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Lisa the loser

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lisa the loser

  1. Hi all my weight loss sugery friends!! wanted to pop on and say hello to all my 6mo + peeps see how you all are doing. i was sleeved 4/21/11 in san deigo starting weight day of surgery 206 size 18/20 today i am 148 10/12 I feel so much better i still have a ways to go being I am 4'11 I need to be around 115 but I am happy to be at this weight , it has been a long time since i have been here. Thank you for all you support this journey has been ruff but you all keep me saine , Also wanted to ask you all about scar treatment I am very light complected and my scrs are still PINK ?? so any advise, has anyone used scargaurd?? any way her is some before and afters I know I love to see everyone elses..LOL The first 3 are hallowween weekend the last one is before and after at 3 months.





  2. Hi all my weight loss sugery friends!! wanted to pop on and say hello to all my 6mo + peeps see how you all are doing. i was sleeved 4/21/11 in san deigo starting weight day of surgery 206 size 18/20 today i am 148 10/12 I feel so much better i still have a ways to go being I am 4'11 I need to be around 115 but I am happy to be at this weight , it has been a long time since i have been here. Thank you for all you support this journey has been ruff but you all keep me saine , Also wanted to ask you all about scar treatment I am very light complected and my scrs are still PINK ?? so any advise, has anyone used scargaurd?? any way her is some before and afters I know I love to see everyone elses..LOL The first 3 are hallowween weekend the last one is before and after at 3 months.





  3. The girls at work oh why ?? why do I ever bring up weight loss to them ?? I mentioned I am in a medium top ( dont ask how this came up) and this one chick that is supposed to be a good friend says " you havent lost much weight lately have you?? I am all " i lose 10 a month on avarage" she says I lost 10 a month for the past 2 months with no surgery ??? wow ok mind you she is a pretty big girl I really couldnt tell at all but whatever, friggn haters man just cant stand them. I just remarked well i have dieted and lost before in my life and just gained it back so thats why I did it, she replys well if you dont diet and exercise of course you will gain it back.....i was done at that point just made an excuse to walk away ..people are sad

  4. I was sleeved in April of this year. I was at 326 when I started my program. I was somewhere around 309 when I started my pre-op liquid fast. As of today I am at 253. I'm happy with my progress and proud of what I've accomplished. Unfortunately, I am a slow loser in terms of those in my program so I get a lot of negative feedback there which is why I've come to this forum.

    I kept my surgery private. Just my choice.

    I am a very healthy fat person except that my knees are shot. I will be having 2 knee replacments and I dread it. This surgery was to give those operations and my future mobility a shot. I'm older, at 50, but I have a few good years in front of me and I don't want to spend them all on the couch!

    The plus side of this surger to me:

    The restirction. Yes, there are days when I wish I could eat more like I used to but I tell myself to woman up and suck it up. It's not like I didn't have time to eat all the great food I wanted to in my life. I hate to say this (because there are times when I know this just isn't so) but in terms of my relationship with food, I had to face that I simply needed to grow up and accept that this is what I had to do. So far, after 5 months (including the liquid fast before) I'm able to be at peace with this situation. Frankly, that is a great suprise. I wasn't sure if I would be one of those people this threw into a funk or not. Glad to say not at this time.

    Now, unfortunatly, there are some real negatives. And I think that knowing them and being aware that they will or might happen is a big part of what helped with my acceptance stated above. For me the negatives have been:

    1) Serious issue in the first 3 months with low blood sugar. So many have high blood surgar pre surgery that those of use with low blood sugar get over looked and my surgeon couldn't have cared less. I would wake up every morning 2 hours before my alarm shaking and concerned about the walk to the bathroom. Had to sleep with a Protein drink in a thermos by my bed and when I woke drink, and then dose back off until I found my strength. When I finally got to 600 calories a day, this issue resolved itself.

    2) Bad headaches, ironically basically hunger headaches, the first 3 months. Again, the surgeon blew it off. He does not like to hear any negatvies. But I had daily headaches and took boat loads of tylenol. My vision would blur and I was really afriad I had just traded disabilities. They also cleared with 600 calories a day so if it happens to you, know it will get better.

    3) Constipation. I can't say it enough, CONSTIPATION. I hate Miralax. It gags me. I have used 3 bottles of the suppositories in 3 months. This didnt' start until 1 month in. Honestly, I know it seems silly, but I didn't think it would be this bad. Like when I was a kid and they told me about having periods every month, I thought for sure I could dodge that bullet. But most of the time I am torn up and in mysery. I only pray I don't die like Elvis minus the drugs.

    4) Oddly the bagging clothes are driving me nuts. It's not just about weight loss but all of the spandex. Even if I think I have bought something that fits, it fits at 9 a.m. and is falling off at noon. I'll be glad when i settle into a size and can have things that fit.

    So that's where I am. I try to stay off of the scales. I really am doing this about health, not looks. At 50, the looks ship has sailed. I want to be in "regular" sizes some day, maybe next year this time. Otherwise I'm not in a big hurry and am trying to just let myself not be driven by food. I think the more I ride the scales, the more I am still living the life of a fat woman and I want that to be behind me some day.

    I think you doing great you can see by my stats why I feel that way ( slow loser's rock) LOL really you are stay strong, also i have to drink "slow move tea" all natural health food store too but totally works I drink every day I go every day now prior to that every 10 days UGGG it was horriable so i feel your pain

  5. Hello WLS Friends I am comming on to ask any advise or tips for any of you 5+ months out for jump starting your weight loss, what do you do change you eating exsercize ?? what let me know. My boyfriend has a big Christmas party coming up 12/9/11 and I really really want to lose as much weight as I can before then .... let me know your tips peeps!! Thanks

    P.S I am 6 month post op tommorro YAY I will post some pics!

  6. I know!! This were per his nurse.. and he said based on his experience... I as adamant about getting an answer directly from my surgeon, so he emailed him our email exchange.. I hope to know something soon... I'm hopeful that I can keep it in...

    Thanks for responding!!

    No problem glad to help, Good Luck!

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