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Lisa the loser

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lisa the loser

  1. I know. I really want to tell my friends and family about my sleeve, but I haven't lost more than 20 lbs in a month and a half. Some people lose that in two weeks, and I don't want them to think I am failing. However, as long as the scale keeps moving in the right direction I will try to stay positive.

    I thought my 17 was great at 11/2 months until I looked at everyone elses weight loss by that time too, hey I know for sure my skin is doing a better job then most and I know one I do make it to goal i will appricate every pound I loss. Good Luck keep up the good work

  2. Lisa,,,, Vent away! It is hard not to compare ourselves with others....

    I am happy with how much I have lost, ....BUT....it is very hard for me to try to stay away from the long range thoughts... like most people on this forum have 100 pds or less to goal.... I started my journey at such a high weight that it can be overwhelming to me that I have to hit a 180 pound loss...

    I look at others and they hit thier goal with a 60 pound loss or a 80 pound loss...and it gets to me... again, it is so very hard not to compare ourselves with each other..but we have to try and ya know what... YOU are losing, so that is great! Keep pluggin along and you will reach goal, we just got keep fighting the fight!!!

    Good luck to you my friend.

    well you look fantastic!! We will do this thanks so much for the support !!!

  3. I haven't tried the store clothes yet! Isn't that weird. I was so used to buying everything from Lane Bryant or Roamans catalogues. All these years of catalogue shopping. I still have the mindset that nothing is going to fit me in the store! hehehe. . . Now I use what doesn't fit my daughter anymore or the smaller clothes I had saved as I was getting fatter. . and that does pretty good. . . i did buy 1 new uniform from the uniform store though and that was neat. . . PS: I hate shopping and try by all means to avoid it! Ugh

    You must !! with all that weight loss no one could stop me from shopping !! LOl well I am sure you look great no matter what you wear :)

  4. I went to "rite aid" of all places and bought a costume off the rack !! wow it feels amazing to be able to wear a "normal " size!! Those plus size costumes were expensive!! LOL OH and I have a size 12 LBD no spandex ..LOL and it fit wow that felt really good !! with my slow loss and the scale playing tricks on me :rolleyes: its nice to feel that, expecially when I am not only comapring my self to others , other are comapring me to others..a close frind I work with has a aunt that had vsg she is 1 month post op lost 37 pounds!! AYYE hard to hear when I have only lost 57 in almost 6 months well whatever I am trying to stay positive "TRYING" ..LOL I will post pics angain on my 6 mo surgiversary and in my holloween costume!! Have a great day WLS family!!

  5. So today at work someone told me about another girl on another floor who lost 49 pounds by the time she came back to work (6 weeks) WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you serious ?/ I struggled to loose the 57 I have so far and i asked how much weight she had to loose total I asked if that was including her pre-op weight . under 100 and NO !! WHAT why is it so hard for me to lose why do some people lose so much faster UUGGG annoying ..sorry guys just need to vent soemtimes. :(

  6. If I had to do it all over again to be completly honest I would have to say I dont know ..there are many days I feel like I should have just gotten RNY my loss is sooo slow and I cannot help to compare myself to others I would never never say I wouldnt of had WLS ! 100% YES I would do that again but as for the choice of procedure I may have changed that one ..soory to be a negitive nelly :(

    I will be 6 months next friday!!

  7. I told my co-workers only because I think it’s kinda obvious when you’re gone for 6 weeks then come back and have lost weight and keep going. Told my Family but not my younger children they have flappy lips and there are some people that I would rather not know, but if someone does ask me directly I have had a tediously not to lie

  8. We all have them, and yes they can be infuriating. Currently I have been on an extended slow losing run for 6 weeks. Yes I get down, want to say to heck with it and just eat whatever and sometimes do. So here are some things that help my sanity. :-) feel free to add yours.

    Remember your body is in shock and completely new territory and is adjusting. This requires it to go against most of it's normal processes. So remember that at your caloric intake it can not last, it will eventually break the set points and natural ability to conserve resources. And you will lose.

    You made this choice for the remainder of your life, while we all want to wake up tomorrow at our sexiest weight and physically be able to do anything we want, it is a process and that will come. We are in for the long term benefits. Enjoy the ones that are already here and set some smaller goals so all progress is celebrated!

    Tied to that one above, remember sexy is a state of mind as well as physical

    While I'll admit, what straight man doesn't like Angelina Jolie?

    A woman that is confident in her body and carries herself with passion and determination is crazy alluring!!!

    We all have that passion and determination by the very choice we have made, I am a sexy man now *confident smile* and it is only gonna get better! Woot, *cue "hey Micky he's so fine" with a remake inserting Pasquini in place of micky*

    Stay focus on your eating plan. It will work, make sure you are writing everything down!!!!! Those carbs add up quick. I use daily burn on my iPhone the free version. This is huge!!!

    When the scale isn't cooperating, try to notice how your clothes are fitting, are they loser. Wile I have only lost 6lbs in 6 weeks, I am wearing some med shirts and can't wear the xl's I bought 6 weeks ago.

    Tape measures are helpful here, measure!

    Ladies remember you have your lovely hormones that fight you like Apollo Creed in the first rocky movie! They do not work in your favor. But they do make you captivating to us men, well 3/4's of the time ;-).

    Remember in rocky 2 Apollo got his a$$ kicked! Your gonna beat those pesky hormone into submission.

    All loss is progress!

    All stable weight is progress! It means your not gaining!

    As we lose we are becoming the total package! All those years thinking my personality is so much better than hers/his. Well, we still have that and are on our way to the healthy body to match.

    And as someone else on here says

    Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin!!!

    Stay focused enjoy the ride and make it happen.

    Love you beautiful people!


    And yes I am single ;-)

    Nicely stated!!

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