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Lisa the loser

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lisa the loser

  1. I am were you are I have been at a stall for 1 month I am 4 mo out as well I jazzercise 3x's a week and I do track my food I have been a slow looser through this whole process but now nothing I know personally for me I was at this weight for a long time before I gained so I am starting to think this is a comfortable weight to my body also being you didn’t have much to lose (under 100) as I did it does seem like it takes longer to drop. Good Luck keep pushing we will get through this !!! :)

  2. Yes, I agree. You have to eat to lose. If you are not taking in enough calories you will not lose weight because you body thinks it is starving. Our bodies want to stay alive and it will do what it can to stay that way. Up you calories and decrease you exercise a little and I bet you see a difference. Good luck.


  3. You probably are NOT eating enough to compensate for the calorie burn. I know it doesn't make sense, but I went through the same thing. I was burning crazy calories 5-6 days a week and only eating like 500-700 day and losing NOTHING!! I was saddened!!

    I up my caloric intake to over 1,000 when I exercise. Yes, I have to snack ALOT to get those calories in and sometimes eat Protein bars, but it works! I also only exercise 2-3 days a week now instead of 6!!

    Try upping your calories/carbs on the days you workout. I bet you will lose!

    Kelly ;)

    Thanks Girl, I will try.

  4. Ok so as of 8/5/11 I have gradually gotten into a regular exercise routine. I have been doing the elliptical 5 times a week and just last week started jazzercise. I for the first time have been tracking my food on my fitnesspal.com and get in no more than 800 cal. a day and for the past 2 weeks I haven’t lost any weight ?? Can someone help me understand that?

  5. Well as I have said before have been a very "slow loser" during this process but come on?? A 10 pound gain OMG!!! I was crying I don’t know what to do so right now I am on day 3 of the 5 day pouch test. I am getting super depressed I am starting to think this posses is not working as I expected and kind of regretting my decision against bypass. I know don’t judge. Any advice or words of encouragement will be appreciated.

  6. Hi! I was sleeved April 13th. Started at 210 and weighed 169.4 this morning. Sounds line we are on similar tracks. :). I am very happy with the speed of my loss and I am learning what I can eat and what I can't. Seems every day is different.

    well great to meet you . It's always nice to know someone going through the journey with you.

  7. Yep, agree with Foxbins. I have the same issue. Some days are better than others. Not a lot of input = not a lot of output.

    I would be happy for once every 5 days!!! :) Try once every 10!!! I have tried stool softners and Miralax (either nothing or way too much for me to leave the house) I just want to be normal !! So I searched this site for information on it, one guy said he took fish oil ..well I got some yeaterday so lets see what happens. I will let you know. Good luck

  8. I have lost 55 lbs so far and absolutely love my sleeve to death. I wanted to show the difference those 55lbs have made so here goes.post-7384-13813656970711_thumb.jpg After the loss of 55 lbs.

    post-7384-13813656989059_thumb.jpg 1 month post op

    post-7384-13813656982907_thumb.jpg 1 month post op

    post-203981-13813131953286_thumb.jpg 2.5 months post op

    post-7384-13813656995067_thumb.jpg] 2,5 months post op post-7384-13813656970711_thumb.jpg] 4 months post op

    wow you look great!!!

  9. you are doing great really, 29 pounds are just a bless. I had 80 LBS to lose and am around ur time out 2 months and 12 days out, I have lost 30 pounds up to today:) SO BE PROUD , there is nothing wrong u are doing and in a little over 3 month u will be so much little away from ur goal weight :) Chin up girl XO

    aww thanks so much, dont be suprised if I am asking your advice again its nice to know someone who has had surgery around the same time as you.

  10. Hello Lisa,

    At 9 1/2 weeks I had lost 29lb and I had just over 100lb to lose... I don't think you are a slow loser at all... I think you are doing well and over a quarter of the way to goal... in just 9 1/2 weeks... that is pretty good!!

    One thing that I tend to do - as I am a real slow loser, but still losing - is to up my Water intake... sometimes that really helps!

    I did make a massive mistake, and that was comparing myself to others... my body is just resistant to change and doesn't like getting rid of any fat! A couple of mths ago I hit a major stall where I didn't see any scale movement for about 6 weeks... that took me to a real dark place... fortunately I came on here...read some great stuff and didn't lose my mind completely!

    Keep doing what you are doing... don't compare and try to enjoy the journey... it will come off, but we are all different and, I think, that is a good thing =]

    Thanks so much, I needed to hear that.

  11. I have the Atkins shakes .. they are not enough Protein for 1 day. At least not one. Also, they are higher in fat. Try a different type of Protein Drink. I use the GNC Wheybolic extreme 60 they are delish. Especially the chocolate. 3 scoops is 60grams of Protein and only 10 fat calories. It is extremely low on fat, sugar and carbs. I have lost 31 lbs since June 1 (pre op diet start date) and of that 31 - 25 has been since my surgery date of June 9th. You can do it!!!!!!!!!

    I guess I was confused, I have the GNC wheybolic extream 60 and my dr told me it had too many calories ?? I dont have it in front of me but I thought it had 260 per serving??

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