit at work but it is very high stress ( I am a Nursing Supervisor) I think barring any complications I will be fine. I am soooo excited to start this journey!
  24. Beth323

    Where are the 50s ???

    I got my date! Oct 7th Woot ! Woot! My Dr normally does not operate on Friday, but is going to for me! I plan on taking 1 week off and this way I will have 2 weekends giving me the total of 9 days. He won't do my daughter on that Fri so she is going to have her Surgery 10/12/11. Which I think is a good idea, I will be off from work from my surgery and I can be at the hospital on her day to be just Mom.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
