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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by 5McK

  1. Oh VST...how I've missed you for several days!

  2. 5McK

    Post-op Gallbladder Issues

    At about 10 weeks out, I had two gallbladder attacks in 4 days. Scared the crud out of me!! Painful too! I'd never had one before and I hope to never have another!! I did find that if I have one, drinking 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of Apple juice will take the pain away within 30 minutes. (Gotta love home remedies) I do not want to have another surgery unless absolutely necessary.
  3. 5McK

    I Still Want My "beyonce"

    Yep. I lost my boobs and my butt. Both now look deflated to me. Sorry.
  4. Need prayers for a rough patch our family is going through right now. Thank you.

  5. I also hated greek yogurt! So many people have sung it's praises on these boards, but the taste was bitter to me. Glad to hear I'm not the only one!! As for your full feeling, in the beginning, make sure you are not eating too fast. I would take a bite, put my fork down and either talk to the others at the table or if I was dining alone, read a few sentences in a book before taking another bite. This gives the food time to make it down to Sleevie before taking another bite. I found that when I'm full, I hiccup. I've also found that if I take one bite more....it's not going to stay down. Luckily I've been at home the couple times this has happened. Good luck on your journey!
  6. After an 8 day stall, I'm back on the Loser's Bench!

  7. I'm actually the opposite. A few days before I start, I can barely eat. After I finally start, I ease back into my new normal eating habits. I do crave sweets much more during that week though.
  8. 5McK

    Can We Talk About Underwear?

    My favorite underwear I got FREE from Victoria's Secret in a promotion they had just before Christmas. I think they are "Body By Victoria". They look tiny but stretch well! They also don't show panty lines under clothes. Gotta say that since I've lost weight, VS and I have a "thing" going on! I love buying pretty underwear!!
  9. 5McK

    I'm In The Hospital

    I'm so sorry that you have had this set back on your journey. I hope that your recovery is speedy and that you lose a lot of weight during this time so that something positive comes out of it! Stay positive and know many of us are praying for you!
  10. My NUT warned me not to go sugar-free. She said things like dizziness and nausea would occur if I did. Make sure you are getting some sugar into your diet. Hope you get feeling better soon!
  11. I had been so looking forward to cottage cheese when I came up on mushies...and then I tasted it and ran for the bathroom. Sleevie & I still don't see eye to eye sometimes. I lived on shredded chicken and mayo during mushies. I also ate scrambled eggs nearly every morning. Other than that I couldn't tolerate much. I've found my taste buds changed since surgery (I'm 13 weeks out). Yogurt and cottage cheese still taste bad to me. I had a small bite of banana bread over the holidays and had to spit that out too. I do crave broccoli (go figure) and meat now (specifically steak). I have a little ice cream several nights a week to satisfy the sweet cravings I still get daily. Listen to your body, but don't be afraid, like BrownDoesAll said, to try it again in a few days. Sometimes Sleevie can just be temperamental!
  12. 5McK

    1 Year Post Op Checkup

    Congratulations on your amazing journey so far!!! You are a tribute to what this surgery can do for people!
  13. I truly had not thought about it like that, but you are correct. I used to dread getting up, going into my closet and trying to find something that fit....I still have those problems now, but that is because most of what is in my closet is too big!!! Great problem to have. Welcome to the Loser's Bench!
  14. 5McK

    Self-pay: Is It Worth It?

    I received a medical loan through Care Credit for my $14,600 bill. It is 0% interest for one year. Worth looking into if you can make the payments to pay it off in a year. I have noticed a significant drop in our grocery bill since I started this journey and while I won't save $14K the first year there alone, I know that over time it will be much, much larger! Plus, all my co-morbidites are gone....no snoring, lower blood pressure, diabetes, etc. That will save me money on prescriptions!! As for weight regain...everything in life is what you make it. If you go into this with a positive, can-do attitude, then it will be a great experience for you. Do your research in all areas and make your decision with a clear heart. Good luck in whatever you choose!
  15. 5McK

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    I'm making an aggressive goal of having lost almost another 20 pounds by February 14th. I was losing about 4-5 pounds a week prior to Christmas, so I think I can do this if I get back on track (I've enjoyed the holidays a little too much). SW: 179 pounds GW: 160 pounds
  16. Enjoyed the holidays too much! I've gained a pound! Hahaha! Last year I gained like 10 pounds! Time to hit it hard tomorrow!

  17. Hang in there ladies!!! During my first 8 weeks I stalled TWICE, each lasting 14+ days. I was angry, sad and frustrated....but, I did find that the inches were melting off during that time. Then it was like I hit a groove and lost good numbers after that for the next month. Stick to your program and this will work. You will get through the stall and when you hit goal you will look back and realize that it was just a blip on your radar in the whole scheme of things. I'm stalled again now, but it could be more holiday related than anything. Darn those family members and their sweets!!!
  18. I'm 12 weeks out and would be happy to participate!
  19. Going shopping! Need smaller pants again! Yay!!!

  20. Met my Christmas goal this morning!!! I've lost HALF of my excess weight!!! :) Merry Christmas to me!!!

  21. Had my first gallbladder attack on friday...second was today. Not fun. :(

  22. You are not alone in the slip or the reaction! I slipped last Friday and ate three small chocolates. Left to pick up my daughter from basketball and while in the middle school parking lot, got the worst abdominal pain of my life (and I've had 3 c-sections and the VSG)! Started sweating horribly, had the pain, I seriously thought I was going to die. You can bet I won't eat chocolates again!!!
  23. I weight less than my husband now!!! Yay!!!!

  24. A very sad story. Each of us takes a risk with this surgery. I hope everyone does their research on hospitals, doctors and possible complications. I know that I walked away from a surgeon because my gut told me it wasn't a good situation. I waited longer than I could have and drove a hundred miles to the next largest city, to have someone I felt comfortable with perform my VSG. I also explained to my husband and kids that no matter what happened, I was having this surgery for a chance at a longer, healthier life and I choose the situation I was walking into. I hope this family finds peace.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
