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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by 5McK

  1. 1 week follow up with my surgeon this morning! I'm down 24.5 pounds!!! :)

  2. 13 days post-op and the scale hasn't moved in days. Could this be the dreaded stall??

  3. 169 lbs this morning! Lowest my weight has been in 14 years!! Plus, I've now lost 61 pounds! Woot! Woot! :)

  4. 2.5 pounds more to lose before I weigh less than my hubby and 6.5 before I hit my Christmas goal!!! PLEASE NO STALLS NOW!!!

  5. 2nd 11 day stall and finally this morning the scale dropped 1.5 pounds!!! Whew. I was starting to worry.

  6. 4 week checkup went very well! Doc & Nut were both happy with my progress!

  7. 40 pounds gone! Another 10 pounds and it will be the lightest I've been in 15 years!!!

  8. A 12 day stall...followed by a six pound loss....followed by another stall?!? Agh!!!!

  9. After an 8 day stall, I'm back on the Loser's Bench!

  10. Amazing what stress does to a body! I was up 2.5 pounds before a big board meeting. Handled everything and I've dropped 1.5 in 24 hours.

  11. Danced for two hours during John Mellencamp's concert last night! Couldn't have done that 6 weeks ago!!!

  12. Day 10 of pre-op diet! Down quite a bit of weight, but I"m most excited because I'm getting sleeved in just a few days!!! Woot! Woot!!!

  13. Day 11 of pre-op diet and the hardest yet! :( I'm so hungry that it hurts! Plus I'm extremely emotional. Surgery on Thursday thankfully.

  14. Day 3 post-op and I"m doing so much better!

  15. Day 5 of pre-op diet. Down 6.5 pounds which is awesome, but I'm soooo hungry! BUT I CAN DO THIS!

  16. Day 5 post op. Feeling good, but I've been having stomach spasms for the last 2 days. :(

  17. Day 6 of pre-op diet. After a very hungry day 5, I woke up feeling good and the hunger pains had disappeared. Hope they stay away!!!

  18. Day 6 PostOp and I'm feeling great today!!!

  19. Day 7 of "the stall".....really hope it kicks back in soon.

  20. Day 7 of pre-op diet today...which means tonight I will be half done!!! Come on October 6th!!!

  21. Day 9 of pre-op diet. I've been losing 1/2 to a pound a day. Yesterday I lost 1.5 and totally jumped the 220 milestone! Yay!!!!

  22. Day 9 of the stall...... :(

  23. Decisions, decisions....what doctor to use?????

  24. Enjoyed the holidays too much! I've gained a pound! Hahaha! Last year I gained like 10 pounds! Time to hit it hard tomorrow!

  25. Feeling in the groove!! :)

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