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Miss Lili

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Lili

  1. Miss Lili

    Any 9/30 Mexico Surgeries??!!

    hi!!! I will be there on the 29th!!! see you there!!!!
  2. Miss Lili

    Any other Canadians out there?

    wow! that is fabulous! and a really good price too.. the others in Montreal are un in the 20-22k range! good luck then!!! you will be right following me!!! let s keep in touch!!!
  3. Miss Lili

    Would you go to Mexico alone for surgery?

    I too am going alone in two weeks! My hubby is still in Europe with his sick mom, and because it is on a wednesday, difficult for my working friends to take a week off. I am sure I will be more than fine!
  4. Miss Lili

    Scared to be skinny

    hi! I hear ya girl... I have no idea what it is to be thin either! I, as many others started out looking into the band and then changed my mind. I researched (obsessively!) and I am sure it it the best for me too! I have always been overweight.. even as an athlete (yup.. training 25 hours a week) I was still the biggest in the team. As I look at pictures now, I see that I was *normal*..but back then I was still considered overweight. I am soooooooo ready for this. 2 of my new sleeve friends have had theirs done in the past month, and they are doing great! I feel like I know what i am getting into, know how I might feel, etc... the one thing I do not know, and can not imagine, is being thin....I suppose that it is because I have been big for a long time. I own absolutly nothing that does not fit me (gave up that game a long time ago!), and I have no fairly recent memory of me being smaller. And you are right, old habits die hard eh? The fear of failure is still present. As I poured over the zillions of stories, blogs, videos, pictures... the excitment is there, and yet that little voice says ``it works for others, but maybe not me``... So I have tried to keep positive, surrond myself with positive people, created a support group just for me..to hold myself accountable...(you see..fear of failure!)... I agree with the above posts, bring your hubby to a meeting! There are way too many success stories out there.. and even if there are risks (as any surgery), the greater risk is not being healthy! ok..enough babble... good luck!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  5. good luck Kim!!!!! will be thinking of you!!!! LISA
  6. hey!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYYAY!!!! me too me too.. on the 29th!!!!! yahoo!!!!
  7. Miss Lili

    Nervous about Mexico Surgery!!

    Hi! I am getting the sleeve with Dr.Rodriguez in Juarez! You probably don t need to do the bloodwork, but I wanted to be sure to rule out anything if there was a problem. Same for the ekg. It is free here to do those tests in the public health care system, and I just wanted to be pro-ative! I knew I was a bit low on my Iron, so with the tests I was able to know that it was close to normal. I know they will be doing their want tests when I arrive, but I have faxed my results anyway, that way they know more about me! For the other specialists: I went to our provinical website for all nutritionists, and sent out emails to anyone listed in my area. In the email I explained my situation, and reqeusted anyone who had specific experience with barriactric patients. I got tons of emails and call backs. It was actually quite easy to rule many out, either by the tone of their emails, or even easier when I spoke to them on the phone. The lady I went with was just a great fit for me. Really open and easy going, and was a nurse in the barriatric section several years ago. Same for the personal trainer.. sent out emails, and based on the responses, choose one. I really want this process to be enjoyable, even if hard at times, so I am trying to surround myself with positive people. Another thing I did was select several friends that I know will be of great support to me and created my own support group. As I told them, I want to share my experience and also be held accountable (yup,, the old fear of failure is still there...). Some of my friends are local, but most are in different countries. I will update them with emails and photos. I tried a blog, but I am not sticking to it... facebook is too public for me (have way too many people connected to my work there).. and UTube is not personal enough for me... So I emailed my friends to ask them if they would participate! Ok.. please ask me any other questions you want!!! :thumbup: talk soon LISA
  8. Miss Lili

    Nervous about Mexico Surgery!!

    hi! I too am going to Mexico, as I am unable and unwilling to pay 3 times the price here in Canada. With the money I have saved, I have hired a nutritionist and a personal trainer. I also did all my blood work and an ekg last month (not necessary but figured why not) and had my family doc check it out. I have scheduled for blood work and other tests 3 months post op. If I was in the public systeme here (or even private) I would have access to a nutritionist only a few times. And there is a wait time. This way, I can see her when I want and as often as I want. I am not worried at all about aftercare. I have done all my research and know what I need to do!
  9. wow!!! So inspiring!!! yay.. CONGRATS!
  10. hi! I am going to Dr.Rod on sept 29th. One of my friends had surgery with him in August and loved every aspect. She went to Juarez (as am I) and really thought everything was top notch. I can give you more details when I get back!
  11. hi! no she had the sleeve...
  12. wow!!! congrats!!! I love your caption of focusing on yourself.. that is it for a lot of us... taking care of everyone and putting ourselves last.No more.. time to celebrate us!!!!Very inspirational!!!
  13. hi! I have a friend who just got back from Dr Rod, and she is doing great! she is in her mushy stage now, and she couldn't hack it. Dr Rod told her she could go to soft foods slowly. She was sleeved aug 14, saw her yesterday, she has lost 25 pounds, and is strong and feeling amazing! I can not wait for the 29th!!!!!
  14. Miss Lili

    September sleevers wanted!

    hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted, was away for work. My date is changed to the 29th, still with Dr.Rod, still in Juarez. Had to postpone, as my dad is in the hospital. He will be ok, but I could not leave until he gets out, and that I know all is fine. So, on to another 2 weeks of post-op... the 1st 2 weeks worked well = 14 pounds gone! Good luck to everyone this month!!!!!
  15. Miss Lili

    IMG 1004

    wow wow wow!!! congrats!!! what an inspiration!
  16. Miss Lili

    sept 2006

    what a stunning pic!!!! you look amazing!
  17. Miss Lili

    This is me after losing all my weight with lapband 150lbs.

    wow! you look great! congrats!
  18. Miss Lili

    where are the heavyweights?

    hi! I am here too! Have about 200 pounds to lose.. surgery on the 29th! can not wait!!!!!!
  19. hi guys! Just back from my month long work trip. While I was gone, my dad had to go into the hospital.... So I have changed my surgery date to the 29th , still in Juarez. Anyone else there then? well..at least I am down 14 pounds from my pre-pre-op diet!
  20. Miss Lili

    First Procedure

    For any Canadians out there, many doctors here recommend Cuba for PS. servimed.com is the link. Said to be great work, and really not expensive! There is alot of talk on a local forum about Boliva too. Little further to go, but again, the work is said to be excellent and at a great price. I am a month away from being sleeved, but I am already preparing for the next step!!
  21. hey guys! Just wanted to say bye... I will be away for about the next month! I really want to thank everyone here for all your advice, info and support. It has really helped me alot in making my decision!!! So... go go go - to everyone on or starting their pre-op diets! ( I will be starting mine soon too) CONGRATS ahead of time to all those having surgery while I am gone!! My thoughts will be with you! Wishing everyone an uneventful operation and speedy recovery! Have a good August! See and talk when I get back! (yahoo.. by then I will be REALLY close to my big day!!!)
  22. Miss Lili


    hi! I too agree with everything written above. The most important thing is that YOU are happy with what you decide to do. It is hard when our close friends and family don't agree with us, but in the end, this is your life. And once they see how healthy and happy you will be, they will probably come around. I think most of us here have encountered some resistance to our decision. For me, it was the fact that I am going to Mexico. But education is key. People are often afraid of the unknown, and this is an unknown area to alot of people. I went over the facts, and explained everything, and most of my entourage is 100% behind me. But again, in the end, YOU make your own decision, and do what is best for YOU! And this forum is sooo great! Support is always just a click away...
  23. I am not that worried. I live in Montreal, and we get about 5 murders a week, so really.. any bigger city is dangerous! And..if you google map the hospital, you will see that it is right off the highway, and not in town at all, so I am sure it will be fine! :sad0:
  24. I too am going to be sleeved with Dr Rodriguez on sept 14th. I have read lots of good things too! Good luck!!!
  25. Miss Lili

    Changes in friends

    I am so sad to read about these things. I too am nervous about one of my closest friends, who is also overweight. I already have the feeling that I can't talk about the surgery as much as I would like to with her. She was supportive at first, but now makes a point of mentioning how fine and comfortable and accepting of her weight everytime she sees me. I am really worried about this. We have been friends for over 15 years, and yes, part of our bond is that we are the two, cool, outgoing fat chicks. I am finding my non-overweight friends are really excited for me, and are always asking lots of questions... seem more interested than she is. Hopefully it will blow over. I am about 6 weeks from the big day, and I find myself being very reflective, and digging deep down inside me, wondering how much of my personality is due to my size. My constant need to please everyone certainly comes from wanting to be accepted..and although I have/am living a great life, and my weight has never stopped me from making the most out of life... I guess subconciously, it did play a role at making me who I am. Will I change? Time will tell.. hang in there guys! and thanks for listening!

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