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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by saints=love

  1. saints=love

    September Bandsters

    I was looking forward to being banded but after really thinking && researching alot more I've decided to have the gastric sleeve instead, I think it will be best for me.
  2. Also I had no comorbidities
  3. hello I really identify with your situation I started my journey a year ago yeah last September! well my weight stayed at 210-220 so after being denied 4 times even having my appeal denied! so I said you know what ihave to do what I have to do to get my surgery.I went against my rules and better judgment gained weight maintained it till I was finally aporoved. im 5'5 so my weight needed to be 240 so I got up to about 235 felt miserable. Strapped on a 5 pound weight ate a healthy meal put my keys and phone in my pocket wore layers. lol iknow it sounds crazy but I was finally approved in July.
  4. omg lol im ending this debate ok with all smiles deal...deal
  5. saints=love

    Poor Endoscopy results

    I have a question about this my bloodwork showed that I had high levels of bacteria in my blood that form ulcers. I have my upper GI tomorrow, but my question is could I have ulcers im not sure what the symptoms are...
  6. lol I clearly stated my point... pick a center of excellence for the best care you ever hear you get what you pay for is that any clearer for you...
  7. saints=love

    Worst Decision I ever made!

    hopetolose your so right it could be hard having to travel to && from Mexico imagine if it was a emergency
  8. saints=love

    Worst Decision I ever made!

    nite run your right im not trying to be rude but im being honest surgery is no quick fix && I do not know her particular situation as to why she went to Mexico but people who go there have more complications generally
  9. saints=love

    Worst Decision I ever made!

    why dont you give the band a chance instead of complaining && possibly discouraging others from surgery there's always a 50/50 chance with surgery in mexico seriously a hit && miss some reviews are good some are bad you should have went to a center of excellence to ensure quality care ihope you succeed with your weightloss best of luck<3
  10. blondee they're not criticizing the doctors in Mexico any seminar you attend in the states they tell you if you dont decide to go through their facility atleast choose a center of excellence so you know for sure you'll have the very best treatment when you have your surgery.
  11. lol they do it because they want to make sure your not crazy && where your mindset is not suicidal either
  12. it honestly depends on your type of insurance sorry but your moving through the process pretty fast goodluck on your journey <3
  13. saints=love

    September Bandsters

    omg @ Zen you look wonderful congrats to you on your success <3 your truly a inspiration to me not exactly on a preop diet ijust have to lose 5 pounds ihave yet to start it im a procrastinator ugh!
  14. saints=love

    September Bandsters

    iwill be banded in September not sure about the date yet im nervous im not really going to be on a pre op diet my dr just wants me to lose 5 pounds ihave my exercise && nutrition class September 12 after that they'll give me a date it'll be here in no time!
  15. first iwould like to thank all of you for being a inspiration to me. Ok so my whole lapband process started in may 2009 iweighed 296.50 49.03 only 20 years old idecided I no longer wanted to be obese well morbid obese its weird iknew iwas big but almost 300 pds was a deal breaker for me ineeded a change. So iwent to my dr she's the type to not want young patients to have surgery if they're not up in age so she said how about you come back in a month do some blood work if you lose weight on your own then I'll put you on Phentermine so isaid ok well a month later I only lost a pound but she was happy so from june 2009 till april 2011 iwas taking diet pills which to be completely honest ifelt like iwas going semi crazy im in college so its hard for me to study && focus my entire sleep pattern is off istopped taking the meds by choice because they were no longer aiding me but hurting me im sorry im still rambling idont mean to confuse anyone but in September 2010 me and my dr finally decided lapband is whats best for me through that 6 month monitored weigh ins I've done the psych eval nutritionist class heart test all of them said lapband would be great for me my bmi was my lowest bmi was 36.61 when my papers were submitted my bmi 37.44 iwas denied twice by my medical group I submitted it to my insurance June 1st 2011 that process was horrible iwas denied they said there was nothing special about my case because I dont have any co morbidities although my family has a a strong history of diabetis on both sides so iwas so defeated so iguess you can say igot kinda desperate because in June iweighed 231 im 5'5 soooo idecided to break all my good judgement && eat everything in sight iknow iknow iknow thats insane but ifeel like I've been doing everything my dr wanted me to do now ifinally want my surgery only to be told no your moderately obese wtf is that obese is obese so ihave a weigh in this week ihope I've gained weight just to be at bmi 40 my question is will I be approved no questions asked or will there be more hoops for me to leap through thanx for your time sorry ican never make a story short
  16. saints=love

    My Lap Band Story <3

    bloodworks all done upper gi will be done August 29th time is reallyyyy flying
  17. saints=love

    My Lap Band Story <3

    just saw my surgeon he's really nice looks like I only have to get blood work done && a upper GI then I'll have my exercise && nutrition class im so excited looking forward to being banded in September NO LATER<3
  18. saints=love

    Aetna *** approval????

    typically its never quick when you go through your insurance but if you pay it seems to go faster also most insurances want to see if you attempted weight loss or have a weight loss attempt documented my insurance is different but so far my journey has been going on since September && im still not banded lol im going to be banded in September damn near a whole year! but take it from me all we have in life is time so why not wait however long it may be as long as iknow my decision will better my life && the rest of my time its so worth it goodluck to you && your Journey<3
  19. its so weird as you lose more you still find imperfections or your still not satisfied ifeel as though itook 208 for granted now im 234 blah! but im soon to be banded more motivation to stay on the right path<3
  20. Congrats to you stay on track<3
  21. saints=love

    My Lap Band Story <3

    @rn2012 what I've realized telling others about considering weight loss surgery you get a ton of conflicting feedback some are supportive but then some say "your not even that big" lol what does that even mean?! but good for you to make thee decision thats best for you these months will fly by soon enough keep me posted iwill do thee same
  22. saints=love

    My Lap Band Story <3

    finallyyy ihave a office visit with thee surgeon August 17 im excited!!!
  23. @ whitetiger istarted my journey in September 2010 also && still waiting to see a surgeon wth is taking soooo long both departments are confused one said we're waiting on your packet the other said we're waiting for insurance approval but why? when my medical group ALREADY APPROVED ME UGH!
  24. saints=love

    My Lap Band Story <3

    @NJ just playing thee waiting game ugh ihate it but I've been waiting half of my adult life so a few more weeks won't kill me but itotally agree iprefer my medical group apposed to insurance because the insurance have a 30 day or 45 day approval wait imagine waiting that long only to be denied ugh iwas sooooooo upset lol also what is your current weight?
  25. saints=love

    My Lap Band Story <3

    @ sparkplug lol exactly my point thanx for making me feel better my family thought iwas insane eating like there was no tomorrow iknew ihad to do what was best for me! omg ifeel so bad carrying this extra weight but ihave to maintain a bmi of 40 ok to update you July 13th iweighed in my bmi was 40.60 yaaaye so I resubmitted my paperwork through my medical group went to a seminar on thee 23rd && im currently waiting to see a surgeon they're taking forever to call me idunno why if iwas approved for 2 procedures a office visit && a follow up visit? im going to a support group this Saturday because its mandatory but im really hoping to get a call this week!

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